Who’s pumping him? Literally every major news media.
I like the guy, I just don’t think he’d win in 24. It’s going to take someone that can reach the blue collar workers again, and I don’t think 24 is long enough to convince the Republican Party outside of Trump, is in their corner.
Desantis was elected to Congress in 2012, how did he vote? You can bet your ass that will be brought up, his tendencies before Trump was elected.
I havent anyone pumping him. Saw plenty attacking him including latching on to every loony they can in hopes of finding something they can use. None of it panned out.
Another personal checkmark for desantis over trump is the handling of covid. Trump should've never turned the country over to Fauci. He knew the election could be a referendum on covid and it was the only time he acted like a politician. It cost him. Then he vastly multiplied that error by handing out stimulus which started the labor shortage and fed the socialist machine. He should've take 15-30 days max then said back to normal hell or high water.