Pretty sure he probably thinks racism only goes one way.This troon doesn’t think Black America isn’t racist LMAO
How is it you think that? Strange segue by you.How do you always ask a nonsequitur to every post someone makes?
I didn't know this was a club. I take you do. BTW, ignore is available.youre on an one person island here. Alone. No one agrees with you except liberals including Jameslee32. Best of luck, Vhcat70.
And you misinterpret the meme. What it’s showing is that if there was truly systematic racism in everything, those things wouldn’t exist or be allowed to exist.Yes, anyone can be a racist. The meme I replied to is implying a whole group is racist which isn't true.
It's like when people on the left label all conservatives as racists which isn't true.
2025 would be just about right.Really wish he would wait till after the midterms.
It's not even nitrogen runoff that they are being targeted for.
Just to eliminate any doubts… Xavier Becerra wasn’t selected as HHS secretary due to impeccable public health and policy credentials. No, he was chosen due to his radical commitment to the abortion industry and his fervent desire to crush religious liberty that stands in its way. I guess the fact that he’s a Latino is a bonus from a diversity perspective.
Our forefathers fought against England for the very same thing the left is trying to push back on us. Most of the left must be kin in some way to Benedict Arnold.Freedom to speak, but only if it aligns with the prescribed narrative. No Freedoms to own your weapons of choice to defend yourself and your family. Burdensome taxation, utterly ridiculous cost of living, using taxpayer dollars to pay illegals healthcare, over the top energy regulations. CRT and LGBTQWERTY nonsense shoved down the kids throats. Street poopers, homeless taking over everywhere and the state enabling them. Rampant crime. Yeah, sounds like the bastion of freedom and liberty.
Bunny?That's where they are at. You will be happy. You will own nothing. You will eat bugs.
When climate change is everything, governments can justify doing anything under the guise of climate change. I suspect lawlessness increases during disasters and if all disasters are the result of climate change, then addressing lawlessness in one virtue signaling context in the name of climate change is a thing. I wonder if climate change also benefits pedophiles?
I’m down in the Sunshine State visiting the Bro-in-law this week. Enjoying every minute.That is hilarious. And, catchy.
Floridians have to be laughing hysterically at that ad.This is good shit.
“Freedom is under attack, Florida.” says the guy who locked down his state but kept his businesses open and got to be maskless at luxury dinners and send his kids to maskless summer camps while lecturing the only state who was keeping it open and not shutting down.
He’s another Justin Castro. We will be ruled like Canada is now if he takes over.He'd probably love that except it might be too much work for him to actually campaign. He seems too content to do videos and social media clips or count the money from his wineries.
These lib videos crack me up. Like the ones they ran early in the pandemic about Florida being reckless and crazy. Complete nonsense. So crazy it almost seemed like satire
One less person I have to give my tax money to
Speaking of illegally crossing the border 🍺🇺🇸
Exactly! He thinks he’s the smartest person alive. I’ve said all along that he is a phony. Hell, I respect the crazy Liberals more than him. At least they don’t try to hide who they are.The irony is that Vhcat70 has a bigger self inflated ego than Trump.
Dude loves himself more the Roman God Narcissus.
Are you suggesting his political spin originates from his pecker?Was Joe Scarborough always a idiot lib in Rebpublican order to get elected to Congress in a deep red area of Florida? Or was leaning left and then got pulled/shoved to the radical left by Brzesinski's daughter?
MSNBC did not even know how to respond to that imbecilic mess.
If I want to watch a bunch of grannies I'd rather watch reruns of Golden Girls.
What a commie clown. Trumpsters are all putin apologists and fascist lovers.
🗽 🤣👌Exactly! He thinks he’s the smartest person alive. I’ve said all along that he is a phony. Hell, I respect the crazy Liberals more than him. At least they don’t try to hide who they are.
4 members of The Club patting each other on the back. LOL.Exactly! He thinks he’s the smartest person alive. I’ve said all along that he is a phony. Hell, I respect the crazy Liberals more than him. At least they don’t try to hide who they are.
If you slow it down and play it backwards you get the hidden message.