In case you haven't noticed, true justice has been sorely lacking in this country for a while now. There is a two tiered justice system in place currently that has one party targeting their political enemies and for any sort of dissent against the government prescribed narrative. We just saw that with the Sussman trial. We know full well, that Hillary nor any of her cohorts will face a lick of consequences for a single thing they ever did committing treason, while Republicans will face the harshest penalties they can muster for the smallest of offenses. We just witnessed a "show trial" that they laughably called a "Jan. 6th hearing" that remarkably had zero cross testimony or evidence. Nothing but a chance for Dems to grandstand, gaslight, and stoke the fires of division in cooperation with their ally's in the mainstream media. So yeah, you are probably right, they will all probably be found guilty of something for daring to put forth any sort of dissenting information. They will face some penalties or sanctions imposed by a stacked court and jury, but Justice most certainly will NOT prevail.