DeSantis himself has less than a perfect record on this issue. The only governor what batted 1.000 was that smokeshow up in South Dakota.
Fair point for sure.
DeSantis himself has less than a perfect record on this issue. The only governor what batted 1.000 was that smokeshow up in South Dakota.
That would be absolutely devastating if they take Moldova. My life would never again be the same, if that happened. Whatever can we do to prevent such a catastrophe?
Do you think that the south is more racist now than in the 50's to 60's? Do you think that the south has become more small government conservative or more big government liberal since the 60's?How many of you idiots think Lincoln was a conservative?
Nobody ever called Strom Thurman or George Wallace, liberals. Nobody ever called Jay or any of the Rockefellers conservative.
Barry Goldwater was a conservatives conservative yet when he ran for president in 1964 the only GOP leaning state he won was AZ…the other states he won were LA, MS, AL, SC and GA…all at the time controlled exclusively by “Democrats”….or more accurately, Dixiecrats.
Putin doesn’t care who’s an ethnic Russian and who isn’t, he just wants the Bessarabian Gap. Another check mark on the to-do list.They'll take part of Moldova by referendum. The people there will choose to join Russia, because they are Russians and it would make them much richer; if they prefer to live as a part of Russia then we shouldn't stop them byvirtue signalingblood sacrificing Ukrainians.
The south is less racist now than the 50s and 60s thanks to big government forcing it on them federally. That has contributed to much of the resentment we see today.Do you think that the south is more racist now than in the 50's to 60's? Do you think that the south has become more small government conservative or more big government liberal since the 60's?
Ignoring reality doesn't make reality go away. You can make statements like you did but 14000 ethnic Russians were killed in Donbas since 2014 and after Biden was elected he went into Ukraine. A huge area of Moldova has already seceded from the country and want to be part of Russia. You can not like it but lots of people see the US and NATO as predatory forces in the world. Our actions keep giving Putin ammo to perpetuate that narrative. It's hard for us to invade 20 countries over the last 30 years and say with a straight face "you can't just invade another country".Putin doesn’t care who’s an ethnic Russian and who isn’t, he just wants the Bessarabian Gap. Another check mark on the to-do list.
It isn’t “a huge area” Transnistria is a small strip on one side of a river. I don’t disagree with much of what you said about NATO and western alliance hypocrisy. But applying the same ethnicity and motivations from the Donbas, Transnistria, and Crimea to Western Ukraine, Odessa, and larger Moldova is ignorant and foolish at best, straight Putin propaganda at worst. Regardless what I said remains true, Putin doesn’t care about any of that. He wants the Bessarabian Gap and he’s trying to take it.Ignoring reality doesn't make reality go away. You can make statements like you did but 14000 ethnic Russians were killed in Donbas since 2014 and after Biden was elected he went into Ukraine. A huge area of Moldova has already seceded from the country and want to be part of Russia. You can not like it but lots of people see the US and NATO as predatory forces in the world. Our actions keep giving Putin ammo to perpetuate that narrative. It's hard for us to invade 20 countries over the last 30 years and say with a straight face "you can't just invade another country".
You make some good points. This worries me to death, almost as much as "Covid" does. Between worrying about Putin and "Covid", it's a miracle that I have not already had a nervous breakdown.It isn’t “a huge area” Transnistria is a small strip on one side of a river. I don’t disagree with much of what you said about NATO and western alliance hypocrisy. But applying the same ethnicity and motivations from the Donbas, Transnistria, and Crimea to Western Ukraine, Odessa, and larger Moldova is ignorant and foolish at best, straight Putin propaganda at worst. Regardless what I said remains true, Putin doesn’t care about any of that. He wants the Bessarabian Gap and he’s trying to take it.
I wonder what caused it. I wonder why excess deaths of all age groups for Americans keep increasing, even after "Covid" isn't causing the deaths. It's a mystery.American Children Are Dying at Highest Rate in 50 Years
I dont believe he has brought it up in a while. Maybe he finally learned to not talk about it anymore.Trump still hasn’t come clean when it comes to the dangers and ineffectiveness of the vaccine. He has literally got booed at his own rallies over it. He had his chance and was begged by many in his circle and still refused. He’s married to it at this point.
Right? Fuzz is a lost cause. He thinks Patriots bow down to government tyrants. They wouldn’t dare challenge their government. He doesn’t understand the definition of a Patriot. Me thinks he needs to read the 2A a few more times till the entire purpose of it sinks in.The Patriot founders of this country literally attacked their own government.
