How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I think Sambowies is right here. Need to fight fire with fire.
How about mobile drop boxes in vehicles? Republicans have blank ballots and voter roles and go door to door filling them out for everyone in rural areas for a month or two. . Then drop them off. Democrat votes might end up on the burn pile. Sounds like a fair election.
First one to 80 million votes wins!!
So, Pencilneck Schiff exposed himself. Straight up fascist and the real threat to the Republic.

Can we acknowledge that while the article itself may just be statements circulated around Twitter, may not be the most objective source. Either way, Trump is a danger to society when he has a large platform, ex. January 6th so maybe keeping him from spewing nonsense to the masses may be the safest option for the country’s well-being
In the end we all lose. There is no seat at the globalist table cause you were a loyal commie message board poster. We’re all in the crosshairs, Dems being used as the useful idiots to weaken and destroy the country first.

“Build Back Better” don’t mean what you think it does.
Speaking of globalist Commies....Need a shirt from Bangladesh or a tie from China???
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I did. Because no, Affirmative Action is not the same as a lynching. And you’re disgusting for arguing/thinking that. Par for the course around here.
I am disgusting for pointing out that (1) you admit that affirmative action is racism and (2) you want to act as if some racism is better than other racism? Dion is upset because I correctly noted he thinks some racism is not disgusting. You sound like a traditional Democrat. Congrats.
The bipartisan safer community act will now save countless lives now that they added these two questions to the 4473.


"21b: “Do you intend to purchase or acquire any firearm listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s) or ammunition, for sale of other disposition to any person described in questions 21(c)-(m) or to a person described in question 21.n.1 who does not fall within a nonimmigrant exception?”

c.: “Do you intend to sell or otherwise dispose of any firearm listed on this form and any continuation sheet(s) or ammunition in furtherance of any felony or other offense punishable by imprisonment for a term of more than one year, a federal crime of terrorism, or a drug trafficking offense?”
The Disney stunt was just that, there's a reason it was done as soon as Iger left, and is going to be pulled as soon as Iger gets back to Disney.

Desantis will flip on a dime to the
DeSantis could not flip it and he doesn't want to. The State Legislature changed it and it is permanent now. This was not an executive order it was legislation.

I am not sure where you get your anti DeSantis propaganda but repeating Trump lies will not serve your side well in 2024.

Trying to tie DeSantis to the establishment is laughable.
Elon Musk having a good week. Got us a working space program again and got a Billion dollar bonus today.
He didn’t want to leave the taliban millions of dollars in military weapons!
Or farm out cordon security to the damn Taliban and completely give up Bagram, over which we had total control. Resulting in the deaths of 13 soldiers due solely to the incompetence or lack of concern of The Biden administration
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If everything is as bad as you say.... Why did the Dems gain a seat in the Senate and lose less House seats than most Presidents have since FDR???
You are living in an alternate reality than most Americans or maybe you just need to ask your boss for a pay raise.
Prices are a little high at the grocery but not enough to make people wanna vote for the party that wouldn't do a damn thing about it but more tax cuts for millionaires, laws against abortion and laws against gay/trans kids.
Republicans do absolutely nothing for the working class even when they gain control.
What laws did Republicans pass to help the working class when Trump was President and they had control of House and Senate from 2015-2019???? NOTHING but tax cuts for the rich.

With all due respect you're an idiot. These are not good times. If you enjoy paying higher prices for your basic necessities then there's nothing anyone can do for you. I guess for you let the good times roll for you. I am also glad you work in a place that all you have to do is ask for a raise and it's given to you. Well done sir. (Is it ok to use that pronoun? If not let me know)
Mortgage rates falling back down. GDP going up. Gas back under $3. oil in freefall. Stock Market climbing. Inflation falling. Jobs booming. wages booming Senate control secured. Biden just wins and wins and wins!

My Lets Go Brandon and Biden Merry Easter wrapping paper was just delivered.


