How will they rule ??!

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There's some sort of phishing scam they are trying with "live" videos, get you to click on a link or send them some bitcoin for a giveaway or something.

Here it is...

Whatever Trump says you can guarantee the truth is always the exact opposite. I hear he only gave the porn skank 200k because he liked her pole dance show.
I didn't realize Madison Cawthorn was only 26. But man has he packed a lot in it.

Tried to board a plane with a gun.
Arrested for driving with a suspended license
Lied about being accepted to the naval academy
Taped firing a staffer for requesting FMLA.
Pictures wearing negligee.
Recently accused of insider trading cryptocurrency
Video of him and male staffer canoodling.
Screen shots of venmo payments to staffer for sex.

I'm starting to think the orgies are real and they're trying to discredit him. But I also think he's a dumbass and it's all on him.

Now, this is a politician, but it doesn't have to be political. I've left out things that could make it that way. Let's have a sense of humor and make fun of the guy and not delve in to partisan sniping.
The economy is in a recession. There’s no doubt. Negative Q1 growth, inflation rising, stock market in a free fall. How is there negative growth compared to a year ago? That’s the head scratcher. Couldn’t be the virus and conventional wisdom would be growth would be much greater. Why? Bc of rampant govt spending that’s held the economy up. It’s a very precarious position the administration is in with no real way out other than tapping into the nations natural resources of fossil fuels.
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So now there is a 'National' day for kids to 'announce' where they are going to college? How lame is that?
I've said it before....cell phones and social media is one of the worst things to happen to this country (and others).

'On May 1st, many first-time college applicants anticipate publicly announcing where they plan to go to college. Social media platforms will be flooded with students sharing pictures of themselves sporting gear from their new colleges.

While National Decision Day is something many students look forward to.....'