Everyone knew they were going to make a move on guns. I am shocked it took them this long. F'em.
I think you should have to have one to own a handgun. An AR-15 should be handed out when you turn 18.
Nah. I'm taking ivermectin.Everyone run for your lives!!!! Monkeypox is going to kill us all!!!
Stimulus started on January 20, 2021 huh? Good to know. lmfao
Good news @vhcat70, there will soon be a new vaccine for you to take.
News | Bavarian Nordic
Facts are disappointing to a GQP agenda that hates America.Do you ever tire of proving to us on a daily basis that you are fiscally ignorant and morally bankrupt?
Facts are disappointing to a GQP agenda that hates America.
Which facts have you supplied about anything that are right? Lay them out.Facts are disappointing to a GQP agenda that hates America.
Which facts have you supplied about anything that are right? Lay them out.
Do you not remember the Dem primary in 2020? Every state was in question for days after. Its amazing how quickly we moved past that. NY had more votes then voters until they figured out they accidentally counted a bunch of test ballots... Iowa caucus was just randomly decided because the software they were using screwed up too bad to even recover the raw data...No idea about Penn but it was GOP accusations against the GOP in Colorado. Didn't matter that the loser was involved in the process. Threatening assault and litigation is the way to go.
I don't know if he won but Im sure there were shenanigans going on and nobody wants to look into it. This is one of the scenarios where we should live by "If you having nothing to hide you should welcome an investigation".... If you don't even want to investigate the many questions then you aren't serious about a free and fair election.But I still keep hearing Trump won.
Yea. Because they lied about 20% of their users being bots.... at the least. Half of Bidens twitter followers got outed as bots. Dude has a horrible twitter following even though they are trying to prop his lame ass up.Billionaires run this country so there's virtually no way Musk buys Twitter at $54 a share. Even though this was the price that HE offered, he'll walk away if it's not reduced much much lower.
They want price controls. They are following the great depression playbook. We have shortages now but once they cap prices this economy goes to absolute hell.People claiming price gouging are just parroting the lies their politicians are claiming in an attempt to help Biden’s image.
We will likely scream past a recession and drive straight into a depression. And the idiot lefties will cheer it on.They want price controls. They are following the great depression playbook. We have shortages now but once they cap prices this economy goes to absolute hell.
The middle class is the buffer to communism. They are trying to rid the US of a middle class so that while we are all broke and hungry we will welcome our government overlords with open arms.... 2nd amendment attacks will continue until they feel safe about that decision.
Same here, guys. My eyes were welling up with pride to be on the same list with some of you. That dumbazz really made my day!I'll just say like I did last week....honored and proud to be called out with you.
Just saw an Indian news segment where China has built 2 new bridges in an area they have been fighting with India over. They have had bloodshed on that border over the last 5ish years. China just built 2 huge bridges really quickly. It's not a very highly populated area and India is pretty sure its just for moving military equipment.We will likely scream past a recession and drive straight into a depression. And the idiot lefties will cheer it on.
When that happens, china will go on the offensive.
I remember a time, if you told your friend you blew a tranny on the way to school, he knew you were having car problems.In the past that meant something else. Today it means becoming a... well, in reality it means becoming what he already was to begin with, a man with no balls which basically describes most liberal men. He might as well go ahead and complete the physical part of the transformation he already made in is mentally corrupted state.
China Joe is so bad even SeeBS is turning on him. Wow!
If a gop candidate loses a primary ... doesnt that also imply a gop candidate won?? That tweet was so stupid...but consider the source ... pedo jameslie.Why would that be as much of a concern in Primary elections? That only happens when the opponent is from the other party. Look for it in November.
And if you want a really weird coinky dink.... Jake Sullivan, current Biden NSA chief.... his name keeps coming up in meetings with Sussman, Elias and Mook. Weird that Sullivan was knee deep in Ukraine Maidan revolution and it just so happens that a bunch of Trump Russia collusion stuff comes out of Ukraine before the 2016 election.... Freaking weird.... and also the co that said the dnc hack was done by Russia was owned by a Ukrainian oligarch.... weird. The FBI didn't even look at the server they just took the word of Crowdstrike.Mark Elias in the Sussman case apparently has horrible memory. Cant remember anything from the meetings he had trying to frame Trump for colluding with Russia. Apparently they even accidentally outed a cia agent because they were just doing the "yea Im not sure, that might of been person x or person b or person c"... LOL.
science says their are many genders because it is a social label. You are confusing sex and gender. and sex is also not binary because you can be intersex with allows for basically an infinite number of variations. sex is bimodal and always has been and you are probably to stupid to even understand what that means.
wtf is a President DeSantis going to do that is so glorious? Give a speech about trying to pass an anti trans bill? not a damn thing.
She was just watching him grandstand his way into the blades of her fan. I loved that she did not jump the gun and waited for him to peacock before she torched him.