Now do Biden...
Had he said "C'mon man, Yeah, It was bad judgement on my part to leave $87 Billion in military equipment to the Taliban and get 13 American soldiers killed in the process" It would be one thing.
Had he said "Hey pal, Yeah, It was bad judgement on my part to have the DOJ collude with Twitter to violate American's First Amendment rights" It would be one thing.
Had he said "Listen Jack, It was bad judgement on my part to not enforce border security, giving criminals, cartels, human traffickers, and real terrorists and open door into the US" it would be one thing.
Had he said, "Yeah man, it was bad judgement on my part to bold face lie to the American people during the debate about Stopping drilling for oil" it would be one thing.
Had he said, "Hey Bub, Yeah, it was bad judgement on my part to sell out to the Chinese and Ukraine through shady business deals with my son, then repeatedly lie about it and have any mention of it censored from Social Media" it would be one thing.
I could go on. but you get the point.
The things you accuse Trump of are petty compared to the amount of corruption and utter BS the Biden Admin and the Dems have put America through since 2016. You act like Trump is the Grand Wizard of the KKK when in reality he's done far more for Blacks and other minorities Than Biden or the Dems ever have. He was a damn rock star in the black community before he took office and the villifying began. You certainly make groups like the Proud Boys out to be a whole lot more than they actually are. They're basically a mysoginistic fight club. Show me where they've done any acts of Terrorism or initiated any violence at protests that resulted in buildings being burned, people murdered, businesses looted, random people pulled from their vehicles and beaten, etc.