These people are unbelievable...
Again, they sort of f'd up when they encouraged widespread rioting and destruction, prompting THEIR SUPPORTERS to buy guns in record numbers. Make no mistake, it was THEIR PEOPLE in urban areas who rushed out to buy 9mm, .223...MILITARY GRADE WEAPONS...because for the first time in their lives, they realized the government will not protect them, and they had the right to defend themselves against harm. The shooting sports have exploded with FEMALES. Black women have purchased guns like never before.
Now, you're gonna tell those people they are wrong? Or, that THEY can keep their weapons of destruction, but certain other people from different walks of life, who own the same weapons, those people are a problem?
Because that's sort of what you're seeing on the news. Oh, old white man..."Hey, why do you need guns for anything but hunting?". How about you go down to the hood and ask why they need guns for anything but hunting?