How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Will be interesting to see what happens. I think trump returns but not immediately. If trump returned immediately he'd ruin his own brand. I think instead trump will try to position for a sale to Twitter; and I think the sale will be declined or accepted for peanuts.

Musk buying Twitter was the absolute worst thing that could've happened for the conservative social media apps.

Dont worry about her. Psaki says she is an expert

Please, explain to me the qualifications necessary to be the almighty of what view gets to be allowed, what news people can see and be the ultimate decipher of "truth?"

Just a leftist ideologue to do the far left's bidding for government control. That's what it is. These idiots can't even figure out their own gender yet want to control what you get to read and think?

Scum of the earth.
Got a flyer this week of a store (smaller national chain) of a 3 day sale for hanging baskets. Since the Mrs is a nut for flowers all over the property (3 or 4 flower gardens)...she headed out this morning to get a bunch.
Got there and they had none. So she asked the manager when they would be in. Mgr had no idea. Told her that most of the things they order they have no idea if they're going to get them or not....cause the regional warehouse doesn't have them and can't get them.
In addition to their yearly Spring hanging basket sale they are also known around here for their sales of bagged mulch and fertilizer. Mgr told her that they won't be getting any of that this year....due to price, and again, can't get it.
The supply change is getting to a point of ridiculous. A squirrel chewed through a fuel line of my wife's Audi Q5. Of course it isn't driveable so we had it towed to the Audi dealer. Next week will be the 8th week it has been in their garage waiting on a simple fuel line. Every excuse to man has been given to us and no fuel line. I guess I am to believe there is not a fuel line in the world. But there is nothing I can do. I can't go to the shop and drive it somewhere else. So we wait.

And that is only one example. My local grocery store has not been able to get chicken gizzards and livers for weeks now. Dang chicken livers. How does that happen? This is America. Or it was.
This woman is certifiably batsh1t. There is zero way anyone like this should ever be near any position of authority let alone a national secretary level position.
Unfortunately, the government is full of these type of people now. Clear socio and psychopaths who are obsessed with power. The money just comes along with it.
Unfortunately, the government is full of these type of people now. Clear socio and psychopaths who are obsessed with power. The money just comes along with it.
That's who politics appeals to. Anyone actually qualified never wants to be a politician. It's the psychopaths who desire this crap and spend years maneuvering to position themselves to get these roles. There's a desire to rule you which the majority of the country does not have.
The supply change is getting to a point of ridiculous. A squirrel chewed through a fuel line of my wife's Audi Q5. Of course it isn't driveable so we had it towed to the Audi dealer. Next week will be the 8th week it has been in their garage waiting on a simple fuel line. Every excuse to man has been given to us and no fuel line. I guess I am to believe there is not a fuel line in the world. But there is nothing I can do. I can't go to the shop and drive it somewhere else. So we wait.

And that is only one example. My local grocery store has not been able to get chicken gizzards and livers for weeks now. Dang chicken livers. How does that happen? This is America. Or it was.
We've got kind of the same thing. Had a little fender bender in a Krogers parking lot about 2 months ago. No fault...raining...I didn't see her, she didn't see me. Very minimal damage...but the Mrs is very, very particular with our off to the body shop for a new rear bumper and tail light. Been waiting all this time for a bumper. Shop says there is a national backorder on the bumper (code for it's coming from China...probably...and it may be on a boat out in the Pacific and no one knows where it's at). Fortunately with very, very little damage, we can drive it, and actually no one know the bumper and light have a crack in them.
Same as you we wait.
And that one is now having the brakes pumped because at best it is causing weird rebound/recurrent symptoms. At worst...who knows.

Meanwhile the other two are still being prescribed world wide for their on label uses with no issue.
Honestly, VH knows these vaccines are garbage shit, but he was such a coronabro, and has a personality type where he will never ever ever admit to being wrong, he will fight to the death to defend his original incorrect opinions.

What a loser.
This odd...maybe...just turned on YouTube and there's a live Q&A on the SpaceX channel with Musk. Also Jack of Twitter...Dorsey? Talking now about bitcoin. So have no idea if this is about SpaceX or anything and everything.
This live stream is crap. Now the gal that's on there...don't know her talking about ESG. People like this gal is basically running the world...or trying to...or will be.
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NIH even says it works.

From the link:


Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally."
Should end that argument, but it won't.
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There was an episode of House where a patient thought he could fly. House indulged the patient and they furthermore fed into their delusion. He even let him jump off a platform in an antigravity room cementing the delusion and making it seem like reality…

until the guy jumped off a roof and quickly realized he couldn’t fly.

This is what society is doing now. Feeding the delusional… and in this case quite literally.