How will they rule ??!

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New woman makes new abortion claim against Walker and hires Alred. Make no mistake, they will stoop to ANY level to muddy the waters and win. Pay whoever you have to to make a claim, end justifies the means. # scum
They got away with it with Roy Moore in Alabama. Many on the right were fooled (looking at you Judge Jeanine). So they tried it with Kavanaugh and it almost worked then. This is SOP for the Dems.

I 1000% I hope that anti American “it” hears the anthem and god bless America every day in “its” cell. And hope its 9 year’s worth….You get what you earned. Enjoy it bitch.
There is no way the complexity of the universe is by chance.
It's not by chance. It's a natural outgrowth from the natural laws. Gravity exists in our universe so matter tends to clump up. The more matter clumps up the more gravity acts on it equally pulling together, creating a sphere in space. As more and more of that matter collects the pressure from the weight builds and builds, getting hotter and hotter, until finally with enough pressure and heat nuclear fusion ignition happens and a star is born. If it never gets enough material to get to that point you get a ball of rock, a planet, like us. On and on, yadda yadda until eventually there's us sitting on the rock floating through space talking about it. If gravity didn't exist in the same way in another universe then matter wouldn't clump up and there probably aren't people talking about things in that universe.
Let me ask you this...does water flow downhill in outer space? It follows laws. Laws that were created by God, the designer.
You can posit that the natural laws, physics, were created by God and just set in motion, but at that point it's really the same thing as I'm talking about. Nature. The universe. Science. You have to have a God that watches over and intervenes in the creation for it really to make a difference. I've never seen any evidence of that and different faiths and traditions have very different ideas on His teachings if He does exist. So like I said, I just try to do the best I can and hopefully He'll see that.
That's not what the Second Law of Thermodynamics or Entropy are. It's complicated but it's essentially about energy movement in systems. Basically energy tends to naturally flow from higher concentrations to lower, like water downhill. This leads to energy loss in otherwise 'closed' systems. For example why you can't have a perpetual motion machine as small amounts of kinetic energy are always lost in heat from friction. But as the First Law states when taken in totality the energy is neither created nor destroyed, just transferred. None of that has anything to do with what you're trying to say about order and disorder. Living systems reduce entropy internally by creating structured, rigid molecules and increase entropy externally with byproduct waste heat and such. It's just a natural part of energy dynamics. It's more like the tendency for things to melt, spread out, fill available space than the deleterious force you're portraying.
No. You cannot answer the question about how life began by contending that living things create structure. LOL. That is like defining a word with the word. How did life arise from nonliving chemicals, without intelligent intervention, when nonliving chemicals are susceptible to the Second Law? You just believe it happened. Which is faith, because you cannot prove it and you cannot show an example of it actually happening. Even in living things energy dissipates and order goes to disorder. But, you certainly cannot explain your theory of order by pointing to life as the example.
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No. You cannot answer the question about how life began by contending that living things create structure. LOL. That is like defining a word with the word. How did life arise from nonliving chemicals, without intelligent intervention, when nonliving chemicals are susceptible to the Second Law? You just believe it happened. Which is faith, because you cannot prove it and you cannot show an example of it actually happening. Even in living things energy dissipates and order goes to disorder. But, you certainly cannot explain your theory of order by pointing to life as the example.
All systems can gain and lose entropy, not just living ones, that was just an example. When Ice forms from water entropy decreases. Or when two elements join to make a larger molecule like sodium(Na) and chlorine(Cl) making salt(NaCl). You seem to have a misunderstanding of entropy.
All systems can gain and lose entropy, not just living ones, that was just an example. When Ice forms from water entropy decreases. Or when two elements join to make a larger molecule like sodium(Na) and chlorine(Cl) making salt(NaCl). You seem to have a misunderstanding of entropy.
I think you have a misunderstanding of the complexity of the DNA code for the most simple of life forms we know. One commentator described it as complex as a set of the Encyclopedia Brittanica. He says believing that code organized on its own is akin to believing a printing press with paper and ink running unattended could print the Encyclopedia Brittanica on its own. While we see degradation as the natural process of things, you claim that having the nonliving building blocks for life in the same area is enough. It’s like having all the pieces for a thousand Lego models in a pile and expecting one of the models to spontaneously combine.

