Ok, not really what I was looking for and you contradicted yourself as well. First you basically said you trust everything Fauci says except for back when he said we don't need masks. Did you question that when he said it? Then you go on to say you don't put much faith in individuals, yet you give Fauci your full faith and trust.
There are countless compilation videos of Fauci contradicting himself. Why do you give him your trust? What qualifies him anymore than anyone else with similar credentials to be the arbiter of truth? Have you even studied the mans history? Do you understand who all he's in bed with? The kinds of research he's funded and done? His relationships with China? With Pharmaceutical companies? With the government? If any one person needs to be questioned or discredited, it's that guy. And yet when someone highly credentialed, but without all the compromised history and connections, says something to refute Lord Fauci, they get cancelled, silenced, censored.
As for hospitals, you realize they get paid for every Covid Patient by the government, right? Covid is a cash cow for hospitals, to the point it compromises and corrupts their reporting. It's caused hospitals to count deaths incorrectly. It's what has now led to many states "adjusting" how they count Covid deaths. (The whole "with" or "from" argument) The head of the CDC even said that 75% had four or more comorbidities. I wonder how many had even three or two or even one significant comorbidity?
So a study from the NIH that says Natural Immunity is showing to be at least, if not better protection than the vaccine carries no weight with you. It's misinformation. If it's not allowed on facebook or Twitter, or if the media isn't discussing it, then it's misinformation.
Or How about a study from the same NIH that concluded "Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally." Why is that not front page news? Why isn't the mainstream media all over that? Why is the Federal Government trying to hide that fact and censor anyone who brings it up or label it misinformation? You see, to me, the fact they are restricting the use of things like Ivermectin, making it extremely difficult to get and not sanctioning it's use is tantamount to crimes against humanity by our government.
So again, I ask, what credentials does one need before you will trust them? Again, why do you put all your eggs in one untrustworthy basket?