How will they rule ??!

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Not the same, I didn't say that.

I said both can be bad. That doesn't mean they are the same.

Your thinking is like someone defending Lee Harvey Oswald by saying "what about the riots in Birmingham?"
My thinking? That's funny. MSM and Dems encouraged and supported antifa and BLM. Over and over. Seattle streets were "captured" and they set up their own rules. This went on for weeks. Murders happened. Businesses destroyed. Multiple Govt buildongs attacked. Burned. Damaged.

MSM and Dems called them peaceful protesters. Promoted them. Bailed them out. Villified police trying to stop them. Anyone who opposed were labeled bigots, racists, etc.

No, they are not the same or equal. At all. Have a clue or at least try to have one.
Did they "break in," or did the capitol police open the doors and let them in? How many politicians did these unarmed "raiders" hog tie and drag into the streets? Looked to me like they were just loitering in the halls taking selfies. Of course, Pelosi won't release all the closed circuit video. You can bet if it were incriminating, it would be on a loop 24/7.

Let's be honest, these people were protesting what they considered to be an unfair election where all the swing states magically "swung" in Biden's favor in the wee hours. They weren't there to overthrow the government. You know it, I know it, the media, and the Jan 6 Committee knows it. It's all, like it always is, political theater designed to implicate and harm Trump. Just be honest about it
Some broke in, some barged their way in and others were simply let in. It's not an either or situation.

I agree on the political they're, that's all it's been for years. But I wouldn't say votes magically swung as you put it. Some states counted mail in ballots first others counted them last.

Florida counted them first which is why Dems had a lead but it swung the other direction.

Other states counted them last which swung the results from R to D.
No, that's not what I said.

The comparison is the assassination with January 6th. Both were attacks on America.

The 2020 riots and the Birmingham riots were a result of malevolent behavior, see murder of George Floyd for the former and the night bombings for the latter.

I also agree anyone who committed a crime in said 2020 riots should face penalties for doing so just like those on Jan 6.

I'm just using a different example in history to show how dumb the line of thinking is to discount Jan 6 and go nuts over 2020.


Also, never attempted to? You mean the people in the Capitol with zip ties? The people chanting "Hang Mike Pence" and the makeshift noose in the crowd?

The intention was there.
If the intention had been there, they had the numbers to do it. Unlike the CHAZ areas which had multiple murders and in fighting. BLM threatening and burning and looting stores that wouldn'y obey them or give in to their demands.
I was scrolling my LinkedIn and saw a post where a black woman posted a headshot with the caption “Locs are professional. I am excited to share my first headshot with my natural locs. This is a monumental moment for me to express my authentic self to the professional world.”

We live in the dumbest world. First off, no one told you to wear wigs. You’re also expecting to be celebrated for something that’s simply natural?

“Today, I am excited to share my authentic green eyes. This is monumental for me.”
  • Haha
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By taking credit for the stock market I assume you mean the absolute shit performance it is having? I know my overall portfolio is down almost 8% for the year under this "performance".

Not directly related to your post, but I love how Trump's quoted is looked at by the left as praising Putin as genius, when in reality he is just saying how he is playing Joe Biden like a fiddle currently is genius. No one believes that Biden can outwit a pet rock, so of course Putin looks like a genius in comparison. But the left, see Trump is Putins clown, praising him and calling him a genius. Nooooo...just in this current situation is looks like a genius because the person his outsmarting is defenseless mentally.
What you Trump fan boys just can't ever seem to grasp is that in times of national or world crisis words matter. You can't just say....well what he really meant was....
Trump's words were used by the Proud Boys on T shirts.
Trump's words gave rise to the Capitol attack.
One of his Tweets used the words "White Power".
His words AND Tucker Carlson's were played on F'ing Russian state tv to emphasize US support for the war in Ukraine. Do you think that's ok????
Look, I get it, Biden is an old senile man. I wish we had someone else in charge right now....but it sure as hell isn't Trump.
The words of the US President still matter and to say they don't shows complete ignorance of how this world and our NATO allies operate in a time of war.
  • Haha
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Well you're wrong on one point. there was one person killed. An unarmed Ashley Babbit, as she was trying to escape the situation. She was gunned down by a Capitol Police officer. That officer faced zero accountability for his actions. This same officer was one who left his firearm in a restroom stall at one point.

