An assault weapon was not used. Not by actual definition anyway.
An assault weapon was not used. Not by actual definition anyway.
We are quickly becoming a third world country under Joe, Kamala, Pelosi, and the entire dim party.
Yes. Do you think it is a good idea? I never really paid much attention to primary elections. Never voted in one. But when I see the staggeringly lopsided wins for Kemp and the Riff-Raff burger it caused me to look into it. A fair amount of states have it. Seems like a really terrible idea to me.Does Georgia have an open primary?
Yes. Do you think it is a good idea?
I favor dismantling all primaries as they are are constructed and just run all candidates in one big primary election. The top 2 then move to the general. Even in a closed primary, nothing would stop anyone from registering in the opposite party and having the same effect and this happens in states where one party tends to dominate anyway. Also, independents don't get a say in who they are left with voting for in a general election, which is what happens in Kentucky, and that's ridiculous.Yes. Do you think it is a good idea? I never really paid much attention to primary elections. Never voted in one. But when I see the staggeringly lopsided wins for Kemp and the Riff-Raff burger it caused me to look into it. A fair amount of states have it. Seems like a really terrible idea to me.
Looking at the last page, I'm beginning to think that @CastleRubric is not a fan of communism...
Explains how Kemp had such a big lead on Perdue. Abrams ran unopposed and Dems voted for Kemp.Yes. Do you think it is a good idea? I never really paid much attention to primary elections. Never voted in one. But when I see the staggeringly lopsided wins for Kemp and the Riff-Raff burger it caused me to look into it. A fair amount of states have it. Seems like a really terrible idea to me.
Oh, just so you know. You caused me to spend $32 on an audiobook. 😉That may be the single sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me, FrontRun ....
Oh, just so you know. You caused me to spend $32 on an audiobook. 😉
I live here and, yes, its a terrible idea. It allows the system to be gamed.Yes. Do you think it is a good idea? I never really paid much attention to primary elections. Never voted in one. But when I see the staggeringly lopsided wins for Kemp and the Riff-Raff burger it caused me to look into it. A fair amount of states have it. Seems like a really terrible idea to me.
Yes. Our law needs to be changed.Explains how Kemp had such a big lead on Perdue. Abrams ran unopposed and Dems voted for Kemp.
If guns were renamed to uterus, the pro-birth scum on the right would be ready to regulate the hell out of them. Political and agenda driven . . . pot meet kettle.None of the liberals here can be taken seriously about protecting children as long as they are for killing millions of babies. Their position is purely political and agenda driven. They could give two sh*ts about the lives lost in these shootings.
Anger much?If guns were renamed to uterus, the pro-birth scum on the right would be ready to regulate the hell out of them. Political and agenda driven . . . pot meet kettle.
They saw a 7% turnout for Pubs by Dems in Ga primary. Election day polls showed it wasn't for nefarious reasons. Tons of dems are tired of the woke stuff, high inflation and grooming children.Yes. Do you think it is a good idea? I never really paid much attention to primary elections. Never voted in one. But when I see the staggeringly lopsided wins for Kemp and the Riff-Raff burger it caused me to look into it. A fair amount of states have it. Seems like a really terrible idea to me.
I'm asking if you'll be happy if USSC overturns Roe - because it will be Mitch's fault if they do. I will. Not hard. No idea why you responded to me to begin with.Not really sure what you are asking here. But, then, I suspect you aren’t really interested in an answer.
Gas price is down here in the Texas panhandle. Was up to 3.99
OK. But my point was they had them before Trump opened his mouth.My point was that they were likely favorites because they had America First agendas that people want this leading ultimately to Trumps endorsement.
I couldn't care less about independents. They have no principles, just turn with the wind. Screw em. Besides, they can run in the general election as write-ins.I favor dismantling all primaries as they are are constructed and just run all candidates in one big primary election. The top 2 then move to the general. Even in a closed primary, nothing would stop anyone from registering in the opposite party and having the same effect and this happens in states where one party tends to dominate anyway. Also, independents don't get a say in who they are left with voting for in a general election, which is what happens in Kentucky, and that's ridiculous.
There's no laws stopping states from having earlier primaries. States jockey their primary date all the time.All primaries should be on the same day. It is absurd that some states really don't even get a say in who the Presidential candidate is. I live in Indiana and and spent the first 34 years of my life in Kentucky. Never once had a say in who is running.
I mean WTF makes Iowa and New Hampshire so special?
I've read 7% of Dim voters shifted to Pubs. OTOH, Kemp more likely to defeat Abrams as long as the Trump voters don't take their ball & go home - as happened in the 2020 Senate run offs. They'll then deserve Abrams.Explains how Kemp had such a big lead on Perdue. Abrams ran unopposed and Dems voted for Kemp.
So you think those Dems will vote for Kemp in the general election as well? I hope you are right but I'd be a little surprised. I don't care much for Kemp but anything is better than the Heifer. Unfortunately GA is to the point where I'm starting to wonder what the hell is wrong with those people. Apart from Dems gaming the system, I see little reason to believe the Raffensburger nut could get anywhere near that many votes.They saw a 7% turnout for Pubs by Dems in Ga primary. Election day polls showed it wasn't for nefarious reasons. Tons of dems are tired of the woke stuff, high inflation and grooming children.
OK. But my point was they had them before Trump opened his mouth.
I've read 7% of Dim voters shifted to Pubs. OTOH, Kemp more likely to defeat Abrams as long as the Trump voters don't take their ball & go home - as happened in the 2020 Senate run offs. They'll then deserve Abrams.
Might have the wrong person in mind, but wasnt he mentioning some kind of health problems 4 or 5 months ago? Hope hes alright.
I have no idea. I just read an article that was absolutely shocked at their results. It wasn't like they were expecting inflation, the economy, immigration and ww3 were gonna be more important than republicans being mean.So you think those Dems will vote for Kemp in the general election as well? I hope you are right but I'd be a little surprised. I don't care much for Kemp but anything is better than the Heifer. Unfortunately GA is to the point where I'm starting to wonder what the hell is wrong with those people. Apart from Dems gaming the system, I see little reason to believe the Raffensburger nut could get anywhere near that many votes.
Firefighters are government employees. Often do work much more dangerous than pushing papers on a base somewhere. Do they get their college paid for because of their service? Nah just the military is "entitled" to that...
Wow, how moronic. No wonder you guys can't even understand simple logic.If guns were renamed to uterus, the pro-birth scum on the right would be ready to regulate the hell out of them. Political and agenda driven . . . pot meet kettle.