How will they rule ??!

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Lek sure jumped at that opportunity to quote me. I see he didnt notice the word "almost".

That's not what conservatives do. Maybe the beginning of a revolution for what will come within the next few years but you wont see her truly crazy ish until her second term.

If Trump got in, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to kill him.

But I do think the consequences of Obama and Hillary back-to-back is too much for this country to overcome

Yep, I missed the word almost, as its almost there, but isnt...(also, looks like you deleted your quote, but I have it quoted a few pages back). So once again, another dumbass argument of yours debunked.

Of course I lean left you clown, anyone on this board knows that. However, unlike you, I am not a slave or sheep to a certain dogma. I praise truth. I am all for the Wikileaks. I think Obama effectively killed part of this country with its spying program. The problem with you, is you dont have independent thought. The divide for me isnt politics, its intellect. I vote for republicans and democrats, hence independent. I think social programs are needed, however, I think they are abused all to hell.

My issue as that too many people dont understand the good things government. Government can work effectively, just dont be wasteful. I am for being fiscally conservative, a principal the republicans lost. I believe in a strong military, the right to bear arms, but I also believe in freedom to be who the touch you want to be. If you are gay, like Kopi, get married, I dont care. Its none of my business. Government shouldnt be involved in that. I think it should all marriages should be civil unions, let marriage be part of your religion. And yes, BLM and SJW are dumb, but they are so fed up, they are trying to do something. Besides a Trump rally or safe space, what have you done to change your community?

People are more complex than just one issue. Its ok to have different opinions than the masses. Its ok to actually think for yourself. But that isnt you. This is why I am left. I believe in the power of expression and the open exchange of ideas. You believe in subjugation and fear.

I have worked and volunteered in non-profits and government for years. I was the first non-male marine in my family. I am also the first one with a college degree plus grad degrees. I owe it all to the sacrifices that my family and other military have made.

Instead of just preaching about how this country should be, I actually go out to the streets and help people. What have you done clown, besides take? How have you given back to your community to make it better? I may not agree with Warrior Cat on a lot of things, but I respect the hell out of him for what he did for our country. You speak of love for our country, like many of you cons, but what have you really done? I love our country so much, that I have sacrificed working in the private sector. I believe its everyone's responsibility to give back, to become a good citizen. Not ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for you country. Yet you complain about the left, touch son, you do nothing but drink the same milk as BLM. So you want to act righteous? Im cool with that, but at least back it up with something more than "dirty lib." Chump.
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My position all along is to sit this one out, because of my dislike of Trump.

The corruption on the Dem and media side of things is becoming so obvious, that I may have to rethink that.
Well, no vote helps hildawg. So...
My position all along is to sit this one out, because of my dislike of Trump.

The corruption on the Dem and media side of things is becoming so obvious, that I may have to rethink that.

Wkycat- I get it. Totally understand your thoughts. I was the same way. I was gonna stick party lines with Libertarians. I wasn't a Trump fan. I am anti-hillary voter. My vote isn't so much for Trump as it is with not allowing her to shit on our great country.

I've changed my tune. I've gotten to like Trump more than ever because he isn't a staus quo guy. Hillary is an awful leader. She's also the one who sucks my peter (haha)

She is a horrible decision maker. She's a murderer and a liar. She's racist and hates men (due to Bill).

To summarize it, she sucks ass.
Possible Assange is in US custody, refer to link below.

I'm 56 and have never participated in a protest or marched for anything political. But between the FBI handling of Hillary's emails, the DOJ's blind eye, the media's outed bias and then the US government basically silencing Assange-if true---I'm done. Paint the sign, I'm heading out on the streets and hopefully there will be thousands, tens of thousands or millions of others who have had enough.

Why in the shit do we vote electronically? How much does it cost to maintain and operate all this shit that could easily be replaced with fn paper.

...I'm just watching the news whine about the # of states asking or govt for help updating their ancient systems. Gtfo. You got paper.
Possible Assange is in US custody, refer to link below.

I'm 56 and have never participated in a protest or marched for anything political. But between the FBI handling of Hillary's emails, the DOJ's blind eye, the media's outed bias and then the US government basically silencing Assange-if true---I'm done. Paint the sign, I'm heading out on the streets and hopefully there will be thousands, tens of thousands or millions of others who have had enough.

Yep, I'm 50 and have never been so disenfranchised with our country. What is happening is beyond belief and I honestly believe that this election is not over. I wouldn't vote for Hillary for all the tea in China and am amazed that people will still vote for her given all of the corruption surrounding her, the Clinton Foundation, her campaign and now the DNC.

Trumps words and temperament certainly are not what we are accustomed to for a Presidential candidate but there is no question that the 'movement' is real and the reason is that it has hit a nerve with so many people.
That O'keefe video really is remarkable. I retract my previous statements about him.

