How will they rule ??!

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again, an article from England. But I'll accept it. So that is one. So in Connecticut, they let this happen. So there are 2 examples so far. Is it really worth the brain power to fight over two examples? BTW, I agree that if you have a penis, you should not be able to compete against people that have vaginas in sports. I just think it is not as big a deal as people are trying to make it for political reasons.
It was a story written for an England publication but it was about an event that happened in America. Because we all know our own media won’t report on this sort of thing. You think it’s fake?
No, I said that he suspiciously left that out of the cases he said should be overturned. Read it. He flat said that the rights to contraception and the rights to gay marriage should be overturned. I realize that his concurrence wasn't the majority opinion. But he absolutely advocates the elimination of those rights. But, I bet there are plenty of people out there, including Justice Thomas, that would love for a law or court decision to decide that they shouldn't be married to the person they're married to.
Again, not to speak for Thomas, but this repeated line is crap. Loving was decided on substantive due process grounds AND equal protection. He may very well have left if off the list because he was not challenging the concept of equal protection. Thomas is pushing back against the expansion of Court power. He is not saying the outcome of those decisions was bad, from a legislative perspective. He seems to be saying the Court needs to check itself.
I wonder which of those two understands democracy better, the one from Eastern Europe or the one from Great Britain? I talked to someone the other day that thinks my theory on this is completely wrong and that people from Eastern Europe actually love democracy. My experience is they love it so much they want to destroy it.
True, however the companies that I identified have made a point to advertise or grilled their employees on being woke. Several like Coke/Home Depot/Goodyear mandated their supervisors participate in knowing signs of white privilege.
I mentioned Carhartt in another post. Even though they have a factory in Hanson Kentucky, their CEO MADE their employees get the jab or be fired. This was back in November. Therefore no more Carhartt purchases.
This is the point I made as well.
I wonder which of those two understands democracy better, the one from Eastern Europe or the one from Great Britain? I talked to someone the other day that thinks my theory on this is completely wrong and that people from Eastern Europe actually love democracy. My experience is they love it so much they want to destroy it.
I presume you mean Russia with Belarus under their thumb. Maybe Hungary & Serbia. Not aware in the other 10-15 countries defined as east of Germany & Italy.
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THat this map isn't completely grey is a testament to the insanity/evil of our time, especially the blue and purple... just disgusting.

And this is a far more accurate depiction of the reality of the matter than people realise... these people are animals. How the civilised amoung us let these leftist scum move the needle so far into depravity is byeond me; hopefully this ruling is finally the first of many steps in rectifying this lunacy these degenerates have wrought upon us

The Solicitor General and the Parties to Dobbs all argued that either Roe or the Mississippi law had to go. The Mississippi law outlaws abortion after 15 weeks. People who want us to be more like Europe should be happy.
With the current news cycle it would be a good time for someone to tie up some loose ends.

She might not make it to the sentencing hearing.
Was flipping thru the channels a moment ago and landed on ABC for a minute. Commercial for an ESPN show/documentary about women's sports. What....don't know, but they showed Gloria Steinem (I think...looked very old), Billy Jean King, and different women's sports on the field. Final portion was Obama saying to the interviewer...."laws are changed by the will of the people'....or something close to that.

Did he say or tweet that Friday?
Nope. Like all lefties, whatever feels good, do it. Consequences be damned. Complain for someone else to fix your problems or blame someone else for your perceived problems.

To have three abortions is utterly insane and disgusting. I’m sure the men were probably ecstatic to not have a permanent tie to a huge ho.
In her rant she said she didn't have to justify or explain her reason for doing so. Although she have 3 oddly specific reasons why a person might want to have an abortion.

1. The condom broke and your first time and you were scared. Here's an idea if you aren't mature or ready to have a child don't be banging other people.

2. The birth control pill failed. If taking as directed and the correct way its 99% effective. I also defer to not having sex until you are ready for the possibility of children.

3. Her best reason was if you aren't financially or mature enough for children. If those two things are true the then I would say you don't need to have sex.

She was just recently divorced I'm starting to understand why.

THat this map isn't completely grey is a testament to the insanity/evil of our time, especially the blue and purple... just disgusting.

And this is a far more accurate depiction of the reality of the matter than people realise... these people are animals. How the civilised amoung us let these leftist scum move the needle so far into depravity is byeond me; hopefully this ruling is finally the first of many steps in rectifying this lunacy these degenerates have wrought upon us

Saw this in the replies. Glad i wasnt drinking coke hahahaha

Except you can easily research this and see it's completely made up.
Trump 43%
Obama 49%
Bush 45
Clinton 56
Reagan 52
Carter 39
So he is down on Carter's level. How did that work out for him?
Holy Jimmy Carter, Batman!

The state should get out of the business of sanctioning marriage completely. For the state, it could easily be called something like legal partnership. Isnt the left argument: get out of my bedroom?
Completely agree with that.

In my ideal world, let’s dissolve the family court system too.
FWF kills it ! Total agreement ! The places those clowns would dare to show up in and try that shit would be carried out in body bags trying to firebomb a business or take over a section of a town and call it a sanctuary. Those idiots would never know what happened because the rural south don’t play by their lib rules 🇺🇸🍺
They better be able to throw the molotov cocktail the length of a football field or better. Why? Because I have more than a few friends who can put a .556 or .300 win mag round between their eyes at 100 or 150 yards...