Fuzz, this post is utterly stupid in two respects, and utterly hypocritical in yet another.
Stupid, insofar as "stand your ground" is completely irrelevant to this particular incident. "Stand your ground" is an adjustment to the traditional self-defense law in that it removes the "duty to retreat" prong as a requirement to demonstrate self-defense. This is absolutely irrelevant to this shoointg.
Stupid, because only a FOOL compares the shooting of a trespasser on government property to the shooting of a burglar of a private residence. For you to argue that you could have been justified in shooting Babbitt had she tried to invade your home is as "intelligent" as argument as arguing that you could have been justified in shooting her if she was preparing a mass shooting at the post office.
Hypocritical, because if she was a member of Antifa who was killed under the exact same factual circumstances, except that it was a Kavanaugh or BLM protest, you would be the first to demand a murder charge for the shooting officer.