“Largely Ignored?” How about “Completely Ignored?”
“Largely Ignored?” How about “Completely Ignored?”
All the daily BS you didn’t like was created by the left every single ****ing day. You set the Forest on fire and then screamed and yelled because the forest was on fire. It went on for 4 years, every week a different topic.There is so much to unpack here. The Obama administration left a long and detailed plan on how they would’ve handled the spread of a deadly airborne virus and it has been proven that the Trump team completely disregarded it. Trump spent his whole presidency blaming the left for all of the problems that he created and you all soaked that up because it fit so neatly into what you had already thought of us. And frankly no, I didn’t like the things of the world from 2016-2020, all the nitpicky BS is kind of a big deal when they happened on basically a daily occurrence. If he was so great then he would still be president, at the end of the day, just because the stock market was good and gas prices were low, that doesn’t mean people will just look passed all the negatives that came with Trump and that’s why he lost to a “senile 80 year old man.”
trump didn’t lose jobs, those jobs were killed by dems with their intro to Covid just as Biden killed the keystone pipeline. Biden can’t go a day without shitting in his pants and you think he’s creating jobs. Only thing he’s ever created is personal wealth for he and his family at the expense of the American people by selling us out to China and any other foreign entity he could strike a deal with.That number probably comes from the fact that Biden gets the benefitting of claiming all the jobs that Trump lost during his presidency
As a president, you are on the hook for job creation. Every president has faced opposition from the other side, can’t use that as an excuse for everything that doesn’t go perfectly for you. You love giving Trump credit for what you say are the good things but anything bad is the Democrats fault, it doesn’t work that way. Trump’s inability to combat Covid, as our nation’s LEADER, at the time caused a horrible crash to our economy, over a million American deaths, and record job loss. He was ineffective as a leader for all Americans and that’s why he losttrump didn’t lose jobs, those jobs were killed by dems with their intro to Covid just as Biden killed the keystone pipeline. Biden can’t go a day without shitting in his pants and you think he’s creating jobs. Only thing he’s ever created is personal wealth for he and his family at the expense of the American people by selling us out to China and any other foreign entity he could strike a deal with.
You say you don’t vote on feelings after listing all the things Trump did that made you feel good. The Middle East, North Korea, and Ukraine, really? They’re all as screwed up as ever, mostly worse. But it’s ok according to you because he “actually does fight” with celebs on social media.Sorry not many really like trump, he really doesn’t have that likeable of a personality. We do like his policies however and the fact he actually does fight to make things better for Americans and America in general. You can debate all the nitpicky shit you want but until the democrat heirarchy aided in introducing Covid into this world this country was on cruise control. The only chaos was the left and their attempts to spoil the trump presidency and keep everyone up in arms about the bad orange man. Forget all the BS, if you didn’t like things of the world from 2016-2020 then you just don’t like living period. Record economy numbers, energy independence, peace agreements in the middle ****ing East, great job numbers for ALL including record employment for blacks and Hispanics. The USA was a respected power, no BS allowed under trumps watch. Think Putin would have pulled that shit with Ukraine, hell no ain’t happening.
Conservatives put their personal feelings aside when voting. We don’t vote with emotions and vote for senile 80 year old men, stroke victims or dead candidates because they have a D beside their name and that’s what we are programmed to do. You ought to open up your eyes sometime and try that it’s actually pretty ****ing enlightening!!!!
It does. Just as all media as part of society and culture have influenced every election. From Fireside Chats to Eisenhower’s first TV ads to sweaty Nixon vs. JFK to Obama and Trump on Twitter. In the 50s if you said something Marxist on air you got canceled. In 2022 that’s over different things. That’s life.Tell me how this BIAS 1. isn't real and 2. doesn't impact elections?
The BS will get thick with these answers. I bet no one on the left has the nutsack to credibly answer these questions.
