How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Sam, part of the problem with our death rate is the pervasive obesity herein- and, for all I know, you might be part of the problem yourself, which would explain, though not really validate, your fear. With that said, the comparison to other parts of the industrialized world is a tad misleading, since it is precisely the industrialized world that is getting hit the hardest due to higher median age. As it is, the United States is doing worse than Western Europe generally speaking; better than most of Eastern Europe (including higher income countries there like the Czech Republic) and quiet a bit worse than Asia. But for obesity, I suspect that our numbers would be as low as those in places like Western Europe. You are technically correct that "we lead the industrialized world" in deaths, but we certainly do not lead in per capita deaths. I urge you to seek therapy for your obvious neurosis about "Covid", as mental stress can surely lead to just as many issues as those caused by viruses. You should always remember that the worst pandemic of all is a pandemic of fear.
I give you lots of credit for a coherent response that has some elements of thought and intelligence present....even though I don't agree with all of it.
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Big brain

Half of the Ukraine people identify as "Russian" anyway. How did the world change when they attacked Crimea? Obama sent the Ukrainians blankets. Biden withheld a billion dollars unless they let his kid, and himself, collect millions of dollars.

At this point, what difference does it make? Why do we want to let Russia gain position by us defending Ukraine?

There is nothing we can withhold from Putin that he can't get from China. Uranium. But that boat sailed with the Clintons.

We are on the verge of WWIII. XI and Putin don't have to include Biden in their talks.

Russia isn't doing a damn thing without the permission of China.

ukraine is russian culture womb - kievian state
orthodox christian church connection -

resentment over the forced schism fm years back

russia WILL fight a major war over ukraine and nato expanding east / “adding “ ukraine and georgia as members

there’s more that could be said

our country has NO Reason to fight a war with russia and everything to lose with the ongoing military purges + provocations

a world war - it happens- will be quick and devastating to the US - not like WW1 or 2 at all

also a great segue to “great reset”
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The left is at least consistent and not hypocritical.
Chris Matthews, Chris Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo, Whoopi, etc are all out of work due to perceived racism, conflict of interest or sexual indiscretions.
Yes after they each made such unbelievably egregious mistakes that they could no longer be protected.

Meanwhile people getting ruined over the “ok” sign and smirking at Indians.

You are not well. At all.
The left is at least consistent and not hypocritical.
Chris Matthews, Chris Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo, Whoopi, etc are all out of work due to perceived racism, conflict of interest or sexual indiscretions.
Depends on the optics. They generally try to bury things first, then make a big show for brownie points if it becomes too big to cover up. The real answer is that rich elites of both political persuasions are rarely held accountable. They have the money and influence to cover their asses.
Sam, are you of the respondents who utterly gaffed on the poll question when asked to estimate the chance of hospitalization if infected with the Ro? The actual likelihood at the time that poll was taken (December 2020, IIRC) was estimated to be 1% to 3% (it is impossible to know the precise figure, when so many infections are unknown and untested), but about 40% of all Democrats estimated that the hospitalization rate was over 50%. The Republican respondents were less stupid, but, in full disclosure, still pretty stupid. Independents were more stupid than Republicans, but not as stupid as Democrats.

Now, with Omicron, you can take whatever percentage there previously was, and divide it by two or three, if not more. So, if you want to discuss reality, the reality is, unvaxxed or vaxxed, chances are fairly good (over 99% at this point, even IF you are infected), that you won't end up in the hospital.

'SCIENCE DUDE', is a complete clown.

Non stop nonsense and lies, and utter foolishness.

Somehow, quite impossibly, a poster worse than PLAT/SAMMY and RQ/FUZZ combined.

Truly amazing the levels of dumb.

I mean, the guy named himself after one of the worst injuries in UK history, on a UK message board!!!!
I give you lots of credit for a coherent response that has some elements of thought and intelligence present....even though I don't agree with all of it.

Oh. You eat he
The left is at least consistent and not hypocritical.
Chris Matthews, Chris Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo, Whoopi, etc are all out of work due to perceived racism, conflict of interest or sexual indiscretions.
Now do the salaries of those people and compare their ratings to others. Maybe CNN and msnbc amd the like realize that paying joy Reid or Rachel maddow or Cuomo, or Laurer, etc. Upwards of near 8 figures isn't sustainable, and are looking for a reason to can them?

And they provide it, because they are, useful idiots.
The left is at least consistent and not hypocritical.
Chris Matthews, Chris Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo, Whoopi, etc are all out of work due to perceived racism, conflict of interest or sexual indiscretions.
Also, now do Ralph Northam, Justin Trudeau, Jimmy Kimmel, and I could go on and on.

Ted Danson. Amusingly enough, considering.

These are all just blackfaced idiots.

God forbid we start looking for that OK hand signal you fools flagellate yourselves over. (That is a joke, fyi)
The left is at least consistent and not hypocritical.
Chris Matthews, Chris Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo, Whoopi, etc are all out of work due to perceived racism, conflict of interest or sexual indiscretions.
I lol’ed at this one…. Hypocrisy is a universal human failing that we’ve all been guilty of….some of us on multiple occasions.
Depends on the optics. They generally try to bury things first, then make a big show for brownie points if it becomes too big to cover up. The real answer is that rich elites of both political persuasions are rarely held accountable. They have the money and influence to cover their asses.
Pretty much agree with this. I’ve always believed that neither of our political parties have the exclusive monopoly on either virtue or vice.
On some level, if Russia is ever going to try to take Ukraine and China is going to take Taiwan --> has there ever been a better time? We're the weakest we've been in a long time, we have a puddinghead as president (how much he's in charge is open to debate), we gave up Bagram for no damn reason, and both Russia and China have long-term structural problems that are only going to get worse.

If Russia and China both seize territory at the same time, it works to both their advantage (I mean, other than putting the world at the precipice of WWIII).
What in the hell did anything remotely related to the trucker protest have to do with race in any way shape or form. It was 100% about stopping forced mandates and government tyranny.

It is the only play people like Trudeau know. It has worked (at least with their base) so they go with the “if it ain’t broke” approach.

The kicker in this case is the guy screeching muh racism, in an event that has absolutely nothing to do with racism is this guy:

“The left is at least consistent and not hypocritical.” @sambowieshin

-The left consistently condemns violence in any form, however…

-The left demanded Gina Carano be dealt with for her comparison to the beginning stages of Nazi regime. She was fired, Whoopi gets a 2 week suspension.

-The left thinks racism is unforgivable at any point if you’re conservative or at least not full blown left, (see Paula Deen) but a mere finger wagging at people like this:




Point is, no one left or right is not hypocritical or is consistent at all times.
What in the hell did anything remotely related to the trucker protest have to do with race in any way shape or form. It was 100% about stopping forced mandates and government tyranny.
If Canada wants to be more inclusive America can help. We can start by moving the illegals crossing our Southern border straight to the Canadian border. Two million a year will go a long way in helping those living North of our border to boost their people of color problem.

How about this crazy crap going on in high schools. Literally calling out the need to “radicalize” school age children as young as 5 and to blow up the “western nuclear family”. So insane that this crap is actually in some schools around the nation.

How about this crazy crap going on in high schools. Literally calling out the need to “radicalize” school age children as young as 5 and to blow up the “western nuclear family”. So insane that this crap is actually in some schools around the nation.

You got that right, 8 titties.
the Trump soap opera is always solid gold entertainment. now u got 3 of Trumps guys committing larceny and violating HIPPA to go snatch up his medical files. if the doctor can be believed, common sense says he should have called the cops or he is liable for the HIPPA violation. this is the doctor Trump said was one of the finest in the world during his campaign.