DeSantis could not flip it and he doesn't want to. The State Legislature changed it and it is permanent now. This was not an executive order it was legislation.

I am not sure where you get your anti DeSantis propaganda but repeating Trump lies will not serve your side well in 2024.

Trying to tie DeSantis to the establishment is laughable.
They attack anything that's a threat to Trump. It's who they are, SC. Zero else. You have to realize that and not accommodate their fantasyland (PI). RD, nor anyone else for that matter, can't show weakness. That's what he did to others in 2016.
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Said the Mitchophant. 😝
I'm not for MM for Prez.

Please explain why no one can beat MM for Pub Senate Leader (This ought to be good.)? Where's the great Rand Paul? Rick Scott? Ted Cruz? Surely someone must be better than MM according to you & just about everyone else here. But no, they are all hiding in the corner while MM stands up & takes the shots.

Reminds me:

"The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way
Yes, it was my way"
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An American soldier defending the rights of our country, fighting for our freedoms, defending the constitution, gets the political dick up the ass, but if your a lesbian American hater of these said states, gets caught with illegal drugs going into a country who despises the USA and
stands with the non biblical beliefs of the left , you get primo privilege and treatment. Wtf is wrong with this?
An American soldier defending the rights of our country, fighting for our freedoms, defending the constitution, gets the political dick up the ass, but if your a lesbian American hater of these said states, gets caught with illegal drugs going into a country who despises the USA and
stands with the non biblical beliefs of the left , you get primo privilege and treatment. Wtf is wrong with this?
There is a reason that many soldiers left the service and recruiting is down greatly even though they are offering $40000 sign on bonuses.
There is a reason that many soldiers left the service and recruiting is down greatly even though they are offering $40000 sign on bonuses.

Exactly, just like metro polices. They cower to the lefts threats. No law until it comes to them, then they wanna cry police brutality. That equals taxpayer payday. Trickle down from federal to local. Its a scam they refuse to address.
The great VDH:

"Rather than offering detailed correctives for Biden's disastrous record, Trump is again dabbling in social media madness. He needlessly floated the absurd idea that constitutional norms might need to be changed to allow the disputed 2020 election result to be overturned.

He seems oblivious that the Left, not conservatives, talk of altering the Constitution. They call for the destruction of the Electoral College, and wish to dilute the Second Amendment and redefine the First.

Why did Trump need to descend into personal invective when prior to the midterms, many primary polls were confirming his front-runner status?

Why did he not remain magnanimous, unite the party, and focus on giving millions to his endorsed but endangered candidates like Dr. Mehmet Oz, Blake Masters, and Herschel Walker?

Why did Trump bizarrely claim that possible presidential rival candidate Glenn Youngkin's name sounded "Chinese"? What was the logic of attacking Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's, R-Ky., wife in racialist terms?

..... there is only one rule concerning antisemites: Go nowhere near them. Yet Trump dined with two, the now unhinged Kanye West ("Ye") and the 20-something crackpot Nick Fuentes.

Why would Trump all but announce before the midterms that after the election he would be a candidate?
Or why right before November 8, did Trump attack Ron DeSantis (whom he calls "DeSanctimonious"), the miracle-worker Republican governor of Trump's own Florida? Did Trump wish to rile up left-wing Trump-haters to rush to the midterm polls, or to persuade miffed conservative DeSantis voters to stay home?

In the impending Trump-DeSantis collision, voters will be looking for resolution of two respective unknowns.
One, will Trump run on his stellar record, avoid controversy, and stick to the issues? And will he thereby win back independent, swing voters on assurances that they could get more MAGA successes, but this time around without the insults and spats? And two, could DeSantis assure Republicans of a fire-in-the belly, Trumpian zeal to take on the Left, while soberly promoting a MAGA agenda -- and thus win over the hard-core Trump base?

So far, De Santis is reassuring donors and primary voters he can be as tough as his record is impressive.
But Trump is not encouraging the donor class and independent voters that he has learned that melodramas and social media riffs are not his friends."