Yet more people died under Biden in his first year than under trump. So much for shutting down the virus. And I will blame the dems as they are culpable in the manufacturing and release of the virus. I’d bet anything Fauci and those in the know have never taken the vaccine as they know it’s nothing but a lethal cocktail to many. Evil pricks all need a bullet to the head starting with Soros.As a president, you are on the hook for job creation. Every president has faced opposition from the other side, can’t use that as an excuse for everything that doesn’t go perfectly for you. You love giving Trump credit for what you say are the good things but anything bad is the Democrats fault, it doesn’t work that way. Trump’s inability to combat Covid, as our nation’s LEADER, at the time caused a horrible crash to our economy, over a million American deaths, and record job loss. He was ineffective as a leader for all Americans and that’s why he lost
Did you not watch our nation’s leaders take the vaccine on camera in an attempt to prove it’s safe? Trump himself almost died because he didn’t take COVID as seriously as he should’ve. Since when did we stop believing in the success of vaccines? Because Trump and his base said so? And your talk about shooting people is a little sick and shows some serious issues with you. We can disagree and argue on topics but for you to want people that you don’t like to die is pretty disgusting.Yet more people died under Biden in his first year than under trump. So much for shutting down the virus. And I will blame the dems as they are culpable in the manufacturing and release of the virus. I’d bet anything Fauci and those in the know have never taken the vaccine as they know it’s nothing but a lethal cocktail to many. Evil pricks all need a bullet to the head starting with Soros.
You cannot be serious, Obama did not leave a detailed plan for a pandemic that’s a joke. We have the CDC and NIH for pandemics. If Obama’s plan or lack there of is why we had a pandemic then both agencies should be disbanded.There is so much to unpack here. The Obama administration left a long and detailed plan on how they would’ve handled the spread of a deadly airborne virus and it has been proven that the Trump team completely disregarded it. Trump spent his whole presidency blaming the left for all of the problems that he created and you all soaked that up because it fit so neatly into what you had already thought of us. And frankly no, I didn’t like the things of the world from 2016-2020, all the nitpicky BS is kind of a big deal when they happened on basically a daily occurrence. If he was so great then he would still be president, at the end of the day, just because the stock market was good and gas prices were low, that doesn’t mean people will just look passed all the negatives that came with Trump and that’s why he lost to a “senile 80 year old man.”
Middle East went back to being shit when Biden was inserted into office. None of that took place under trumps watch. Feeling good about the economy, the direction of the USA and the world in general and placing a vote due to that feeling is vastly different than voting against someone because he’s just a meanie. Would be like cal producing a title every 2-5 years while constantly keeping us as one of the top basketball schools in the country but me still wanting him fired because I don’t like him. It’s all about results. Doesn’t take much knowledge to realize that, surely your smarter than that.You say you don’t vote on feelings after listing all the things Trump did that made you feel good. The Middle East, North Korea, and Ukraine, really? They’re all as screwed up as ever, mostly worse. But it’s ok according to you because he “actually does fight” with celebs on social media.
We all know our gov and msm would never push a fake narrative or lie. They are so honest. If they did something on TV it must be gospel truth.Did you not watch our nation’s leaders take the vaccine on camera in an attempt to prove it’s safe? Trump himself almost died because he didn’t take COVID as seriously as he should’ve. Since when did we stop believing in the success of vaccines? Because Trump and his base said so? And your talk about shooting people is a little sick and shows some serious issues with you. We can disagree and argue on topics but for you to want people that you don’t like to die is pretty disgusting.
Don’t you think hitler deserved to die. No place in this world for the evil that exist and make no mistake Soros is as evil as they come. I rank him right beside bin laden and would celebrate a bullet to his head just the same.Did you not watch our nation’s leaders take the vaccine on camera in an attempt to prove it’s safe? Trump himself almost died because he didn’t take COVID as seriously as he should’ve. Since when did we stop believing in the success of vaccines? Because Trump and his base said so? And your talk about shooting people is a little sick and shows some serious issues with you. We can disagree and argue on topics but for you to want people that you don’t like to die is pretty disgusting.
The green new deal includes nothing because it is a resolution not a bill. It is just a text of ideas to fight climate change and build back up the poor and middle class. It has no laws and no enforcement. It's just Congress being a useless Congress as always and proposing a resolution to discuss future legislation. I don't know why Congress is even allowed to pass these useless resolutions. It's just their way of wasting time and getting media attention. It's essentially their grandiose Twitter feed.
