How will they rule ??!

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It is almost always about following the money. Scientist need money too and their research many times favors those who are paying the bills. We have seen this with global cooling- eh, warming-eh, climate change. What will it be called next a recessive climate disorder?
That is what it comes down to in many instances and especially these "grand" science research studies. Researchers need money to survive so the charade will continue. If a dead end study is near then create a new path to keep the money going.
That is what it comes down to in many instances and especially these "grand" science research studies. Researchers need money to survive so the charade will continue. If a dead end study is near then create a new path to keep the money going.
Yes just like the warming that was not happening like they predicted the last time and said that the heat was transferred somehow to the undercurrents in the ocean or something like that.
If you plan on doing some short sales, you might want to be getting those orders in.
Can make a lot of money doing it but it really takes some savvy. I have always stayed away getting into the weeds so-to-speak of investing and have kept it pretty simple. I see the crash coming and took a bunch of my money out of the market. Will wait until I get some really good bargain buys and make my money that way. We simply cannot sustain the recklessness that is the Federal Reserve, Congress and especially this administration.
The Trump administration now says the statue of liberty is only for white people. We don't want any of those dirty brownies. At least they finally speaking honestly

A top Trump administration official said Tuesday that the famous inscription on the Statue of Liberty welcoming immigrants into the country is about “people coming from Europe” and that America is looking to receive migrants “who can stand on their own two feet.” The comments from Ken Cuccinelli
It is fascinating how they always seem to fail to mention race when it is black crime. I was listening to the radio this morning and the commentator kept bringing up the murders in East St Louis. He blamed it on the Republican governor of Missouri. This fool repeated it over and over again that a Republican governor had the highest murder rate of any city in his state. East St Louis.

Even a second grader knows East St Louis is in Illinois, not Missouri. But for over an hour this person kept hammering a Republican governor of Missouri was responsible for murders in East St Louis. And oh, not once did this person mention East St Louis is 95% black. Not once but he kept mentioning the Republican governor of Missouri was responsible.
You know how the perpetrator is black? If the media doesn’t mention their race, assume it’s black. They will ALWAYS say it was a white person if that’s the case. They’ll even say Hispanic or Asian as well. But never black.
Just incredible the amount of wokeness in this article…

2 gay pride event organizers: Charging only whites admission to the gay pride event is discriminatory.
Seattle Human Rights Commission: *Some Delusional Woke BS* (Note that the commission basically says they don't recognize the authority of the U.S. Constitution by declaring the U.N. Declaration of Human Rights as their authority)
2 gay pride event organizers: Sorry, we'll acquiesce and join in your delusion.
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It is fascinating how they always seem to fail to mention race when it is black crime. I was listening to the radio this morning and the commentator kept bringing up the murders in East St Louis. He blamed it on the Republican governor of Missouri. This fool repeated it over and over again that a Republican governor had the highest murder rate of any city in his state. East St Louis.

Even a second grader knows East St Louis is in Illinois, not Missouri. But for over an hour this person kept hammering a Republican governor of Missouri was responsible for murders in East St Louis. And oh, not once did this person mention East St Louis is 95% black. Not once but he kept mentioning the Republican governor of Missouri was responsible.
They indicted and raided his personal lawyer. That's really unprecedented.

Plus you know good and well the IRS sorted through his tax returns 1000 times between the time he was the nominee through the time as president. You know the banks gave them whatever information they wanted.

NY ag, sdny, and other crooked prosecutors looking for so much as a jaywalking, and they found nothing. Hardly anyone could stand up to that level of scrutiny.
You know how messed up it is that you can leak private info like that and face no consequences and then also face no consequences as the media disclosing that?

The DC cartel is truly something. They protect their group. The outsider Trump ended up giving us the most transparent admin in modern history. 😂 We know who he slept with, heard how hoes will let famous dudes do anything, heard his convos with his lawyer, saw tax returns, heard from his doctor, an aide secretly recorded his wife, Pence’s people leaked a ton, every jerk off wrote a book about him. Our government spied on the man and attacked anyone associated with him.

We went from that level of scrutiny to hiding Biden, pre-selected questions from approved reporters, and then sucking his ass on every single thing despite the obvious disaster he is.
I am very shocked that this group of diversity doesn’t live in peace under rainbows and eating cookies. 😂

This world is just bullshit and everyone either turns their brains off or is forced to go along with it.

The media and academia is non-stop BS propaganda. Politicians encourage this crazy shit and try to ram through abnormalities as normalcy, reality is dismissed in favor of some woke idealistic world.

