We clearly disagree on this issue…. but regardless of where we stand, it’s terrible how the media runs with (what appears to be, at best) an unverified story that fits the narrative they want to manipulate public opinion without regard for the truth.Just gave you a like for the shout-out!
Seriously though, I would like to know the truth of this matter....
@sambowieshin has to keep this up. Trump hasn't been president for almost 2 years. Anything to deflect from the consistent policy failures. Guess he couldn't find a putin article today.Wonder if Antifa used anything like that when they did their mostly peaceful protest? BLM?
Another stupid argument as usual. Abortions have nothing to do with what he was saying but you knew that and just wanted to score points with the MAGA morons.Speaking of killing people 63 million babies have been murdered since 1973 to abortion. Let's see how many murders by guns have been recorded in the same time period. I am betting it is not even close. You are dismissed.
Edited: Oh and by the way, those are US numbers. Plus, Japan is much more disciplined that our country. Apples and oranges.
You forgot to add they all were yelling This Is MAGA Country!Two Swedes, two Italians and three Amish.
Take anything the Gateway Pundit prints and throw it in the trash with click-bait Enquirer type articles.Could this happen?
Julie Kelly and Lee Smith Issue Dire Warning: The Democrat Party's October Surprise Is the Arrest of President Donald Trump (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
Investigative reporter Julie Kelly from American Greatness joined author Lee Smith on EpochTV.com to discuss the ongoing persecution of the January 6 political prisoners and the Democrat Party’s ultimate plan to arrest President Donald Trump.www.thegatewaypundit.com
I honestly think Liberals feel they can talk in parables the way Jesus did in his teachings. In other words it’s the narrative that counts. It is true a 10 year could have been and have been raped but this story although true in possibility is actually false.Democrats don't care, they intentionally pushed a fake story because they knew ppl would believe it without evidence...just like we saw on this board
Plus there are some studies that world wide hunger is down because of....drum roll.....more carbon in the air to help plants grow. I've seen some articles that when electric cars become more and more popular/required....food production will decline.
He is so right about the California license tags. I have lived the vast majority of my life here and you never saw a California tag because why would someone from California drive that distance. You would fly and if you needed a car, rent it.
She should at the very least, get an article 15 for this BS!
Couldn’t that also be a rental car?He is so right about the California license tags. I have lived the vast majority of my life here and you never a California tag because why would someone from California drive that distance. You would fly and if you needed a car, rent it.
But now it is common to see them. Several a day. I went to see the new Elvis movie today and saw a California car in the parking lot. That was once very rare, if ever in our small county.
I love this Floridian walking down the streets in Cali.
Russia hoax.Jan. 6
Oath Keeper members brought explosives to DC area around January 6 and had a 'death list,' prosecutors say | CNN Politics
The Justice Department released new details Friday evening of the alleged extensive planning by the Oath Keepers to prepare for violence in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021, including lessons to conduct "hasty ambushes," a "death list" of Georgia election officials and attempts to acquire...www.cnn.com
They weren’t inevitable 25 years ago. You refuse to focus on the fact that guns don’t commit mass murder. Until you focus on people, you’re not serious.Another stupid argument as usual. Abortions have nothing to do with what he was saying but you knew that and just wanted to score points with the MAGA morons.
You are correct though that “Japan is more disciplined than our country”. So since you agree, what sense does it make to give our less disciplined citizens so many killing machines and weapons of war? Seems to me without “discipline”, these mass killings are inevitable then right ?
There is one missing, throw race baiter lebron james on that list.
They're going to be in for a rude awakening if they try to work somewhere else.
Can you imagine a debate with Desantis? Or with anyone with an iq above 30?Lol the Sams are going to be irrate...sounds like Joe is going with safe and rare and not up until kindergarten. Sorry guys, won't be able to bang your nieces
Best female soccer player with purple hair?How in the San Juan hell does a dike receive a medal of freedom award ? What was her outstanding accomplishment (s)
She was burned alive then died. Unless they repent they will burn for all eternity.Life isn’t enough. They should suffer like she did!
Abortion is murder from day 1That is a very good question. Liberals have gone from a position of abortion should be safe and rare to kill it in the birth canal and if it survives kill it then.
A state can limit abortions to a 15 week limit and liberals say that is banning abortion. If you are given nearly 4 months to decide to kill a baby that is enough time to make that decision. Just one example of the dishonesty and false narrative used by liberals to support their killing of the innocent.
On judgment day there will be no grayYeah, the 10-year old rape story was just a bit too contrived and convenient for at least part of it not to be complete fiction. As the red flag post pointed out, how are the authorities not involved with the rape of a 10-year old and in the midst of a manhunt? The 'source' for the alleged story is a screaming, Far Left, abortion clinic doctor - I mean who wouldn't trust her to be truthful? She's made a name for herself as a rabid, pro-abortion proponent and, as we've seen in other instances, some of these radicals are not above doing literally anything to get their way.
BTW, for the record, I'm pro choice but I'm also for restrictions on abortions. Not 100% ban and not unlimited elective abortions but somewhere in the early stages of 2nd trimester would be acceptable to me. I'm very conservative on fiscal issues, defense, crime but less so on social issues: abortion, gay marriage, social safety net, etc. If that makes me a RINO, so be it. I believe there are a lot of Americans who don't believe lockstep with a political party on every issue. Personally, I avoid people who are all 1s or all 0s on every single issue. My experience has been that those people won't ever listen to the other side and consider another's viewpoint. Life's too short to deal with Far Left or Far Right crazies. I'm happy to float back and forth in the middle on the issues. Life is a lot of gray, not black and white.