So Newsom ends CA mask requirement June 15. Writer here goes into Trader's Joes & Safeway in the next day or two. What's he find? Places overrun with CA Lib lemmings.
"I made a trip to Trader Joe’s to stock up on Ultra Chocolate ice cream. And yes, I see the irony of buying the least healthy item in a store stocked with expensive organic bruised bananas and dairy-free cashew cheese alternative mozzarella-style shreds. The parking lot was practically a showroom for Teslas and Prii.
I counted 50 shoppers, 49 masked. Did these people not get the unmasking memo? I was the only one not wearing a mask, and I was loving it."
"What bizarro world had I entered? Mask mandates were over, and yet here I was in some weird anxiety zone for the masked who continue to feel they are in perpetual danger. It was as if I were sullying some sacred pure-living temple by breathing freely. Were these 49 shoppers simply Linuses unwilling to let go of their security blankets? Or were they more like robotic Stepford wives, preprogrammed and obedient? I will admit to mumbling “sheep” and “lemmings” and other things under my breath.
At checkout, my iPhone’s
Apple Pay worked for once, recognizing my maskless mug—some needed normalcy. Since Trader Joe’s Joe-Joe’s, their fake Oreos, taste like old socks, I was off to
Safeway for the real Double Stuf.
Sure enough, I was the only unmasked person there, too."
WTF, are these people Americans or North Koreans? It seems closer to the latter. This is a really sick psychosis.
Forty-nine out of 50 Trader Joe’s shoppers cover their faces, even when not required to.