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Been doing that for years but it doesn't do jack sh** for my retirement because we don't get Social Security benefits.
Oh well.... I've got a roof over my head, three Kias, a great wife, great kids, my health, beer in the fridge, whiskey on a shelf and this f'ing message board!! 🤣
What more do I need??
If you would've gotten those other jobs you would have the paltry social security "benefit" now.

Also, you didn't pay into social security. If you would've taken that money and invested into a good growth stock mutual fund (yay capitalism), then you'd be a MULTI millionaire. Maybe you are, IDK. But if you didn't then that is on you.
Did I defend it? I’m pretty ambivalent about it to tell the truth but I’m smart enough to understand the dynamics of the situation. Trump released 5000 Taliban prisoners and promised we would leave Afghanistan in 6 months. Within that group of prisoners is the near complete leadership that now controls Afghanistan. By releasing them before we left it allowed them to organize themselves, cut deals with the Afghan army to lay down so the Taliban could quickly take over.
Did you condemn Trump for his actions? You sure condemned Biden for following through with Trump’s promise. Trump had drawn down our forces to < 2500 troops. Most of those there to train the Afghan army. That equipment that was left, it was there for the army we had spent nearly 20 years training. Were we supposed to take their equipment? Did we know they would lay down? To have removed it would have required we send additional troops In violation of the agreement we(Trump) had made. In exchange for our promise to withdraw the Taliban promised to not attack our forces.
Yes, you did defend it. Apparently because you won’t stray from the collective.

Now, you intend to change the subject.

I disagreed with pulling out of Afghanistan, when Trump declared it, as well as Biden. But, Biden botched it for PR egoism. No debating it. He focked a lot of people. I don’t know what Trump would have done, but I suspect he would have listened to his military advisors, something Biden’s hubris could not do. But, what Trump would have done is irrelevant. Biden owns his dim witted lack of a plan. More will pay for that suck show.
Told 4 minority women to go back to their country. Yea not racist and xenophobic at all. Of course besides that fact that Trump is to stupid to know that 3 of the 4 were born in the US. So he really just shit on himself since he told them to fix their shithole countries, aka the USA, the country he runs. If you want to pretend he hasn't doubled and tripled on what is very calculated race baiting then thats your prerogative. He heavily miscallculated on this move
What’s even more evil is that our liberal friends on here will still run to vote with a straight democratic ticket. A couple of them may even rally with this demon

They try so hard to be disagreeable they’ve found themselves hitching their wagon to and defending drag queens stripping in front of kids, trafficking, pedophilia, satanic cult worship, wearing masks alone in their cars, killing kids post birth, etc. Things no normal functioning member of society with the least bit of morality or common sense would stand for.

Liberalism truly is a mental disorder.
If you would've gotten those other jobs you would have the paltry social security "benefit" now.

Also, you didn't pay into social security. If you would've taken that money and invested into a good growth stock mutual fund (yay capitalism), then you'd be a MULTI millionaire. Maybe you are, IDK. But if you didn't then that is on you.
I did pay into Social Security my whole life on every job I worked outside of teaching. Been employed and paying SS benefits on and off since the day I turned 16 and got a fast food job. Worked my way thru college and every summer but a few when I was taking classes or watching my kids while my wife took classes.
I will never see those full SS benefits even though I paid into the system with every check (outside of teaching). I also paid 13 percent of every teaching check into my pension.
Not complaining really because I knew this going into teaching.... But I do try to educate the public on why we go ape shit when our politicians try to trash or defund our pension. It's ALL we have to live on later in life.
I honestly am not sure how good of a candidate Youngkin would be for ‘24.

Slightly concerned about the DeSantis/Trump bloodbath during the primaries as the Right likes to eat their own (Left stays united when it counts). This needs to be avoided at all costs. Trump may burn it all down if he doesn’t get his way.

Arizona Senate 2024, who would be the strongest candidate? Ducey? Hamadeh? Masters? Sinema and her Dem opponent (Gallego?) will split the Dem vote in the general
I honestly am not sure how good of a candidate Youngkin would be for ‘24.

Slightly concerned about the DeSantis/Trump bloodbath during the primaries as the Right likes to eat their own (Left stays united when it counts). This needs to be avoided at all costs. Trump may burn it all down if he doesn’t get his way.

Arizona Senate 2024, who would be the strongest candidate? Ducey? Hamadeh? Masters? Sinema and her Dem opponent (Gallego?) will split the Dem vote in the general
The thing is... Ron hasn't even said he's running. In fact, he's said he isn't running every time he's asked. The whole uproar is started by the media to divide the right and of course we jump right into it. Lets wait til Ron declares before we starting fighting each other.
We are certainly doing better today than we were when Joe took office.
You should look into credit card debt and who is taking on that debt. I get the feeling that you are upper middle class and have a really safe job. Tons of blue collar workers are having to put food and gas on their credit cards. The problem looming from this is going to be massive next year. Personal saving is also down to decades long lows. You can really throw a dart at a board and get a financial data point that is worst since 2007 or 1999 or 1982 or 1977... There is a reason that tons of billionaires and ceo's are predicting doom in '23.