How will they rule ??!

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🙄 that's just weird... in so many ways.

Biden trying to influence this case is sickening. Even if he was a republican, I'd be pissed. You just don't do that. Serious question time. With the Afghanistan debacle, the mandates he's trying to push through despite it having a federal court order stay, and just the lies... how is he not being impeached?

Because his last name isn't Trump.
🙄 that's just weird... in so many ways.

Biden trying to influence this case is sickening. Even if he was a republican, I'd be pissed. You just don't do that. Serious question time. With the Afghanistan debacle, the mandates he's trying to push through despite it having a federal court order stay, and just the lies... how is he not being impeached?
You don't think Nancy would do anything to hurt her boo, do you?
A group of white supremacists chase down a black man trying to do good for the community. Fortunately, the hero was able to fight them off killing 2 and wounding 1 in a clear case of self defense. The 3 white supremacists were all criminals as well, including a serial pedophile and a domestic abuser. Kyle’s statue will be built in the coming weeks.
And the democrat/marxists tells us that if Kyle Rittenhouse was black that he would be found guilty. If you ever hear one of them say that. Say to them, you mean like O.J. Simpson.
Just something I wonder about. I was a military policeman a long time ago. It wasn't to long after Kent State that the gov feared a riot/demonstration fairly near our base. A large group of us were put in a holding area, ready to board buses at a moments notice. They told us we would be issued M-16's with NO AMMO. Turns out we were not used, so it was a non issue, but makes me wonder what these National Guard guys will be issued.
I was stationed at Fort Knox in 1967 and the war protestor hippies threatened to shut down the Derby. Their plan was to run out on the track and lay down.

I was part of a "Riot Response Team" the Army had put together to handle protests and riots all over America during that time. We were called to the Derby and issued weapons with no ammo. Before we departed for The Derby our Commanding Officers including a Brig General gave us a talk with instructions. The instructions were to hold a line and if the hippies got through onto the track to step aside. The Officer laughed and said if those fools lay down on that track with 1500 lb horses running full speed what happens, happens.

Apparently the protestors had no idea how powerful a race horse was because one glimpse and they scattered.
When every one is q anon, nobody is q anon.

These stories are just as common now, always shocking, but always vaxxed.

You know that there is a naughty judge alert about to drop.
Are you trying to claim the vaccine caused her pulmonary embolism?

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Just something I wonder about. I was a military policeman a long time ago. It wasn't to long after Kent State that the gov feared a riot/demonstration fairly near our base. A large group of us were put in a holding area, ready to board buses at a moments notice. They told us we would be issued M-16's with NO AMMO. Turns out we were not used, so it was a non issue, but makes me wonder what these National Guard guys will be issued.

They had ammo in Louisville last year. They killed a guy that shot at them first.

They were all instructed by andy to not shoot or get involved. Just be a presence. That's why Andy was so pissed.

Lmpd were all given orders that first weekend to absolutely not get involved. Just be there.

I'm sure the other cities were the same, since I'm sure all the orders came from the same place
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Watching msm continue to try to cast doubt around this trial is disgusting.

This isn't "jury selection". This is almost surely dividing out the alternates. In any trial that will last more than a day or two, especially high profile ones, the judge is wise to seat alternates in case something comes up and a juror needs excused. It happened here when the court threw one person off the jury.

The alternates are never told they're alternates. That way it doesn't effect their attention to the case. Often times the alternate status isn't even decided until just before they get the case, just like here. The alternates are even to observe deliberation in case a juror needs excused before the verdict, so the alternate can step in and avoid a mistrial.

This judge seems really good. My guess is if you looked through his history, he either tried or presided over high profile cases before. Kyle got incredibly lucky, because lawyers and therefore judges like this are absolutely a dying breed. Nowadays you're way more likely to get some politician who's never tried a case in their life..
Are you trying to claim the vaccine caused her pulmonary embolism?

From your article:

A 2020 article referencing events through 2018. These are rate per 100000. Rates dropped significantly from 1999-2008, but then ticked upward the last ten years of the study. I guess we'll have to wait until 2023 to find out what happened in 2021.

It still looks pretty rare for the under 64 crowd. I'm really curious for the under 50 set.

Also, something, something, France, Germany, no under 30 Moderna.

That assumes that people who got laid off didn’t want to work and the little bit of unemployment money they got was sufficient. That would apply only to a very small few.
Maybe, maybe not. i knew of many guys back in those days, mostly single, who would rather party rather than settle down and work a steady job, as long as they could get money from unemployment or “other means.”
I can’t imagine things have changed since.
In order to save space in print and other advertising media, the US Marine Corps has changed its slogan to “We’re looking for few good men”
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The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, sponsored by Wayne Allyn Root’s THE GREAT PATRIOT PROTEST & BOYCOTT BOOK: Because it’s Time for conservatives & patriots to fight back!, for Tuesday shows that 41% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-seven percent (57%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 20% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 50% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -30. (see trends)
Scary. so that means that about 137,000,000 people in this country are total idiots, assuming the total population are voters.