Show me ONE time I ever said the BLM riots were ok. I've never said that. Not once...not ever. The peaceful protests were fine. The riots, destruction of property, and violence were not.
I am consistent in my condemnation of those riots as well as the Jan 6th riot. Neither were ok. One doesn't deserve acceptance over the other.
To say that one riot is ok because it's my "peeps" rioting is the epitome of hypocrisy.
Any person caught destroying property or committing violence against the police should be arrested....Not pardoned like the Riot Ringmaster Trump has suggested this week. Any politician suggesting it's ok should be voted out (Maxine Waters).
Either riots/violence are wrong or they're not.
You can't have it both ways. Total hypocrisy on your part to excuse one over the other.
Btw...if you think they peacefully entered the may wanna check this out.
Proceeds to show Jan 6th footage .. hahaha. Ate up on a fake "insurrection"
Btw, why is Nancy not releasing 14,000 of Jan 6th video footage?