Sometimes you can't stay out of it. We tried that in WW1 & WW2 and it didn't work out for us. Dictators and tyrants tend to not like the US and get us entangled into European and/or Asian wars we do not necessarily need to take part of.
What if Russia invades Ukraine and NATO does nothing? What if Putin then invades another country in Europe? When does the appeasement stop? It was Poland in WW2. Maybe you do not care if Europe becomes one big Russian puppet state...but not sure that is good for the US (in fact I know it would not be).
Sorry, but Russia invading Ukraine has absolutely NOTHING to do with the US or our security. In fact, getting involved would only push Russia further into the arms of China. That’s the true threat to America. Not a washed up Russia.
Our southern border is WIDE OPEN but we should care about what happens to Ukraine? We’re 30 trillion dollars in debt. Our economy is on the verge of recession. Our military has been stretched way too thin over the last 30 years. Our engagements now routinely end in embarrassment and our military (and government in general) is lead by unskilled, incompetent elites out of touch with reality.
Yeah, no thanks. There is absolutely zero reason to spill American blood and treasure over this.
Not to mention that nearly every NATO country falls short on its obligation for military funding. It’s not our job to protect them. It’s just not.
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