How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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I was talking to a black man yesterday while filling up my pickup truck and he brought up the trial. He is convinced 3 black men were shot and killed by Rittenhouse. He actually called the young man Rittenberger. I corrected him on that but never could convince him no blacks were involved in the incident.
Guarantees he's one of the five people who watch MSNBC.
Odd how all whites are to pay for the sins of a small group but no other race. Blacks aren't to apologize for any wrongdoing ever. Arabs aren't either. Most of this country couldn't properly tell you about the slave trade because they're that ignorant and you can chalk that up to our education system.

Also total coincidence the groups pushing this shit are also the ones ushering in population replacement. Totally not related at all.
I'm sure they'll get a nice return on that investment, especially considering what the price must be for a private school

Then when they are financially struggling, it'll be blamed on oppression
That moron will go right straight into teaching that moronic shit.
Hopefully the colon doc shoved about 10 lbs worth of Ex-lax up Biden's ass....we won't hear from him for a week.
Think of how retarded one has to be to get the vaccine to "protect themselves from a virus* and then demand someone else has to get one in order for their jab to work. It's as dumb as the idiots who aren't sick and are wearing a mask. MAKES NO GD SENSE!

My wife has a sister and BIL who are of a similar mindset- still wears masks, still plays a long with wearing it until at the restaurant table. The SIL made a snarky post on FB without mentioning me for when I got COVID and how I wasn't vaccinated and how it's proof that the vaccine works (Oh, the jab works but you need others to get it?). Never mind that it was hardly any different than when someone gets the flu. You didn't live your life in total fear when the flu occurs but add media and politicians and everyone lose their mind.

Anyway, you never see people who aren't wearing a mask or didn't get the shot just straight up freaking out and harassing those who did and trying to make things worse for them but the covid cult absolutely seeks to treat others like second class citizens. But that's how the left is with everything. The right leaves you alone, wants to be left alone and not forced into anything. The left cannot handle any type of opposition. It's blasphemous.
Wife and I were in CB eating bfast last week and young gal was there eating BY HERSELF and was doing everthing right out of the playbook that Fauci and his minions would have loved. Wearing a mask she would pull it down to take a bite and cover up while chewing... everything she handled was with a napkin from silverware , bottles, drink glass , etc. It was a sight. Probably no more than 30.
Very happy to see they did the right thing. There is no way in hell this kid deserved to spend time in prison over this. Hope he takes a few days off to celebrate then start suing the crap out of everyone who defamed him.
Came to say the same thing. I hope this guy sues the MSM and any politician that smeared him as a white supremicist, including the president.

I mean sue into utter oblivion.

Don’t forget Facebook who labeled him a mass murderer as well. You couldn’t share stories or images of him cleaning graffiti because it was “missing context” or “spreading misinformation”.

Time to hold all of these POS establishments liable for spreading nearly all of the misinformation that has gone on the last 2 years.