How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The pipeline is back on so you morons can quit freaking out and resume drinking gas.
Duh. back in the early sixties i was laid off from my job and filed for unemployment. i was given a little book and had to log the places (3 i think) where i applied for work each week. even with that it was easy to game the system—apply at places you knew weren’t hiring, arrive late, unprepared for interviews, knowingly give bad answers at interviews etc.
Many people just want a handout no strings attached.
I had to go through it like 11 years ago. You didn't even have to fill out applications all the time when I did it. I just would call places and ask if they were hiring and if they say no I just wrote their information down and said not hiring.
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Scary. so that means that about 137,000,000 people in this country are total idiots, assuming the total population are voters.


I just find the 50% strong disapproval to be pretty staggering.

Not that it exists, but that we could elect this guy in the first place.

Think about it - those of us who were awake knew what he planned to do and the impact it would have. In fact, I thought it might have been even worse after the Georgia elections, but Schumer and Sinema have helped to stall things.

But today, less than a year into his Presidency, he has caused so much damage to this country that even a portion of the people who supposedly voted for him “strongly disapprove” of him.

This isn’t how a presidency is supposed to work. And yet, we are stuck with some version of this disaster for another 38 months.

I just find the 50% strong disapproval to be pretty staggering.

Not that it exists, but that we could elect this guy in the first place.

Think about it - those of us who were awake knew what he planned to do and the impact it would have. In fact, I thought it might have been even worse after the Georgia elections, but Schumer and Sinema have helped to stall things.

But today, less than a year into his Presidency, he has caused so much damage to this country that even a portion of the people who supposedly voted for him “strongly disapprove” of him.

This isn’t how a presidency is supposed to work. And yet, we are stuck with some version of this disaster for another 38 months.
He has been a disaster but the worst damage is yet to come. He has screwed every domestic program up but the big issue is going to be China. China owns him and they are going to rule the South Pacific and there is noting Biden will or can do about it. Taiwan is toast. China is moving in on them and will control them in the very near future. Biden can't say a word about it because he is their bitch

The question must be asked. How can America recover from him.
It’s f cking pathetic how politics/agenda have ruined literally everything in life. In more sane times any group threatening to burn a city down if X doesn’t go their way would be met with disdain and a “just you try it” rebuttal. Now they let the violent mob make the threats, the rules, and decide how each situation is handled.

This trial should have been throw out the minute people were caught trying to photograph jurors. Of course there should have never been a trial in the first place.
You can't blame them if these tweets are true. But...didn't they know from the outset that an innocent verdict would lead to this? Or did they buy into the media narrative that he was guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt...and found out otherwise once the evidence/video was presented? They should have disqualified themselves somehow.
🙄 that's just weird... in so many ways.

Biden trying to influence this case is sickening. Even if he was a republican, I'd be pissed. You just don't do that. Serious question time. With the Afghanistan debacle, the mandates he's trying to push through despite it having a federal court order stay, and just the lies... how is he not being impeached?

Because too many people do not think it matters much who is elected to the House or Senate - only who is elected president. A majority in the House can impeach a president for just about any reason they choose (which we saw with Trump, twice). Of course they need the Senate to agree but the House can do it just to harass if they wish. Repubs do not have the majority in the House to impeach.
Just something I wonder about. I was a military policeman a long time ago. It wasn't to long after Kent State that the gov feared a riot/demonstration fairly near our base. A large group of us were put in a holding area, ready to board buses at a moments notice. They told us we would be issued M-16's with NO AMMO. Turns out we were not used, so it was a non issue, but makes me wonder what these National Guard guys will be issued.
Yeah, we did a lot of riot training for the same purpose when I was stationed at FT. Campbell in the early 80's in preparation for it. Once were called out to an area on the Clarksville TN. side of the post that had a KKK meeting going with crosses burning so some of the locals along with some soldiers were preparing to put a stop to it. We waited in buses to see if they needed us but, the local police handled it so...
You can't blame them if these tweets are true. But...didn't they know from the outset that an innocent verdict would lead to this? Or did they buy into the media narrative that he was guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt...and found out otherwise once the evidence/video was presented? They should have disqualified themselves somehow.

I was thinking the same thing. They had to know this was high profile. My guess is they bought into the media hype. Can the judge still declare a mistrial with prejudice?