We have a number of Amazon Alexas and a couple of Google Nests in the house. Can't prove it....but I swear there have been some times where they listen in because, as you mentioned, we'll be talking about something and within hours something related to it pops up on the computer, tablet, YouTube, etc.Have you ever wondered why ads pop up on your Facebook page after you just got finished talking to friends or family about them? Kind of like having a discussion about Home Depot and then 30 minutes later you go to Facebook and there is an ad from Home Depot. It’s almost like they are listening in to every word you are saying. I wonder why Google, Facebook and Twitter have all been put in front of Congress so many times over the last couple of years. Are they all listening to what we are saying or recording what we post? Curious minds want to know. Maybe we should ask George what the real purpose of the Patriot Act was for?