How will they rule ??!

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China is ultimately owned and controlled by international bankers. The Rockefellers for one have bragged about putting Mao into power. They have said for decades now that China was the model society for the whole world when they get their one world government.

If they were in control, the tables turned. China lulled everyone to sleep until it was too late. Truly a move worthy of sun tzu
Good ole Texas . . . we have remote operated helicopters exploring Mars and the people in Texas are being told not to plug in their clothes dryer. The difference? Scientists are in charge of the Mars exploration and Republicans are in charge of Texas.
Texas got hit by some really bad weather that knocked out most of their power...try and keep up with the rest of the class, mkaythxbai
I would make more investing my money and not paying into a demorat concieved gov program like SS. But I didn't have that choice. I damn sure expect more back than I paid in.
Ask any old person who’s been retired upwards to ten years and they’ll probably tell you that they’ve gotten back way more than they ever put in.
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Wife: How was your day?

EMT: Well...we got called to a shooting and they decided to grind and twerk up against the ambulance.

Wife: You serious?

EMT: Yeah...they even jumped on the hood to dude got up top to throw a football.


Feral whatever.
This type of scene is apt to be the norm every juneteenth.
There is no way I will EVER visit places like Chicago, New York and these other ish-hole cities ever again. This kind of stuff is 3rd world country violence and its right at our doorstep thanks to POS politicians, celebrities, rappers, etc. who have condoned this animalistic culture for a long time. I feel for those trapped in these places who want out to provide an honest living for them and their family but are stuck.
You're right. Used to enjoy those places but they're so FedUp now it an't happening.
Texas got hit by some really bad weather that knocked out most of their power...try and keep up with the rest of the class, mkaythxbai
Yea, and that's a problem with TX & the people running it. They need to get their sh!t together or it will be another CA.
Last week libs were trying to cancel actress Ellie Kemper bc of a Pageant she was in as a teen. This week they are trying to defend a senator solely bc he's a democrat who's rhetoric they like.

Sheldon Whitehouse is the whitest name I could ever imagine and the picture to match. But he has D by his name and I’m sure spews the same minority entitlement bullshit all the other country club libs do so he’s a hero.
So Newsom ends CA mask requirement June 15. Writer here goes into Trader's Joes & Safeway in the next day or two. What's he find? Places overrun with CA Lib lemmings.

"I made a trip to Trader Joe’s to stock up on Ultra Chocolate ice cream. And yes, I see the irony of buying the least healthy item in a store stocked with expensive organic bruised bananas and dairy-free cashew cheese alternative mozzarella-style shreds. The parking lot was practically a showroom for Teslas and Prii.

I counted 50 shoppers, 49 masked. Did these people not get the unmasking memo? I was the only one not wearing a mask, and I was loving it."

"What bizarro world had I entered? Mask mandates were over, and yet here I was in some weird anxiety zone for the masked who continue to feel they are in perpetual danger. It was as if I were sullying some sacred pure-living temple by breathing freely. Were these 49 shoppers simply Linuses unwilling to let go of their security blankets? Or were they more like robotic Stepford wives, preprogrammed and obedient? I will admit to mumbling “sheep” and “lemmings” and other things under my breath.

At checkout, my iPhone’s Apple Pay worked for once, recognizing my maskless mug—some needed normalcy. Since Trader Joe’s Joe-Joe’s, their fake Oreos, taste like old socks, I was off to Safeway for the real Double Stuf. Sure enough, I was the only unmasked person there, too."

WTF, are these people Americans or North Koreans? It seems closer to the latter. This is a really sick psychosis.

There are no guarantees except death and taxes, but ss is a good thing for the people who have paid into it during their working lives. should there be options? i guess.
True but if I was young and just starting out, I’d rather keep my money and invest it myself. Of course that assumes I’d be smart enough to invest wisely. Big assumption.
This is the result of what America voted for. It will get worse. You ain't seen nothing yet bro

Year-Over-Year Crime Data:




Los Angeles


This is Joe Biden's America.
This is the result of what America voted for. It will get worse. You ain't seen nothing yet bro

Year-Over-Year Crime Data:




Los Angeles


This is Joe Biden's America.
Well, libs are trying to get abortions at birth and trying to keep the population down so, they seem to be trying to go a bit further in the streets.
There have been at least 20 murders in Louisville just this month!
This is what happens when +30% of the police force quits/retires after the city throws them under the bus. Most of the victims are persons of color being killed by other persons of color. Who do the families of the murder victims blame for their loss. It's the police of course. Crazy times we live in.
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Another reason to go to another system other than SS for the future.

"Last week, the government reported that the nation's birthrate had declined for the sixth straight year, including a precipitous drop in births in December, adding up to fertility rates too low to keep the country's population growing by births alone.
May 9, 2021"

Although we keep importing people illegally the left thinks will add to the workforce only to find they are adding to the welfare system instead. The left is not known for being intelligent or hardworking.

Just in case you libs want to lie again saying that it is not true:

"The Biden administration appears to be spending at least $60 million per week to care for the more than 16,000 migrant teenagers and children in shelters operated by the Department of Health and Human Services, and those costs are expected to rise significantly over the coming months, according to an analysis of government data obtained by The Washington Post."
Not changing the subject. many people will get back way more than they paid in, fact, considering inflation or not. there are variables in everything.
Sure you did. Your post was about people counting on SS, not the above.
Lmao Trump finally revealed his "lower drug prices" EO. It's what the democrats have been saying for years to do. It has Medicare B and D test out setting prices for drugs. And trumpsters will now blindly cheer on Trump attacking the free market and having government control pricing. And obviously big pharma will offset any lower Medicare payments by raising prices on private insurance. Trumpsters are funny