Staring down that huge unexplained gap from nonliving parts to something explained as life and arguing against design is a choice, not something that has been proven. You seem to have made your choice for faith in the undesigned happenstance of the complexity of life over faith in a creator.
They got away with it with Roy Moore in Alabama. Many on the right were fooled (looking at you Judge Jeanine). So they tried it with Kavanaugh and it almost worked then. This is SOP for the Dems.
It is as predictable as snow in Alaska. When Gloria shows up you know here come the bimbo lies and accusations.

I hope Georgians are smarter than Alabama was.
It's not by chance. It's a natural outgrowth from the natural laws. Gravity exists in our universe so matter tends to clump up. The more matter clumps up the more gravity acts on it equally pulling together, creating a sphere in space. As more and more of that matter collects the pressure from the weight builds and builds, getting hotter and hotter, until finally with enough pressure and heat nuclear fusion ignition happens and a star is born. If it never gets enough material to get to that point you get a ball of rock, a planet, like us. On and on, yadda yadda until eventually there's us sitting on the rock floating through space talking about it. If gravity didn't exist in the same way in another universe then matter wouldn't clump up and there probably aren't people talking about things in that universe.

You can posit that the natural laws, physics, were created by God and just set in motion, but at that point it's really the same thing as I'm talking about. Nature. The universe. Science. You have to have a God that watches over and intervenes in the creation for it really to make a difference. I've never seen any evidence of that and different faiths and traditions have very different ideas on His teachings if He does exist. So like I said, I just try to do the best I can and hopefully He'll see that.

The universe is expanding outward, not coming/clumping together.

Is the moon getting closer or not? The moon and the earth have gravity, so why aren't they coming together? Have the moon and the planets left their path over the last 5000 years? How much orbital decay and slowing down have they experienced?

All of what you and others speak is a nice theory,, but there is less than no likelihood of it happening in the way scientific theorists describe and they know it. The common man doesn't get that they are simply spinning a yarn from torn cloth so they have a job and a pulpit.

That's why their timelines keep expanding and expanding, and they don't realize that it makes it even less likely to have occurred the way they say.

God not only set it in motion, He keeps it that way and can stop it or change it. One day you'll see it and understand. Whether or not it's too late is your choice.
I guess Platinum-dildo likes 8.1% inflation (CPI), higher interest rates and the train wreck of a recession that most business leaders see coming next year. Even the dems in Congress see it as they try to pre-blame GOP election wins for the pain.

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It's what they do. Dems Destroy. Destroy. Blame. Take credit for the good works of others, then proceed to tear apart what they built. They're nothing more than terrible toddlers in adult bodies that resent others having nicer things.

To be fair, the GOP hasn't been proactive in representing their voters either, because they have let them shred our systems and constitution for 50yrs. They refused to do ANYTHING when they had both houses, and so here we sit with broken elections and rampant abuse of unconstitutional powers by letter agencies none of the people elected.
It appears that FL is playing the dems an election tune. I hope it catches on nationwide.

And yet Fox News puts the governor race at "lean Rep"

I admit I live in one of the most conservative areas of Florida but I have not seen any support for Charlie Crist even in his home county, Pinellas.

His old seat is going to be won by one of the most conservative Hispanic women in politics, Anna Paulina Luna. Crist will get wiped out in his home county. Pinellas is also Ron DeSantis home county so that can't hurt.

The universe is expanding outward, not coming/clumping together.

Is the moon getting closer or not? The moon and the earth have gravity, so why aren't they coming together? Have the moon and the planets left their path over the last 5000 years? How much orbital decay and slowing down have they experienced?

All of what you and others speak is a nice theory,, but there is less than no likelihood of it happening in the way scientific theorists describe and they know it. The common man doesn't get that they are simply spinning a yarn from torn cloth so they have a job and a pulpit.

That's why their timelines keep expanding and expanding, and they don't realize that it makes it even less likely to have occurred the way they say.

God not only set it in motion, He keeps it that way and can stop it or change it. One day you'll see it and understand. Whether or not it's too late is your choice.
We don't understand what people think we understand.
Suckerberg’s Facebook stock getting SMASHED after earnings tonight.

His net worth this year has gone from 135 Billion to 35 Billion.

Karma for pouring 300 Million into the swing states to influence the election.