Hitler and bin Laden are not the same as Soros. Relax sickoDon’t you think hitler deserved to die. No place in this world for the evil that exist and make no mistake Soros is as evil as they come. I rank him right beside bin laden and would celebrate a bullet to his head just the same.
Biden also agreed that the US would not charge MBS of Saudi Arabia in the murder of Kashoggi. Biden got absolutely taken advantage of on this deal. SA immediately met with China after the deal and asked for admittance to brics.
I would have been for that not too long ago.As for mandatory military service, I would be ok with….. it would get some problematic young people off their ass and off the streets and hopefully provide some sense of mission and purpose.
Did you not watch our nation’s leaders take the vaccine on camera in an attempt to prove it’s safe? Trump himself almost died because he didn’t take COVID as seriously as he should’ve. Since when did we stop believing in the success of vaccines? Because Trump and his base said so? And your talk about shooting people is a little sick and shows some serious issues with you. We can disagree and argue on topics but for you to want people that you don’t like to die is pretty disgusting.
What are “results” to you are negatives to others. There is no objective measure of success like winning an NCAA title in politics. I see every issue you mention completely differently than you do. You “feeling good about the economy, the direction of the USA and the world in general and placing a vote due to that feeling” isn’t “vastly different than voting against someone because he’s just a meanie.” It’s exactly the same. There are many things encompassed in that “being a meanie” that directly impacts “feeling good about the economy, the direction of the USA and the world in general”.Middle East went back to being shit when Biden was inserted into office. None of that took place under trumps watch. Feeling good about the economy, the direction of the USA and the world in general and placing a vote due to that feeling is vastly different than voting against someone because he’s just a meanie. Would be like cal producing a title every 2-5 years while constantly keeping us as one of the top basketball schools in the country but me still wanting him fired because I don’t like him. It’s all about results. Doesn’t take much knowledge to realize that, surely your smarter than that.
Is everyone on here a whack job?Theatrics. Saline syringes. They’d never take the real anything like that on live TV. Hell, it was even in a fake WH set JB was in.
The risk of a reaction would be devastating towards controlling public opinion.
Just look what happened to the first US person that took it. That nurse collapsed moments later and has since disappeared from existence. Alive? Dead? Who knows. Even investigative reporters can’t figure it out.
Can’t pull that off with a public official if something goes south.
Is everyone on here a whack job?
I answered that when you first arrived. Yes. With some of your inquiries today you’re starting to scratch the surface. It goes much deeper. Wait until one of them starts going on about, as Trump referred to, “the kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”Is everyone on here a whack job?
While I agree in theory that some type of mandatory service would be great, there are just too many never do wells today. Could our career military people get anything accomplished while constantly babysitting/policing these people? Without basic changes in our people as a whole, we are doomed as a nation. The handwriting is on the wall.Just my opinion, but Rank-Choice Voting is the best mechanism for protecting incumbents first and foremost. As a secondary feature they significantly reduce the impact of outsider candidates; that is, it protects the establishment wings in both parties.
As for mandatory military service, I would be ok with….. it would get some problematic young people off their ass and off the streets and hopefully provide some sense of mission and purpose.
All the Lib states should mask up again. EDO of them.The lib freaks at it again 😂😂😂🙄😷
It's a legit question when you use the name of an accomplished American woman of Chinese descent as a derogatory term for me.You are a weird MFer who asks woke Marxist questions (that is a JamesLee question - if you are not embarrassed for asking, you are truly sick) and supports McConnell like you are attached to his teat. You have zero objectivity on this board.
All of it.Which part are you disputing, sweet summer child.
Then wear it with honor, Elaine.when you use the name of an accomplished American woman of Chinese descent as a derogatory term for me.
Probably best to just stick to his normal nickname “a$$hole”Then wear it with honor, Elaine.
This is something so many people are ignoring.Biden also agreed that the US would not charge MBS of Saudi Arabia in the murder of Kashoggi. Biden got absolutely taken advantage of on this deal. SA immediately met with China after the deal and asked for admittance to brics.
This is something so many people are ignoring.
Can't help but notice he left out gas prices under Trump.Mortgage rates falling back down. GDP going up. Gas back under $3. oil in freefall. Stock Market climbing. Inflation falling. Jobs booming. wages booming Senate control secured. Biden just wins and wins and wins!