I’m not wrong as I was discussing the wrong doing of the rioters themselves. Thought that was assumed but I guess I should have been more specific.
The clip i saw he said he would like to phase out the oil industry in 30 years. You think we can live on oil forever? Last I saw the best guess of how long we could last on oil based on consumption rates in 2018 was 50 years. So you either kill it off gently or wait until you crash into a brick wall. renewables and gen IV nuclear is the future unless they finally figure out a useful fusion. Nuclear is tricky because no cities want new reactors nearby and we have punted storage for 50 years now. Solar is rapidly advancing, they just need another big battery push for it to break out of it limits of surge use. Wind is wind, you build huge farms off the coast and its just chugs along. The coal industry thought they would be around forever and fought hard against change instead of getting ahead of it. how's that working out for them? The big oil companies already see it coming and are dumping shit tons of money into renewables.
With inflation at 40 year highs, constant supply chain issues, price of goods increasing, gas prices at least $3.25, the Russian invasion, and the list could go on. So I ask how is this administration better than the previous one? Someone legitimately explain it to me. I am failing to see it.
CDC says waiting longer between covid vaccine doses could reduce myocarditis.” - NBC

Remember when this was misinformation? This is also something that likely would’ve been discovered in a second phase trial Instead of giving it to 70% of the populatio.
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What you Trump fan boys just can't ever seem to grasp is that in times of national or world crisis words matter. You can't just say....well what he really meant was....
Trump's words were used by the Proud Boys on T shirts.
Trump's words gave rise to the Capitol attack.
One of his Tweets used the words "White Power".
His words AND Tucker Carlson's were played on F'ing Russian state tv to emphasize US support for the war in Ukraine. Do you think that's ok????
Look, I get it, Biden is an old senile man. I wish we had someone else in charge right now....but it sure as hell isn't Trump.
The words of the US President still matter and to say they don't shows complete ignorance of how this world and our NATO allies operate in a time of war.

Well I guess it’s a very good thing Biden can’t say words in a coherent way. I mean, there’s absolutely no way Biden being a dementia patient had any effect at all on how our adversaries behave. They’d never take that as a weakness and feel emboldened to do…what they’re doing…oh wait…

You’re too stupid to see you’re mad at the wrong person or group of people. Russia is not doing what they’re doing because of Trump or Tucker, they’re doing this because we now have very weak leadership in the White House.

I can say with certainty this wouldn’t happen with Trump in the White House…because it didn’t. Barry and little Joe can’t make that claim.
Well I guess it’s a very good thing Biden can’t say words in a coherent way. I mean, there’s absolutely no way Biden being a dementia patient had any effect at all on how our adversaries behave. They’d never take that as a weakness and feel emboldened to do…what they’re doing…oh wait…

You’re too stupid to see you’re mad at the wrong person or group of people. Russia is not doing what they’re doing because of Trump or Tucker, they’re doing this because we now have very weak leadership in the White House.

I can say with certainty this wouldn’t happen with Trump in the White House…because it didn’t. Barry and little Joe can’t make that claim.
So were Republicans weak on 9/11? One of our own US cities was attacked.
Was Ronald Reagan a wussy when the Marine barracks were blown up in Lebanon?
You need to look up irony and get someone to explain it to you.

Again, you need to look up what a lie is and I guess what irony is as well.

You were talking about people leaving California and all I did was name a possible reason for that. That's not a lie. That's looking at the fact that covid lead to more remote workers. Said workers are now no longer locked in the area their employer is located. Therefore, workers can migrate to areas that are cheaper.

