How will they rule ??!

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Boy Howdy, Glad they were able to get this domestic terrorist rounded up before she could do some serious gubment overthrowin'. Jan. 6th was just her recon mission.

SMDH. @Dionysus444, @bushrod1965, @Platinumdrgn or any of you others who act like this two hour, weaponless, so-called "insurrection" was the worst thing to happen in the US since the civil war, please show us how this person was this grave threat with her Trump blanket and also explain why the Capitol Police were holding the doors open?
I guess global warming picks and chooses where to warm up at and minority communities is where it starts.
Minorities live in urban areas by and large. Urban areas are typically hotter than rural areas due to the heat island affect. Democrat policies which have largely encouraged this sort of demography in urban areas due to public housing and welfare, is largely responsible for why Blacks are living in areas where temperatures tend to be greater due to the heat island effect. Not sure how Republicans or conservatives (which is the implication in articles like this when they make it somehow racist) are at all to blame here. @Dionysus444, @bushrod1965, @Platinumdrgn care to weigh in on this? Care to explain how your side isn't the problem here?
Thank God the FBI got this dangerous white supremacist insurrectionist off the streets and behind bars.

By the way, where is Hunter Biden now? Not in custody? That's odd...
I don't get trump hammering pence or Barr over not challenging the election. They needed evidence. They neither had it nor could get it in time. You can't just upend an entire nations history and laws on belief alone.

Trump and Barr dropped the ball by not investigating this months and months before the election. Everyone knew the Dems cheated last time and knew they'd cheat this time. Trump thought he'd win anyway, and would've, except noone anticipated exactly how blatantly they'd cheat by stopping the count in unison.

Had pence not done his job, then it opened the door for chaos every election that followed. He did the right thing, hard as it was.
Come on. You can't criticize Trump.
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Correct, too many bad humans are around to allow the easy access that we do. What is stupid is doing the same thing over and over again without trying anything SIGNIFICANTLY new. Since you all are the most intelligent, I want you to sit down and put that superior brain to use and figure out how we can keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. It’s 2021, let’s go, get to it.
That's because we don't punish those using the guns. NYC was much safer with Guliani's policies in place - stop & frisk for one, but Libs there wouldn't & won't stand for them. His policies were new for NYC. Guns were kept away from the mentally ill when we institutionalized them, But Libs won't have that either. If you don't agree with those things shown previously to work, then you're a Dim despite your claims to be leaving your party.
Vhcat would make a great member of the Lincoln project.

Hard to believe that brainwashing can be so effective. Instead of F Trump, how ‘bout F the ruling class elites who apparently can manipulate your feeble mind so easily?

Never Trumpers are worse than full blown, far left liberals.
You got something to say about me, why not direct it to me? I'm sure both Lincoln members support DeSantis/Abbott/Scott/noem like I do, don't you think?

I've been a Never Trumper since Dec. 14 (for the 15th time on here.). I'm for most all Trump policies. But let someone say one thing negative about the Great Leader they're in rapture to, & they attribute every political characteristic they don't like to that person. Nuance escapes them totally.
ok where do we start? Maybe it’s better to get rid of ALL gun restrictions. If you’re 18, you can have guns. Make it like cigarettes. Maybe there will be less violence if folks know that any and everyone can be armed at any given time?
You go back to S&F & hospitalizing the mentally ill - as well as securing the border to stop cartels It's not that hard. If you can't be behind that, you're not interested in lower crime & just blowing smoke.
Enforce the laws on the books. If you commit a gun crime, you go away for a loooooong time. if you go across state lines and buy a gun legally but knowingly bring it back to a city that bans them, you go away for a long time.

If you are determined to be mentally ill, you go away until you are deemed no longer a threat.
Yes. It's not hard.
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Im just saying the problem isn’t what the narrative tries to spin. With 100-250K defensive uses compared to around 14-16K criminal killings I’d say taking them from law abiding citizens would be terrible. That’s not to say we don’t have problems. As someone said, the largest problem we have is not enforcing laws already in the books. Also, adequate punishment for crimes should also be the norm. If you purposefully seek someone out to kill them then you willingly give up your life and should be put down.

The second issue is mental illness which is obvious by the fact that suicides account for 60% of firearm deaths. How can we possibly address mental illness when we continually celebrate it and try and convince people that any feeling they have is right since it’s true to them?
Dam that's good. 👍
The next time you see somebody demonizing an entire group of people based on their skin color (definition of racism) , there's a 99.999999% chance it will be a lefty.

It's amazing watching these twisted f**ks rationalize this shit while pretending they are the supreme holders of moral truth.
Correct, too many bad humans are around to allow the easy access that we do. What is stupid is doing the same thing over and over again without trying anything SIGNIFICANTLY new. Since you all are the most intelligent, I want you to sit down and put that superior brain to use and figure out how we can keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. It’s 2021, let’s go, get to it.
Easy, anyone that uses a gun to kill someone get a trial within 7 days, if convicted, hanged at daylight, no exceptions.
Correct, too many bad humans are around to allow the easy access that we do. What is stupid is doing the same thing over and over again without trying anything SIGNIFICANTLY new. Since you all are the most intelligent, I want you to sit down and put that superior brain to use and figure out how we can keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. It’s 2021, let’s go, get to it.
A few years ago in my town, a guy was in prison for murder, he was let out early, committed another murder, was arrested, let out on bail, commited another murder, arrested again, let out on bail again, committed another murder. Now expalin to me what a GD gun had to do with all that?
A few years ago in my town, a guy was in prison for murder, he was let out early, committed another murder, was arrested, let out on bail, commited another murder, arrested again, let out on bail again, committed another murder. Now expalin to me what a GD gun had to do with all that?

Maybe Federalize everything? My God that is insane but I’m afraid not uncommon. A guy killed a man at 18, got out on parole and killed two of my friends after we all went to a club together. Killled them in their car as they were fixing to leave. Some or the local and state laws are a joke. One thing I can say about the federal gov is you’re going to do the time.
Yea thats it, its not like the GA runoffs were the day before the Capitol Riot...oh wait. Loeffler immediately conceded, and then didn't carry through with contesting the certification afterwards.
So she was part of the conspiracy to elect Dim Senators in GA too? Most candidates do concede when they're 100K+ votes behind with no evidence of corruption in their election. You're really off the deep end.
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