How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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No. When a commie antifa type shoots up things it takes time to spin it as Trumps fault.

Apparently, he was on a rooftop. Wonder when he talked to the FBI last?

let me guess. Young kid, on depression meds, loner type, socially awkward, fbi knows about him, owns $1000s of dollars in weapons and equipment on a $3 hour job.

Am I close?
True story, last year I had Knowls over for the 4th, he brought with him one of those taste like human flesh vegan burgers.

Knowls: hey bud, can you throw this on the grill for me...and you care to keep it away from the other burgers?

Me: Of course man, no problem...(like I would let it anywhere near any of my burgers)

As soon as Knowls turned his back I chucked it into my neighbor's yard.

I was convinced if he ate real food it would cure him of his veganism. I was doing it for his own good. I cooked him a regular burger and brought it to him.

Knowls: is this my vegan burger?

Me: yep. kept it away from the other burgers just like you asked

He took one bite and spit it out and he yelled 'this burger...taste like a burger!'

Me: That's how it is suppose to taste! It's not suppose to taste like human flesh honest, that's the best burger you have had since your vegan disease set in?

He glared at me so I apologized for trying to trick him and tried to hand him a beer.

Knowls: Actually, I would rather have some almond milk, but I forgot to bring mine. Do you have any?

Me: Ok just get out.

Side Note: I found out the next day the neighbor's dog mysteriously died. I can't prove it, but I think that mutt ate the vegan burger.
No one will do anything about it but academia will continue to be a breeding ground for indoctrinating and radicalizing a never-ending supply of far left foot soldiers.

The left’s control of information in media and academia is the tit that feeds the beast.
I’ve said this before: state legislatures should stop funding these schools. When that happens, schools will be forced to get rid of these nonsense “majors” and “professors” and get back to teaching critical thinking. It would go a long way if student loans couldn’t be obtained for them as well.
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So, the DOJ comes out today and says, ZOMG we are going to have a summer of death. Bang, mass shooting. Wasn't it a couple of days ago that those antifa shitbirds were talking about taking it to the suburbs?

The shooter got away. They were shooting from a rooftop, concealed. Descriptions are spotty at best. Probably tossed the gun, switched clothes or disguises, and used the pandemonium to escape into the crowd. If so, that is bad. It will spawn multiple copycat scenarios.

The descriptions flying around run from crouching person in camo to long haired person in a blue shirt. The buildings make the gunfire echo, so it's hard to say for sure, but it sounds like two different calibers to me. I'm going out on a not so skinny limb here and say the shooter was a woman. Maybe a pair shooters?

Here's some vids. Notice how everyone just sits around going durrrrrrr. Guess I can't really blame them. Most have probably never heard real life gunfire.

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So, the DOJ comes out today and says, ZOMG we are going to have a summer of death. Bang, mass shooting. Wasn't it a couple of days ago that those asshole antifa shitbirds were talking about taking it the suburbs?

The shooter got away. They were shooting from a rooftop, concealed. Descriptions are spotty at best. Probably tossed the gun, switched clothes or disguises, and used the pandemonium to escape into the crowd. If so, that is bad. It will spawn multiple copycat scenarios.

The descriptions flying around run from crouching person in camo to long haired person in a blue shirt. The buildings make the gunfire echo, so it's hard to say for sure, but it sounds like two different calibers to me. I'm going out on a not so skinny limb here and say the shooter was a woman. Maybe a pair shooters?

Here's some vids. Notice how everyone just sits around going durrrrrrr. Guess I can't really blame them. Most have probably never heard real life gunfire.

Antifa likely. They threatened this. On way back to Seattle.
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live feed

They may have him.

A guy i worked with son is a sniper on Illinois State Police Swat team. He does not get called in to negotiate,
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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Happy Independence Day.

May America’s enemies, both foreign and domestic, hasten to their deserved end.
So, the DOJ comes out today and says, ZOMG we are going to have a summer of death. Bang, mass shooting. Wasn't it a couple of days ago that those asshole antifa shitbirds were talking about taking it the suburbs?

The shooter got away. They were shooting from a rooftop, concealed. Descriptions are spotty at best. Probably tossed the gun, switched clothes or disguises, and used the pandemonium to escape into the crowd. If so, that is bad. It will spawn multiple copycat scenarios.

The descriptions flying around run from crouching person in camo to long haired person in a blue shirt. The buildings make the gunfire echo, so it's hard to say for sure, but it sounds like two different calibers to me. I'm going out on a not so skinny limb here and say the shooter was a woman. Maybe a pair shooters?

Here's some vids. Notice how everyone just sits around going durrrrrrr. Guess I can't really blame them. Most have probably never heard real life gunfire.

My first night in Nam, we were brought in on a Flying Tiger. Some of you old timeRs will remember them. We landed about ten at night at Cam Ranh Bay. You could see and hear the incoming rockets as we landed. They herded us into a large quonset hut and told us we would be spending the night there. You could hear the explosions, some one right after another in a matter of seconds. There was no place to go, so we just sat there. Ever so often, another plane load of guys came in and eventually the building was full. The rocket attack lasted till daylight. after a while the blasts were just ignored as we couldn't do anything about it anyway. At daylight, they processed us and sent us on to the next base. Since Cam Ranh Bay was a major processing center for soldiers, I've always figured it was just an attempt to put a little fear in a few American hearts.
How much of this will we be paying? $600B? $700B? I'm kind of sick of this guy.

'Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Monday the reconstruction of his war-battered country is the “common task of the entire democratic world," as his prime minister laid out a $750 billion recovery plan once invading Russia's guns fall silent.'
I have no way to verify this. Photo is supposed to be coming.

The shooter is at large, his name is Robert E. Bobby Crimo III, 22 years old, driving a 2010 Silver Honda Fit Illinois license plate DM80653
No one thinks Biden is the best choice for America. Lots think he is better than Trump though. Do better in 2024 and Republicans will win again. The conservative platform is better for America than the liberal platform. The liberal platform is better for America than Trump. Those are the facts.
You're wrong. The clown you voted for is destroying America. You can HATE Trump all you want, but Biden is Hell Bent on destroying this country. Trump is the polar opposite.
Brittney Griner sent a letter to mush head Biden begging him to get her out of jail in Russia.

Referenced how she had never voted before 2020 but had voted for him. She even mentioned how her father was a veteran and served in Vietnam. What… Is this the same Brittney that was against the playing of the national anthem at her home games?
How much of this will we be paying? $600B? $700B? I'm kind of sick of this guy.

'Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Monday the reconstruction of his war-battered country is the “common task of the entire democratic world," as his prime minister laid out a $750 billion recovery plan once invading Russia's guns fall silent.'
Common task for the entire world? Good grief.