How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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you’re probably right, there probably isn’t a real problem at all. Just more fear mongers I guess
Im just saying the problem isn’t what the narrative tries to spin. With 100-250K defensive uses compared to around 14-16K criminal killings I’d say taking them from law abiding citizens would be terrible. That’s not to say we don’t have problems. As someone said, the largest problem we have is not enforcing laws already in the books. Also, adequate punishment for crimes should also be the norm. If you purposefully seek someone out to kill them then you willingly give up your life and should be put down.

The second issue is mental illness which is obvious by the fact that suicides account for 60% of firearm deaths. How can we possibly address mental illness when we continually celebrate it and try and convince people that any feeling they have is right since it’s true to them?
ok where do we start? Maybe it’s better to get rid of ALL gun restrictions. If you’re 18, you can have guns. Make it like cigarettes. Maybe there will be less violence if folks know that any and everyone can be armed at any given time?
Probably better than the alternative.
Listen, we are so far down the rabbit hole of gun ownership in America, that it's going to take a civil war to disarm us. You CANNOT go around taking guns away from law abiding citizens or demanding they turn over their weapons. That will go over about as well as farting in church. It will take a bloody fight to separate law abiding citizens from their weapons.
I can’t believe all the “greatest threats” we’ve had over the last year. UK variant, South African variant, white supremacy, climate change, and now the delta variant. Can’t wait to see what the new greatest threat is tomorrow!

UFO's will be the next distraction. Funny with all the shit they pull, it's always covered by some distraction...AKA covid
I’m thinking about identifying as an 8 year old and joining a rec league and competing in the big 3 sports.

You’re about to witness the most stunning and brave thing you’ve ever witnessed... to go along with a ton of triple doubles, multiple 1,000+ yard games, and more homes runs than McDonald’s has cheeseburgers.
When I was young, I figured I could outfight most folks. Those I couldn't outfight, I could probably outrun. Survival of the fittest would've been acceptable if no one had weapons. Now days, I'm old and have a bad leg, so I won't outfight or outrun many. That leaves me at the mercy of most folks who might want stuff I have. Should I give them my stuff (even my life with the attitude some have)? Should I call the police so they can get here and clean up the mess after it's over? I think I'll keep my guns and protect myself from those who want my stuff. My stuff includes not only material goods, but my God given freedoms.
Correct, too many bad humans are around to allow the easy access that we do. What is stupid is doing the same thing over and over again without trying anything SIGNIFICANTLY new. Since you all are the most intelligent, I want you to sit down and put that superior brain to use and figure out how we can keep guns out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill. It’s 2021, let’s go, get to it.
Like socialism and communism which most on the left want. Fascism as well with the antifa group being the biggest fascist in this country. None of those have worked but people keep trying them too. Guns keep this from happening here.
34 white house staff now out with Covid. The head of white house security has been in the hospital since mid September. Marines commander now has it. Joint chiefs all in isolation. The 2 aides in charge of the nuke codes both have it. Man who can handle all the winning?!