the article itself says that on average crossings drop 20% in June. Trump did exactly what i said he would. Ramp up the rhetoric and bullshit and wait for the summer slowdown to claim credit for a "miracle" fix. Families not from Mexico won't make the trip when their odds of dying from the heat are 50/50. This fits perfectly into the 30% drop in family units since right now 80% of illegal immigration are non mexicans. When the weather cools off it will spike again. By then Trump will have found some new shiny object to distract his base.
Then they complain about all these Covid variants while opening the door to let it right in. Throw in other things with it like Monkey Pox that are coming from other countries. Probably will have something like a Monkey Pox/Covid-19 hybrid that will eventually kill most of us off in the future.
what if they have a breakout among Vaccinated players?
This woman pretended to be conservative for CNN. Her social media page determined that was a lie. 😂
Totally an impartial Republican, guys. This is a doctor who will lie about the most basic shit and yet you’re to trust someone like her? No. Their dogma and agenda are bigger than the truth. Reminds me of the same tactics in Islam where lying to achieve a goal is okay.
Damn, that has to be satire. right? i’m losing faith in my fellow man more each day.This is that doctor from the town hall’s colleague.
We need to completely separate from these people. Mentally ill cult of liars.
"Its not a lie... if YOU believe it"- CostanzaPlatinDumb/Dion running around misquoting the 2A and claiming his opinion is fact. LOL
He clearly got his degree from the same medical school as Dr Jill Biden.This is that doctor from the town hall’s colleague.
We need to completely separate from these people. Mentally ill cult of liars.
Last night Biden said likely in 2-3 months (Let the Biden knocking posts begin.). 9-10 months is a whole lot more than 7 to make it long-term, isn't it? Skeptics are really betting it all on a fraying thread. Not much else left though.That’s exactly what I said. We don’t have a ton of data and the FDA won’t approve them.
We’re on about month 7 of mainstream introduction of the vaccine. Definitely still in short term.
Lol. Yes whites are notorious for walking around with cans of spraypaint. Oh, that’s right. They aren’t.Henderson Ky...
Are we thinking real...or hoax?
Racist vandals damage homes and cars in Henderson
They spray painted several racist words and symbols all over the homes and
It's not hard. Stop & Frisk worked extremely well in NYC. And that was followed by hard sentences 8 lock up. You must be a kid to not remember those days.I don't have the answers in terms of how to keep the mass flow of guns out of the hands of the sinister. I don't think anyone here has the answer either from what I have seen. What I will say is that leaving things as they currently are, is clearly not the answer either. I'm afraid that this will all be left to solve itself. But it will eventually solve itself, and folks may not be happy what that looks like.
You're arguing a theory, not anything practical. As usual, you have been painted into a corner and are trying to lash out with straw men. Nukes aren't practical for self defense, nor are they able to be deployed without harming innocents.So spell it out then. Why do you not have a constitutional right to bear those arms?
I thought it was boared.I am getting board with his lack of understanding and lack of knowledge of the subject matter at hand.
Yes, I know, I misspelled bored just for him.
paging @Platinumdrgn : You own this.
Yes legal theory, which is where these rights come from. I don’t see anything in the 2nd Amendment about harming innocents. I’ll ask again. Why do you not have a constitutional right to bear those arms?You're arguing a theory, not anything practical. As usual, you have been painted into a corner and are trying to lash out with straw men. Nukes aren't practical for self defense, nor are they able to be deployed without harming innocents.
Interestingly, those graphs show it had/has nothing to do with Trump despite the Left's claims otherwise.
I’m fine with stop and frisk but this problem is far bigger than New York and every so often we still have soft targets being targeted like schools, concerts, movie theaters, work and I assume sporting events will happen eventually. These events are nearly as frequent as your inner city violence using guns but when those events do happen, they are devastating.It's not hard. Stop & Frisk worked extremely well in NYC. And that was followed by hard sentences 8 lock up. You must be a kid to not remember those days.
Pansy a$$es today more worried about being called racist than they are with helping people, particularly black people. And then DA's elect district attorneys who won't lock up & prosecute. Voting against that crap; i.e., against Dims, particularly Soros-funded Dims, would stop that sh!t.
So decide whether you prefer using the tried & true or whining that there's nothing that can be done. Oh yea, strict control of the border with a wall would help a lot too.
Probably not hard to convince the Trump true believers here, but my step GD was there.
I'm not going to engage with your ham-fisted attempt to derail serious discussion with wild stabs because you lost the argument. You're fun to bat around because you're stupid, but now you're just beclowning yourself because you actually think you're smart.Yes legal theory, which is where these rights come from. I don’t see anything in the 2nd Amendment about harming innocents. I’ll ask again. Why do you not have a constitutional right to bear those arms?
Like it can only be done in NYC? LOL. And you have to complain about the other 10% of the problem? No pleasing you.I’m fine with stop and frisk but this problem is far bigger than New York and every so often we still have soft targets being targeted like schools, concerts, movie theaters, work and I assume sporting events will happen eventually. These events are nearly as frequent as your inner city violence using guns but when those events do happen, they are devastating.
You know what? Lots of things are devastating. Economic collapses caused by inept government in bed with greedy banks is devastating. Illegal aliens swarming our border and swamping/bankrupting our society is devastating. Useless wars overseas are devastating. Massive income taxes are devastating. Lack of trust in federal law enforcement due to conspiracies and overreach are devastating. Illegals murdering American citizens because the government won't deport them is devastating. Black on black crime in Chicago is devastating (dozens murdered every weekend).I’m fine with stop and frisk but this problem is far bigger than New York and every so often we still have soft targets being targeted like schools, concerts, movie theaters, work and I assume sporting events will happen eventually. These events are nearly as frequent as your inner city violence using guns but when those events do happen, they are devastating.
Like it can only be done in NYC? LOL. And you have to complain about the other 10% of the problem? No pleasing you.
Has a private citizen ever tried to own nuclear arms, even more specifically under the reasoning of protecting themselves from their own govt? Thus this is a nonsensical slippery slope akin to the ppl that said gay marriage shouldn't be legal bc eventually ppl would marry their dogs.Alright so what's your legal argument for banning nuclear arms? The 2nd Amendment clearly states the right to own arms shall not be infringed.
People will always remember those incidents? Why?lol well I am only familiar with New York I’m not familiar with the laws in other places. So I didn’t want to speak on it but basically I agree with you. Yes, I think it’s those 10% incidents that have the lasting effect. People will always remember Columbine, Newtown, Va Tech, Vegas and what I’m saying is even if you decrease inner city violence but incidents like those continue to happen, it’s not about what I want but the youth will not stand for it and we will see the fruits of that when they get older.
But yeah, wring your hands and focus on the exception rather than the rule.