Bill Ayers, Obama's right hand man
It's really amazing the media completely silenced this connection.
Bill Ayers (a saul alinsky disciple) was a founding member of weather underground, the group responsible for the bombing. Any examination of that group clearly reveals that antifa is absolutely weather underground, just rebranded. Blm is their pr, corporate, media friendly arm that brings in sh1tloads of donations/washed money.
Saul alinsky, frank Davis (proud communist), and Ayers all molded and mentored Obama. Ayers muscled him through an otherwise mob run local political scene.
Those are all facts and out there in black and white. Yet the media would never touch it. Here's some well founded personal speculation:
You can virtually guarantee acorn was Ayers' creation too, which ensured Obama got the oval. It's right up their alley.
Weather underground was always well funded and well manned. Where'd their money come from? It almost certainly came from Russia, given alinsky and Davis love for their governance. After the ussr fell, I'm sure they found a new willing financial partner in china. That absolutely explains all the shocking, open, treasonous deals with both Russia and china soon as Obama walked through the doors. Soros could be the middle man on these deals, washing the money as an additional buffer against a paper trail.
When you look at it all, it's more like Obama is actually Ayers' right hand man.