This is not a lie. A lie is intentionally making a false statement. I myself moved to a cheaper location once I remote, though I eventually moved back. I know people at my job who left Chicago for places in WI, MI, FL, IA, PA, and IN. For some, it doesn't make any financial sense to stay in an area that's more expensive when they can just as easily move to a cheaper locale, closer to family. Again, this is not a lie as you put it.

A lie would be "The only reason why people left CA is that they're remote employees" this would be a lie because it ignores the fact that I know there were other reasons for leaving based on the person, taxes being an example of one, politics another, job relocation, etc.

For you to bring up irony implies that I do not know what a lie is based on my response to you saying you need to look up the definition of a lie.
What you Trump fan boys just can't ever seem to grasp is that in times of national or world crisis words matter. You can't just say....well what he really meant was....
Trump's words were used by the Proud Boys on T shirts.
Trump's words gave rise to the Capitol attack.
One of his Tweets used the words "White Power".
His words AND Tucker Carlson's were played on F'ing Russian state tv to emphasize US support for the war in Ukraine. Do you think that's ok????
Look, I get it, Biden is an old senile man. I wish we had someone else in charge right now....but it sure as hell isn't Trump.
The words of the US President still matter and to say they don't shows complete ignorance of how this world and our NATO allies operate in a time of war.
Jesus christ. Just when I think you cant get any stupider, you go and top yourself.
Well I guess it’s a very good thing Biden can’t say words in a coherent way. I mean, there’s absolutely no way Biden being a dementia patient had any effect at all on how our adversaries behave. They’d never take that as a weakness and feel emboldened to do…what they’re doing…oh wait…

You’re too stupid to see you’re mad at the wrong person or group of people. Russia is not doing what they’re doing because of Trump or Tucker, they’re doing this because we now have very weak leadership in the White House.

I can say with certainty this wouldn’t happen with Trump in the White House…because it didn’t. Barry and little Joe can’t make that claim.
Funny thing is. From Jan. 2017 thru Jan. 2021 Putin was a good little boy. He didn't invade Georgia or Ukraine or anywhere else. Putin is like a hyena he sees & senses weakness then he attacks. This is why he did nothing when Trump was president. He knows that Biden is a weak, pathetic joke.
I’m not wrong as I was discussing the wrong doing of the rioters themselves. Thought that was assumed but I guess I should have been more specific.
I wasn't picking on you and understood the point you were making, the post wasn't intended to be directed at you, but more to emphasize to the libs on here how the only real death that occurred that day is attributed to them.
With inflation at 40 year highs, constant supply chain issues, price of goods increasing, gas prices at least $3.25, the Russian invasion, and the list could go on. So I ask how is this administration better than the previous one? Someone legitimately explain it to me. I am failing to see it.
Gas as high as $3.49 in Louisville today according to Gas Buddy. I paid $3.19 yesterday out in Taylorsville yesterday. it was $3.29 at the same station this morning.
Well you're wrong on one point. there was one person killed. An unarmed Ashley Babbit, as she was trying to escape the situation. She was gunned down by a Capitol Police officer. That officer faced zero accountability for his actions. This same officer was one who left his firearm in a restroom stall at one point.
She wasn’t trying to escape anything. Watch the video for yourself. She’s climbing through the hole they broke to reach congresspeople. Here's four different angles so you can't deny it.

Know someone whose spouse is deployed in Guam right now. I guess Guam has an Air Force base as well as a Naval base. Guess they are 'ramping up' (their words not mine) for a possible Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Not sure what 'ramping up' means....probably just heightened awareness.

Anderson AFB - We’ve flown B52s and also airlift sorties out of there for many decades

They’re part of the USAFs PACAF Major Command which reports up to Hickham AFB in Hawaii as the overall headquarters for all USAF Pacific Theater forces