Dude, you're the one who quote posted the post about the blacks gang raping a poster's granddaughter, with a laughing emoji, and saying, 'at least someone gets it!'.
So why don't you never post here again?
You disgusting, 'tolerant' liberal.
This person is single-handedly moving my agnostic meter towards "thank the lord!"Sorry whiteys, she isn't interested. Hey Knowls...consider this your reparations...you can have her. You might want to introduce her to some broccoli dogg. I'm sure you got plenty ready in the fridge.
Just wait the Durham report will get Hilary's email...oh and Hunters laptop. Oh CNN I just owned the libs 😂😂😂😂😂😂So you think the prosecutor put evidence into a trial knowing it was false? The fbi litter ali said they knew it was a fake story within 2 days of getting the tip from the Clinton campaign. They manufactured and embellished evidence of collusion.
Its a 2 tier system now though so you are gonna be able to find fbi agents still saying he colluded but they never convicted anyone of colluding with russia. They got people on process crimes that stemmed from the act of being aggressively investigated by the fbi. Sussman walked for lying to the fbi but FLynn was looking at years in jail for "lying" to the fbi.
Navarro ignores a subpoena from congress and got arrested by a swat team and put in handcuffs and leg irons. Eric Holder ignored a subpoena from congress and got $500,000 speaking gig out it.
But seriously Jim, I would find somebody else to argue about serial killers with.
You know who would quit reading about serial killers seven words into a post about serial killers don't you?This is true. I once tried to joke with Nail about who was the Zodiac...he answered with a seriously long post about who he thought was the real Zodiac. I quit reading after about 7 words cause I don't really give a sh-t, Nail could have been all wrong but it seemed like he knew what he was talking about.
You say something about serial killers that isn't accurate and Nail is like...
What a joke you are.Just wait the Durham report will get Hilary's email...oh and Hunters laptop. Oh CNN I just owned the libs 😂😂😂😂😂😂
You know who would quit reading about serial killers seven words into a post about serial killers don't you?
A serial killer.
* KA - BOOM *So are "conservatives" now advocating that the government takes over all major pipelines to boost their security? And also admiting that private industry once again fails to do their job for important infrastructure. The company hasn't explained why their pipelines would be so easily crippled by a data ransom. Their also wouldn't be any gas shortage if every maga moron didn't rush to the pumps to fill up. Soft as Charmin Americans think they can't survive a day or 2 without guzzling gas? We still have these crazy things called gas trucks to cover short term supplying. The gas is there just waiting for the morons to turn the pipes back on. We see a pretty stupid trend the last year with lumber, toilet paper, gas, foods, etc. If you tell Americans supply will be low for a bit and to conserve, they all go running out to gobble up everything they can get their hands on and make the problem 10x worse than it should be.
Yet James Lee is still arguing. Blames Putin.
Dont let him (it) do that to you. The answer is none.Less than under Biden. Amd Trump had less to work with when the pandemic started than when Biden took office.
She is really dumb.
Some of the worst mass murderers were homosexuals. A greater percentage than their percentage of the population.
In a more sane world, the Judge would've told him ... jail time or we set up the execution date. Your choice.
All this pushing of identity politics over the last decade and a half has resulted in BS like this. All we’ve done is create not equal rights, but special rights. Shameful and evil acts like the one in Dallas are now celebrated openly by some and ignored by far too many because they don’t want to hurt feelings.
Just sick of BS like this.
"But yet you celebrate black American rape against an underage girl of a conservative because you think less of a black American"lmao, more stupid. This forum hates you. You post lies. I will tell you why. Your racial sentence alone sold you out. Asians are getting beat by Black Americans at a record rate. The gays and Muslims in the same sentence. You must be mentally challenged. Muslims hates Gays. Kill them. Muslims are the most conservative people on the planet. Teachers are grooming kids. Journalists are leaking info. And judges are letting liberal crimes go.
You are seriously f$@&ed up. Seriously
But yet you celebrate black American rape against an underage girl of a conservative because you think less of a black American
Both sides do it, nobody disagrees, yet only one side is held accountable while the other side can literally and figuratively get away with murder.The old both sides do it. Well there's a lot of truth to that. Does not change the fact that Joe Biden is a career politician worth 50 times what he's been paid. When did the Republicans do what Hillary and probably Obama did to Trump? This ought to be good.
And that comment isn’t supposed to be construed as racist or bigoted? What’s her justification for such an idiotic comment? What “white man” is trying to take away her liberties? Now I will say someone that batshit crazy should refrain from voting because of their batshit craziness, but NO ONE is doing ANYTHING to prevent her from voting. This is a perfect example of how the constant race baiting fear mongering has sucked in some weak minded individuals.MSNBC guest: ‘White Men’ are the biggest ‘threat’ to women’s ‘liberty as citizens,’ ‘right to vote’
I would say her biggest threat is finding a beauty shop/hairdresser.
The abortion debate is really all they’ve got short of a new ultra deadly strain of covaidsebolasmallmonkey pox.Planned Parenthood already running ads against the Repub candidate for gov in Pa. Been seeing them for the last couple of weeks.
Fewer than were lost in 2021 that’s for sure. And 2020 didn’t have the benefit of the vaccine. Really dumb question there.Speaking of mass murderers, how many lives were lost in 2020 due to his Covid denial?
don’t forget they are the ones spreading monkey pox!
Back in the day, one of my jobs was a Regional Mgr for a nat'l/international company. At one of our locations we had a fairly large warehouse that I had to hire someone to manage. Pretty much knew when I hired the guy that he was gay. Black as well. But I really liked the guy and got the feeling that he would do a good job. And I was correct. Great employee. We would talk a number of times in the 2-3 years he worked for me...after hours just sitting around BS'ing....about him being gay. He would bring it up....not me. He was gay, no doubt, but he had no idea why and basically didn't want to be. Thru him (his experiences and of those he knew in the gay community) it was apparent that the 'community' was very unhappy. Know they're wrong but won't admit it or try to change. Just some miserable stories he shared with me.
They know they are going to get sued like no other and a lot of folks are trying to cover their rear ends right now.Been watching this for a couple of days to see if anything happened. No way to verify truth of this but I would be surprised if it wasn't true. The cops in Uvalde basically threatened to take her kids away via probation violation if she talked to the press about what she saw and heard inside the school.
Angeli Gomez says Uvalde, Texas cops threatened her for speaking out
Angeli Rose Gomez, who was handcuffed after urging police to go inside Robb Elementary, claims law enforcement has warned her to stop telling her story.nypost.com