Would you care to elaborate?
The Antichrist is not even able to capture all the Jews, many of whom will escape out of his hand.
Here’s a little blurb. Not that I necessarily agree with all of it but just to show that there’s a lot of disagreement on the AC ruling the world. I don’t believe he will.
“Antichrist will invade the Middle East and conquer Israel, breaking the covenant he confirmed with the nation (Dan. 9:27). He will capture half the city of Jerusalem (Zech. 14:2), including the Temple (Rev. 11:1-2), and will try to exterminate the rest of the people of Israel. But God will protect them (Rev. 12:6, 1316). It is significant that Antichrist is distinguished from the king of the north and the king of the south. Although he is typical of Antiochus IV, a king of the north (Syria), he will not be Syrian. Since the tenhorned beast of Daniel 7 and Revelation 12-13 represents the Roman Empire, Antichrist most likely will be a Westerner who will invade Israel in order to proclaim himself God in the Temple. In reaction to this invasion, Egypt and Syria will counterattack. Egypt and North Africa will fall before him, and his troops will occupy much of the Middle East.
2. The End of the Antichrist(vv. 44-45). Not only will Antichrist’s invasion of Israel spark resistance from the Middle Eastern nations, but other nations to the north and east apparently will come to attack him. This gathering of the armies of the world is reflected in Revelation 16:12-16. There the sixth bowl judgment will open the way for the kings of the east to move toward Israel. Then the “three unclean spirits, like frogs” (demons) will perform supernatural signs to gather all the nations of the world to Israel, where they will camp in the valley of Armageddon. Apparently these armies initially will gather in Israel to oppose the Antichrist. But through demonic influence, they will unite instead to fight against Israel and the true and living God.”
* KA - BOOM *
Here are the latest groceries shoppers notice disappearing from their local stores, as holiday madness and winter weather prepare to move in.
Sandwich Fixings
Pasta Sauce
Candy Corn
Canned Pumpkin
Cream Cheese
Damn it! What the hell is going on here? I never voted for this. GD maniacs!
other than eggs what’s on here that I really want?