How will they rule ??!

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Russia withdrawing troops from Ukraine area. Biden once again saving the day! MAGA!
We've got this imbecile in the White House making this idiotic statement trying to connect the right of law abiding citizens to bear arms to protect themselves with needing F-15 & nuclear weapons to take over the United States. Somebody inform this moron that you do not need an F-15 or nukes to take the United States over, hell you don't even need a cap pistol. Nitika Khrushchev once said. That we will take the United States over without firing a shot. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Khrushchev's old Soviet Union didn't take us over, but the communism that he was such a big part of sure has. Communists which has become the democrat party got control over our schools which led to controlling the media. Now just like Khrushchev said. Without firing a shot.
Yeah, gonna need jets and nukes while memaw can take over the capitol with a handful of unarmed people. Not to mention the middle eastern terrorist armed with old dusty AK-47s in towns we’ve spent years trying to get a grip on.
The Friday news dump about charges against the trump organization is very vague. It also shows the complete flip in news cycle.

Before, bad news would dump on Friday evening so it would get lost over the weekend before the A team crews worked on it Monday. Now with a 24/7 cycle and an army of blue checks, it's the opposite. Damaging news drops 4pm Friday so blue checks can amplify all weekend while people doom scroll.

I suspect the result will just be the financial guy charged with some minor penance. Charging anyone over fringe benefits is ridiculous because it's certainly not criminal conduct unless it's particularly egregious. However....they're really itching to charge the organization itself and here's why:

Any major finance/loan agreement I ever drafted or reviewed contained in it's definition of default, any indictment on crime. So they're trying to put the organization into default and pressure lenders to call loans. Trump is always highly leveraged, so that would be disastrous. Of course that's the goal.

Welcome to justice in lib land.
We've got this imbecile in the White House making this idiotic statement trying to connect the right of law abiding citizens to bear arms to protect themselves with needing F-15 & nuclear weapons to take over the United States. Somebody inform this moron that you do not need an F-15 or nukes to take the United States over, hell you don't even need a cap pistol. Nitika Khrushchev once said. That we will take the United States over without firing a shot. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. Khrushchev's old Soviet Union didn't take us over, but the communism that he was such a big part of sure has. Communists which has become the democrat party got control over our schools which led to controlling the media. Now just like Khrushchev said. Without firing a shot.
You ever stop to think that that was just more propaganda? The Soviet Union collapsed. They didn't conquer squat.
The fact that he had to be cleared for praying. If this doesn't show you the damage that democrats has done to this country, then I don't know what will. So much for freedom of religion.
I would like @Dionysus444 to weigh in on this. Why should a police department even entertain the thought of disciplining an officer for praying in front of an abortion clinic while OFF DUTY! He was obviously not being violent, he was obviously not causing a scene. He was praying. Why should his chosen profession be able to place limits on how he practices his faith while off duty?
I wish these people who make these accusations of death threats and being called the N-word, would produce evidence of this. Show the emails you got, show us the mean tweets, or derogatory remarks directed towards them. Prove it.
I agree. But then he will respond with, "well Brian, here's the one you sent me earlier today..."

Come to think of it ... Brian Stelter ... BS ... seems appropriate.
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When the enemy starts screaming at our pink troops slurs which enemies do, our newly trained troops will stop and complain to the enemy commanders that their troops are being mean with their words and it needs to stop or they (the pink boys) will take their tanks and go home. Fight nicely you meaners.
fbi arresting 73 year old man at home for being an insurrectionist.

I’m glad they didn’t shoot the dog.
Why did he put his hand of the key hole? If you knock on my door with your hand over the key hole I would suspect foul play and would arm myself. Maybe that is what they wanted. Hell, Biden has threatened Nukes and F15's I guess this is light comparatively.
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He did that beta male passive aggressive thing where they purposefully slide in the insult then say, "oops, sorrhy! har har! Did I say that? just a Freudian slip! hehe!"
Then of course he uses the race card because he knows that will negate his racist and hateful comments. No doubt he lied about being call the "N" Word and death threats. He knows that liberal morons like the ones in this thread will buy it.
I would like @Dionysus444 to weigh in on this. Why should a police department even entertain the thought of disciplining an officer for praying in front of an abortion clinic while OFF DUTY! He was obviously not being violent, he was obviously not causing a scene. He was praying. Why should his chosen profession be able to place limits on how he practices his faith while off duty?
Are you sure that his knee was not on the shoulder of a piss ant?
  • Haha
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I hate to say it but maybe this country deserves to be destroyed. This country has became evil. How can anyone deny it? There is no way God is happy with this country and we are seeing it play out in front of us.
I’ve thought about this for a long time now. Every great country that has turned away from God has collapsed. The USA is collapsing right before our eyes. This is some Sodom and Gomorrah stuff that is happening. It really disgust me.
The Friday news dump about charges against the trump organization is very vague. It also shows the complete flip in news cycle.

Before, bad news would dump on Friday evening so it would get lost over the weekend before the A team crews worked on it Monday. Now with a 24/7 cycle and an army of blue checks, it's the opposite. Damaging news drops 4pm Friday so blue checks can amplify all weekend while people doom scroll.

I suspect the result will just be the financial guy charged with some minor penance. Charging anyone over fringe benefits is ridiculous because it's certainly not criminal conduct unless it's particularly egregious. However....they're really itching to charge the organization itself and here's why:

Any major finance/loan agreement I ever drafted or reviewed contained in it's definition of default, any indictment on crime. So they're trying to put the organization into default and pressure lenders to call loans. Trump is always highly leveraged, so that would be disastrous. Of course that's the goal.

Welcome to justice in lib land.
Interesting post from NR with some background on this:
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I'm going to tell you right now...b-tches are always cold, ladies be like 'it's so cold in here'...put on a long sleeve shirt then, throw on some pajama pants...during the summer my thermostat never hits above 70, i don't care about the bill, if I have to choose between saving Mother Earth or having a thermostat set at 78, Mother Earth is going to have to learn how to survive, cause I can't sleep or survive at night at 78 to 80. I don't even turn it down when I leave the home, I don't want to come home to a sweat lodge, you come in from the heat there is nothing better than that feeling of cold 67 degree air greeting you as soon as you enter. Liberals have a better a chance of getting my guns than getting me to save energy.

Well first of all the 2nd amendment does not say you have a right to guns. It says arm's and it says well regulated militia. The militia part should be rewritten because it doesn't apply to our country anymore. So you could ban all guns, which I am not advocating, and not be infringing on the 2nd amendment. Swords and knives are arms. The 2nd amendment does not say you have a right to all arms and it does not say which arms. Those pesky founders liked to leave things very vague so we could adapt interpretations to the times. The scope of the 2nd amendment really depends entirely on the appetite of the populace and the courts. Scotus ruled that the 2nd amendment doesn't protect assault weapons. How does that make sense? So handguns are protected because people shoot them more? No, they are protected because the populace still wants them and the courts didn't want to take it that far at the time. I don't think the populace will fall out of love with handguns anytime soon so they will never be banned. But they are getting sick of seeing nutjobs shooting up places so the populace is moving towards favoring a lot more gun regulations. We'll see if congress ever has the willpower to do it but I doubt it.
If we had a better functioning political system we would periodically update amendments to address time specific problems so they weren't used as election season wedges issues. But alas we prefer to be entertained instead of governed.

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