We will seriously promote that white supremacy is somehow a threat lol and act like everyone else is a victim. Whites are the problem. Cops are the problem. Basically everything is someone else’s fault. Logic is dismissed for everything.

Everyone is just supposed to ignore that the left’s governing is a disaster. Their cities are filled with crime and poverty. Violence is always high where they are. If the left has all the answers for everything then why do they fail? The people and things they blame for everything are absent.

California doesn’t have a klan issue 😂 There’s no Republicans to blame. Their demographic has more Latinos than whites. They implement every far left policy imaginable. Just last year they passed 1,200 new laws. It’s usually like over 800 new laws a year.

The left has the dumbest base yet thinks they’re geniuses. They’re just given free reign to push BS all day long to try and create this utopia that will never come to fruition.
I am very shocked that this group of diversity doesn’t live in peace under rainbows and eating cookies. 😂

This world is just bullshit and everyone either turns their brains off or is forced to go along with it.
We are reaching the Orwellian dystopia depicted in Animal Farm: "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
Basically everything is someone else’s fault.

This is the gist of it. Almost all of it can be reverse engineered to this. You can't achieve equal outcomes until you tear it all down and rebuild it. You can't tear it down until you have people convinced it needs to be torn down. You convince them by making them a victim and teaching them the way out is to tear it all down and start over.

None of these radicalized movements are reinvesting into anything. They're grifting their supporters under the guise of bringing forth change.

We have the tear down society part down. Somewhere along the way, we stopped rebuilding.
what in the world...that’s real?

When it says “working families”, does that mean you have to work? Cant imagine trying to fill service industry positions after this junk starts up.

yes, it’s real

it’s the child tax credit.

2 big changes

1) you no longer have to have income to earn it (that was passed under Trump in 2017)

2) they are making direct payments over the last 6 months of 2021 (this allows those who dont have a regular paycheck, and thus can’t take a payroll deduction, to get the funds before tax day)

most working Americans, who receive a regular payroll check, have received the child tax credit via payroll deduction since its inception.

now, a vehicle has been created for the non workers to receive it throughout the year, as well.
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I'll be honest. I had no idea that there was an East St Louis in Illinois. I never have traveled out that way except passing through 1 time 26 years ago. So I could see how someone could make that mistake. Now if I were hosting a radio show and was going to rant and rave about it I would have done better research in advance to make sure I didn't come off looking like a fool. Who knows though he might have done it on purpose knowing a lot of people only think of St Louis being associated with Missouri and wouldn't know any better.

“Clark, I think this is the wrong exit.”

People like this guy are trash human beings. First off, you cannot be a political anchor for CNN, produce this type of shit and consume this type of crap while remaining in the blue DC bubble and think you’re in touch with reality.

Talking heads for example on both the left and the right, how can you enjoy life if this is your job? To consume this shit 24/7 and produce this shit (mostly the left) and then the talking heads on the right who then have their jobs be based on simply responding to the crazy shit all the time?

I consume this crap sparingly when I have downtime from work or family. I never watch any TV news, ever. It’s not good for you to live on this stuff constantly. Your mind and your body have to take a hit if you’re like Lemon who pushes crazy shit and spews venom all day long.
Don is one Lemon you can’t make lemonade out of. Zero redeemable qualities.
Just incredible the amount of wokeness in this article…


I am very shocked that this group of diversity doesn’t live in peace under rainbows and eating cookies. 😂

This world is just bullshit and everyone either turns their brains off or is forced to go along with it.

The media and academia is non-stop BS propaganda. Politicians encourage this crazy shit and try to ram through abnormalities as normalcy, reality is dismissed in favor of some woke idealistic world.

We will seriously promote that white supremacy is somehow a threat lol and act like everyone else is a victim. Whites are the problem. Cops are the problem. Basically everything is someone else’s fault. Logic is dismissed for everything.

Everyone is just supposed to ignore that the left’s governing is a disaster. Their cities are filled with crime and poverty. Violence is always high where they are. If the left has all the answers for everything then why do they fail? The people and things they blame for everything are absent.

California doesn’t have a klan issue 😂 There’s no Republicans to blame. Their demographic has more Latinos than whites. They implement every far left policy imaginable. Just last year they passed 1,200 new laws. It’s usually like over 800 new laws a year.

The left has the dumbest base yet thinks they’re geniuses. They’re just given free reign to push BS all day long to try and create this utopia that will never come to fruition.
Hell awaits.
Inflation is now at the same pace as wage growth so you aren't gaining anything. The new budget if put in place in march will bump inflation up a few more ticks. Add in the rapid increases in insurance costs and your losing money. But at least the corporations each got a few billion, they swimming in money.