What part don’t you get? You stated why didn’t either of them contest their run off election. I told you why, the run off was the day before the certification, the riot occurred. The political winds had changed, in no way did I imply that Loeffler was part of any “ conspiracy”.So which is it? She was part of the DIm conspiracy or not?
Look at my total posts count. I'd be awfully busy to post under more than one name.
Head case? I'm not the one pining for Trump over & over. Those are the sad head cases. You/they can't face up to him being done. You need to calm down.
You’re a hack, I told you in January that I didn’t think Trump would run in 24, I still don’t. However, you stated he could not win if he did, I disagree with that. I like Desantis, but I don’t trust him, yet. He’s a politician, he’s only 42 years old, that concerns me.