Please tell me what Schumer and Pelosi did with their “video evidence” presented to the biased “Select” J6 committee? Was that any different than what you accuse Tucker of?Tucker’s next video project will be to cherry pick through thousands of hours of WW2 video footage to put together a montage showing the Nazi’s generosity in offering the Jewish people an all expense paid scenic holiday by train to a sprawling resort in the Polish countryside.
Patriots don’t attack their own government. Nice straw man arguments by the way.
I wonder what caused it. I wonder why excess deaths of all age groups for Americans keep increasing, even after "Covid" isn't causing the deaths. It's a mystery.
No such animal while money is still used to buy or sell.A comprehensive peer-reviewed statistical analysis paper done on all gender-affirming surgeries in the country. I linked it last time we had this conversation.
False. Geeze man, you really are lost.Mao and Lincoln would both be Dems in the current coalitions. This is another problem with the two-party system I always rail against. You're always either this or that. Two is not enough choices to accurately represent the country's political beliefs. Let the smaller groups make coalitions on specific policy issues to assemble a majority. Not try to get just 1 over exactly half, or whatever threshold, with one party and then all vote in lockstep. We're a diverse country with diverse priorities and opinions that deserve to be heard. Even MTdumbassG.
I really hope whatever generation that comes after Z wakes up and stops the trajectory this kind of nonsense is on. If this is our future we are PHUCHED!
Most corrupt President in the history of our country. And you won’t hear a peep about it from the MSM.BREAKING: House Oversight Committee Shows Bidens Received $1 Million after China Wired $3 Million to Biden Associate | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft
The Biden family received $1 million after an associate received $3 million from China. This is absolute and total corruption and treason. Shocking news was released moments ago from the House Oversight
bidens rcd 1 milion after china sent 3 mil to biden associate
I want to have confidence in my banking system. Confidence in my banking system is what I want. I truly want that. Confidence. I want confidence 😫 In my banking system.
Non operative trans med care under the supervision of a doctor, psychologist and parents is nowhere close to the idiotic examples of smoking, strip bars and weapons of war.Wild take. I assume you’d be ok with lowering the age to vote, buy an AR, enter an adults only establishment, take out a loan, join the military, purchase alcohol/tobacco/etc as well. Pre-puberty, right?
I mean cutting your d#%k off probably won’t be half as regrettable as smoking a Marlboro 10,20 years down the road. Ever do anything you regret as kid? I know I did.
And as for under a doctors care…doctors aren’t above pushing for surgeries, abortions, diagnostic studies, vaccines etc that are unnecessary to put a bit of cash in their pocket or protect them from possible liability. The patients best interest often gets lost in todays healthcare.
Most corrupt President in the history of our country. And you won’t hear a peep about it from the MSM.
DeSantis himself has less than a perfect record on this issue. The only governor what batted 1.000 was that smokeshow up in South Dakota.
Could you imagine if this were the trump family?
Zero self awareness, you have.Non operative trans med care under the supervision of a doctor, psychologist and parents is nowhere close to the idiotic examples of smoking, strip bars and weapons of war.
Y'all just can't stand to let others live lives without imposing your own personal belief systems on them against their will.
This is the beginning stages of fascism I never thought I'd see in America.
Laws targeting gays, trans, women, blacks, teachers, and books.
Reminds me of a famous poem ....
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
— Martin Niemöller
I am struggling between "Told/You so" and "Your Highness"My pronouns are “Jesus follower” and “God exists.”
Non operative trans med care under the supervision of a doctor, psychologist and parents is nowhere close to the idiotic examples of smoking, strip bars and weapons of war.
Y'all just can't stand to let others live lives without imposing your own personal belief systems on them against their will.
This is the beginning stages of fascism I never thought I'd see in America.
Laws targeting gays, trans, women, blacks, teachers, and books.
Reminds me of a famous poem ....
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
— Martin Niemöller
Good God. What a terrible look for Trump. I had forgotten how bad this was.
Wow, so oppressed she managed to be elected as a State Representative.
The only oppressed people in our country are the ones that allow themselves to be.Oppression
So says the fascists in charge of rapist's parental rights, women's uteruses, kid's genitals, teacher's conversations, library books, doctor's offices, pharmacy pills, and what clothing males can wear and where they can wear it.Zero self awareness, you have.
- Yoda
Or the ones in the minority who have laws passed that take away their rights to control their bodies and lives.The only oppressed people in our country are the ones that allow themselves to be.