Here's an interesting fact:
Global and US CO2 emissions ROSE in 2021. One of the causes: much higher natural gas prices led utilities to burn more coal to meet demand. Pretty sure one can surmise why natural gas prices were higher with the anti-fossil fuel administration we currently have. So this premature 'transition' Biden is so hell-bent on resulted in HIGHER emissions in 2021. How does that play into the Green New Deal? When will our leaders admit that nuclear power plants are the clear and only answer to drastically lower emissions without starving our economy of the energy it needs?
Compare Germany to France right now. Germany spent something like $600B in the past 10-15 years to greatly expand their renewable energy sources and shut down nuclear plants. Now, they've started bringing online
COAL-fired plants to keep the electric grid viable. So...shut down nuclear plants with no carbon emissions only to be forced to start burning coal to keep your economy working. France, on the other hand, has done no such thing and still receives a huge % of their electric power from nuclear power plants. And, Germany is talking about rolling blackouts while France laughs at the stupid Germans. Australia has followed Germany's example and there is real concern there, also, that the electric grid will have severe problems in the coming months.
Global CO2 emissions rebounded to their highest level in history in 2021 - News from the International Energy Agency