It is gay pride month. So it’s gay on two frontsHappy (Gay?) Juneteeth (sp?) everyone. Now go live your life.
It is gay pride month. So it’s gay on two frontsHappy (Gay?) Juneteeth (sp?) everyone. Now go live your life.
That wouldn't be enough. Gotta just carpet bomb them all.I fully support law enforcement absolutely opening fire against all Antifa members. All of them. Portland is a disease because of this.
I'm all for changing the flag. That's after we kick out liberal states in the Northeast and West Coast (as well as a few others). Then we can subtract however many stars we need to from it.And what’s her level of expertise on the matter? How about she say that to the faces of the men and women of our armed forces who fights to protect that very flag and country it stands for.
Of course. But more so, accurate.Predictable
Sure. White Pubs were & are blacks best friends.
If their cause is right and just, why do they want to cover up their actions? You think they would want their message out everywhere. A bit like the left trying to coverup voter fraud be trying to shut down audits. Guilty as hell.
I say take all officers off of the streets of the liberal cities and let them (the people) fight it out. Survival of the fittest. The winner becomes the spokesperson for that district but must govern his or her (only two genders) people and has to take care of them. No outside assistance allowed. Now go.
Surprise, looks like you finally got one right. except it was more like about concerned citizens getting involved and things getting out of hand, but comparing this to the MANY instances of rioting and looting PLANNED by the Dimwits is stupid.Just a lil LITE TREASON, right Sparta?
We don't carpet bomb per the government.That wouldn't be enough. Gotta just carpet bomb them all.
Where I did my training (Loring AFB) there was a fleet of B-52's there just waiting to bomb the hell out of communist Russia. The base is closed but the planes are still around. Might as well switch to bombing the Antifa communists.We don't carpet bomb per the government.
Yeah, just ask the guys who for about 30 nights before the ground war started in the Gulf listened to it actually happening. Kept us up many nights. It was loud and constant even from a distance.
Trumpers . . . true conservatives . . . LOL . . . is that what you call presidents that rack up $8 trillion of debt in a four year term?The "boom" you just heard in Campbell County (KY) was historic: the Repub party of Campbell Cnty just held its annual officers' election... and the Rinos were sent packing.
The back story here is that the county has been controlled FOREVER by Rinos in the north end of the country (Ft Thomas, Newport): never met a tax increase they didn't like. They don't even advertise the meeting/election since they have always controlled the precincts, and thus the power.
Well, a groundswell of Trumpers/non-Rinos got wind of the meeting/election... and showed up in big numbers. We won enough Captain/Co-Captaincy seats in our precincts to vote and elect only Trumpers/true conservatives to all 4 officer positions (Chair, Co-Chair, Sec, Treasurer).
The Rinos then brought a motion to form an Executive Cmte to control behind the scenes: that motion also lost handily.
Even yours truly finally got fed up and my wife and I are now Captain/Co-Captains of our precinct.
The Trump phenomenon is still very real and alive.
Hasn't Biden already spent like $2 trillion in 5 months? At that pace he will spend $19 trillion in 4 years. He already has plans for another $4 trillion that we know of.Trumpers . . . true conservatives . . . LOL . . . is that what you call presidents that rack up $8 trillion of debt in a four year term?
That's Tom Crean level creepiness.
That's Tom Crean level creepiness.
I believe it is more than that so, by Biden's standard, Trump's spending was conservative. But, Orange Man Bad. This is over half of the liberals in this thread.Hasn't Biden already spent like $2 trillion in 5 months? At that pace he will spend $19 trillion in 4 years. He already has plans for another $4 trillion that we know of.
Another conservative hottie there. They just keep coming.
This is a straw man argument. You create a welfare person that doesn't exist to denounce welfare. Welfare recipients are overhwlemingly single mothers, their children, and senior citizens. The wealthiest welfare recipients in our country live in places like Norton Commons in Louisville. They are retirees on Social Security.This was a comment by a poster under the bill maher story, highlighting things we already knew, but spot on:
Liberal privilege is being allowed to state your opinion without getting fired from your job or blacklisted. White privilege is being accused of racism simply for disagreeing with a liberal. Privilege is wearing $200 sneakers when you've never had a job. Privilege is wearing $300 Beats headphones while living on public assistance. Privilege is having a smartphone with a data plan for which you receive no bill. Privilege is living in public subsidized housing where you don't have a water bill, where rising property taxes and rents and energy costs have absolutely no effect on the amount of food you can put on your table. Privilege is the ability to go march against and protest anything that triggers you, without worrying about calling out of work and the consequences that accompany such behavior. Privilege is having as many children as you want, regardless of your employment status, and being able to send them off to daycare or school you don't pay for.
Happy Lawn mowing person's dayWhat retarded thing are libs calling Fathers Day?
You sheep fell for the border "SURGE" bullshit just like you do every year.
Sadly, they've come up with "Specials Day" and "Father Figures Day". Liberals are too busy worrying about pronouns and changing names to do anything meaningful.What retarded thing are libs calling Fathers Day?
False. Explain to us how SS is welfare when most who are on it paid into it for many, many years. Just because you don't and probably won't get it unless you fake an injury does not mean others did not earn it.This is a straw man argument. You create a welfare person that doesn't exist to denounce welfare. Welfare recipients are overhwlemingly single mothers, their children, and senior citizens. The wealthiest welfare recipients in our country live in places like Norton Commons in Louisville. They are retirees on Social Security.
Dude, Biden’s racked that much up in less than 6 months. So cut that shit out.Trumpers . . . true conservatives . . . LOL . . . is that what you call presidents that rack up $8 trillion of debt in a four year term?
Wait, libs are so pathetic they are blaming DeSantis for someone who died at a pride parade in an accident?
Just despicable ppl.
IOW, incarceration stops repeat offenders.
Happy Sperm Donors Day????What retarded thing are libs calling Fathers Day?
And turned out it wasn't even intentional. It was an accident. Of course that won't be mentioned by msm unless buried way down the page.
Also no social media posts will be flagged.
It's all so ridiculous
Trump doesn't get to refuse to leave office. Thanks to that Constitution, on January 20th Trump ceases to be President and the secret service kicks his ass out the door. Even if he flails like a petulant child and tries to fight it to SCOTUS he still ceases to be president and someone else would be appointed.