How will they rule ??!

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As to Tucker and Republicans and the Replacement. As always linking for the video clip, not the tweet.

Too easy. The typical low information ploy that dupes you into believing what the media wants.

This is what the media does. 1st, they claimed interference is now the same as collusion.

Now they claim talking about actually lack of immigration policy is replacement theory. Lol!

Also I forgot you hate jews anyway, but here's another

Lol Brian Cohen, that dude puts some insane shot on twitter

They call themselves Tweeps? LOL Could just be a typo on that second e though, the letter R is right next to E on the keyboard.
Does anyone remember when they had to add the number one to the pumps when gas was .65 cents a gallon. My dad does and he gets apoplectic every time he sees gas prices. Also, hearing reports of diesel outages in the north east US.

Had a guy stop by the property this weekend as I was out mowing one of the fields. He rented one of our commercial properties about 12-15 years ago. He stops once in awhile to say hi. About 3 years ago he stopped by in a big rig. Was going into the transport business and had bought 3 or 4 of them. The other day he said he was parking all of them (had bought a few more) unless he had contracts that were binding. Due to diesel prices/supply.
He specifically states it's not about your white replacement theory, but your bunk political ideology of bringing in more dependent voters you can racially manipulate.

Once gain, if you ain't blatantly lyin' or a' distortin', you ain't makin' your points.

Amazing really just how little intellectual integrity you people have. Ya'll some next level dumb too.
"Dion" translates to "dumb" in Cyrillic.
Too easy. The typical low information ploy that dupes you into believing what the media wants.

This is what the media does. 1st, they claimed interference is now the same as collusion.

Now they claim talking about actually lack of immigration policy is replacement theory. Lol!

Also I forgot you hate jews anyway, but here's another

Lol Brian Cohen, that dude puts some insane shot on twitter
As I said when I linked the video, no idea who he is. Hilarious though to call out someone else on Twitter links when you’re posting Shabibo himself.
Profit. Cheap labor. Republicans are for open borders too, that’s why nothing ever gets done on immigration reform. Illegal immigration provides cheap labor to capitalists on both sides of the aisle.
Make up your mind. I thought the GOP was the party of the Great Replacement theory. Now you say they're on the side of illegal immigration too. You can't even keep your own lies straight.
Make up your mind. I thought the GOP was the party of the Great Replacement theory. Now you say they're on the side of illegal immigration too. You can't even keep your own lies straight.
Different factions. The immigration fans are the “RINO” establishment you racists hate. Lots of rhetoric on the right about immigration isn’t there? But does anything ever actually make it through Mitch McConnell? Don’t act dumb y’all preach this every day.
Different factions. The immigration fans are the “RINO” establishment you racists hate. Lots of rhetoric on the right about immigration isn’t there? But does anything ever actually make it through Mitch McConnell? Don’t act dumb y’all preach this every day.
You won’t find many MM supporters among the conservatives on this board. He is just the lesser of two evils.
Remember when Bush used to mispronounce a word or stutter over one. The media would loose their crap and it would be on every news outlet for days. This fool can barely string words together and you don't hear a peep about it.
LITERALLY PHYSICALLY PROPPED UP by the media and his handlers and he can only muster 39% approval after a year and a half.
Remember that Eastern China flight that went vertical and plowed into the ground. The black box seems to indicate that someone in the cockpit wanted to die and decided to have some company.

Remember that Eastern China flight that went vertical and plowed into the ground. The black box seems to indicate that someone in the cockpit wanted to die and decided to have some company.

Right wing MAGA white nationalist?
@trueblujr2 ....believe you work for a large Wendy's franchisee....heard Rand Paul on Hannity talking about that later this week or next, a vote on a $65B package for bail outs for the restaurant industry. Obviously Paul is against it, but he said about 10 Republicans and all Dems are for it.
He specifically states it's not about your white replacement theory, but your bunk political ideology of bringing in more dependent voters you can racially manipulate.

Dion, is lemming posting. He never once spoke about “white replacement theory” and conservatives before the past few days. And, these liberals don’t care about the actual theory, they are seeking the low bar woke who want to blame conservatives even before any of the victims bodies are warm. Adam Schiff gives the script and they parrot it.


Lol these ppl just make it up as they go.
"What do you mean you won't buy the house until you have an inspection"

Twitter is full of left wing bots

The irony is the inspection is taking place now. It's called due diligence. All sales are contingent on passing that phase. It's literally an inspection of the books, assets, etc. Then and only then does an acquisition "close".

Of course libs don't let actually facts and knowledge get in the way.