All by design. Education system has been dumbed down to keep the masses stupid and easy to manipulate/control.
All by design. Education system has been dumbed down to keep the masses stupid and easy to manipulate/control.
I feel like Frank Sinatra of conservative posters in those post.I'll just say like I did last week....honored and proud to be called out with you.
And who exactly gets to determine what the definition of those terms are? Seems like that could be a slippery slope into anyone who doesn't agree with the prescribed narratives. We already know the left is willing to label anyone and their damn pets as white supremacists if they don't bow at the alter of BLM.
My daughter and I were watching some general question and answer videos on YouTube the other day and one was about history and dates. Some of the questions were quite easy I thought but when my daughter told me she had never heard of some of them because they did not teach them in school, she was a bit perturbed. I told her they have moved on to more useless information but, now that she is home schooled (started this year) we have more control on the subject matter and steer her clear of a lot of the useless information being taught.All by design. Education system has been dumbed down to keep the masses stupid and easy to manipulate/control.
* KA - BOOM *You dopes do realize that Ghouliani has been sitting on this "breaking" Hunter shit for at least 6 months. If he thought it was going to be YUGE he would have used it a while ago. He knew it could only be used as a half assed hit piece and saved it for now. If you think it's going to lead anywhere I got some alaska bridges to sell you. Everyone already knew hunter was a drug addict, nobody cares. Fbi had this almost a year and threw it in the trash. Another flop on the pile.
If this was the Trump boys...and it was year #2 of Trump's presidency....they would already be doing time.
That’s a cool 1.1 mill for the big guy. I’m sure he didn’t know anything about it. Was just a nice surprise to see in his bank account.
I think so many people have just dropped out of the work force. I don’t have any idea what they’re doing for income. But tons of people just aren’t working.
Hahaha even with the warped way they define "unemployed" it takes alot of gall to stand up and pay himself on the back for that.
Noone can workers, in any city, in any line of work.
I think so many people have just dropped out of the work force. I don’t have any idea what they’re doing for income. But tons of people just aren’t working.
Are you talking about when a bill was put forth to make birth control over the counter?
Same. Guess we gotta up our game.
The canuck really is an all time loser.
Don’t disagree with the sentiment, but couldn’t help but notice he’s apparently driving in England LOL…..
Anti-women LGTQB liberals.
Who is John Galt?
good. that means our economy is strong again and consumers are spending out the ass.
Sadly, schools are more concerned about the upteen gender and pronouns combinations nowadays than they are with teaching Algebra, Biology, etc.All by design. Education system has been dumbed down to keep the masses stupid and easy to manipulate/control.
A lot of it is from the 'wokesters' who are in the school systems....but I think more is that they are afraid of being sued by one crazy Dem/lib parent. When you talk to's really hard to find someone who agrees with all this BS. Unless you're in San Fran...and even there I think they threw out some school board members a few months ago.Sadly, schools are more concerned about the upteen gender and pronouns combinations nowadays than they are with teaching Algebra, Biology, etc.
Somebody is starved for attention.
I must have missed that. Guessing he was on here last night while I wasn't and his stuff got zapped before I could read it.He tried to insult you in one of them just weren't top of his hate list. Didn't you see it?
I think he kind of complimented trueblu, called him sane or something...that should really make trueblu question everything about himself.
What are republicans going to do about it? lol
Love it!
I must have missed that. Guessing he was on here last night while I wasn't and his stuff got zapped before I could read it.
Why would that be as much of a concern in Primary elections? That only happens when the opponent is from the other party. Look for it in November.
Actually Pennsylvania was another clusterf#^k. Weird how it’s always the same corrupt states or more likely major cities.