Can only imagine what the next few videos hold if that's only number 2.
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Bomb threat at AZ GOP. Their sexual assault victim plan didn't end Trump. Now they're going next level.
Nice summary of Clinton's team trying to bribe the FBI with additional agents in new countries in return for changing the security classification of a document. And, when they get what they think is a commitment of silence, she immediately goes public with her, "no classified information was on my server" statement.

Lying bitch.
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Possible Assange is in US custody, refer to link below.

I'm 56 and have never participated in a protest or marched for anything political. But between the FBI handling of Hillary's emails, the DOJ's blind eye, the media's outed bias and then the US government basically silencing Assange-if true---I'm done. Paint the sign, I'm heading out on the streets and hopefully there will be thousands, tens of thousands or millions of others who have had enough.


I am 10000% certain wikileaks like to troll just like anon does, and that's the majority of their work. I am not certain, but I beleive, jkst like any media, they are simply hired mercenaries that won't bite the hand that feeds them.

See fn Ed Snowden.

It jkst angers me because u think a lot of people look to these folks as our only hope, or look for them to expose the truth, and they don't. They don't have that power, and even if they did, they aren't stupid. They don't want to die. It's just business like anything else.

Ok... I just read that link and that's just another troll job poking fun at stupid conservatives who belief wiki is the only hope, imo...

Thousands of people were gathered around the embassy, people steaming it on the internet, when mysteriously the streams were cut! Oh no! Rumors then began to swirl that a mysterious group had entered the embassy during the time! Oh no! Thousand of eye witnesses and no story! Right. Lmaoooo. GTFO.

Lmaooo and redditors were tracking a plane with numbers that matched US Guantanomo plane!!! ONG!!!!! WOWWWW!!! One poor guy in Charlotte told the reddit community he was going to head to the airport to try and catch a glimpse of Assange. Other redditors scared him and told him to only go if he was prepared to deal with the consequences, which means losing his life. He decided not to go. Lmaooooo

Man, gtfo. This is embarrassing. 0.0 chance any of this is real. It is absolute gold, tho. If that's real, like if you can go to redditt eight now and read that thread where they were tracking planes on google and thinking about heading to the airport before they decided their life was too important....lmaoooo.

Gd Queen Hillary will have he last laugh. Y'all better quit saying bad things about her on the net less you wanna meet your drone maker. I personally love Hillary, I'm hair afraid she's too good for our country, and I would rather see her leave the US to trump while she becomes a global wordly ruler of everything. Maybe even help start a new world on Mars, reach out to our alien neighbors. I think she's that good, ftr.

This debate tomorrow should be a lot of fun... So glad Fox News is running this one...

This will be probably be like a prosecutorial closing argument for Trump. Trying to indict Hillary, the Dem Party, and the media before the voters.
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Game Changer Alert: National Enquirer has entered the fray:


(with apologies, this election has completely jumped the tracks and if I don't try to insert a little humor it's going to drive me over the cliff with it.)

Game Changer Alert: National Enquirer has entered the fray:


(with apologies to all, this election has completely jumped the tracks and if I don't try to insert a little humor it's going to drive me over the cliff with it.)

Odds their story is more factual & true than what we've seen from msm the past few months?
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Wkycat- I get it. Totally understand your thoughts. I was the same way. I was gonna stick party lines with Libertarians. I wasn't a Trump fan. I am anti-hillary voter. My vote isn't so much for Trump as it is with not allowing her to shit on our great country.

I've changed my tune. I've gotten to like Trump more than ever because he isn't a staus quo guy. Hillary is an awful leader. She's also the one who sucks my peter (haha)

She is a horrible decision maker. She's a murderer and a liar. She's racist and hates men (due to Bill).

To summarize it, she sucks ass.

I think it's pretty simple.

If Soros, Buffett, Wall Street, Leftist media, GOP do nothings, Obama and illegals are against him, that should tell you GO WITH THIS GUY!
Think Trump knew this was coming out? Probably why he's been pounding on it all being rigged for the last two days.
He very well might have. My guess too is that he probably studied the voter fraud of 2008 and 2012 as well. And obviously everything that went down with Bernie.
Obama and Hillary are the two biggest pieces of shit in human history. It's hard to outdo a Stalin/Hitler combo. But long term, Obama and Hillary have both of them both beat.

Sad that Ghenigs Khan is a better human than either one of those. Throw in Ted Bundy and Charlie Manson and John Wayne Gacy and you still have Obama and Hillary on top. No exaggeration. The worst peieces of shit ever.

Both of them can eff themselves and I wish nothing but the worst to them.
I for one care far more about the information than Assange's safety. I just hope the contingency plans they have in place to release the encryption keys to the files they've made available in the past are iron clad.

And hopefully it isn't gigabytes of dickbutts.
heh. Just the kind of person we want!

FBI Report: Hillary Is So Arrogant Her Own Security Couldn’t Stand Her
An FBI special agent who was interviewed in connection with the agency’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s conduct as Secretary of State provides a stunning window into Hillary’s character, or lack thereof:

[ ] explained that CLINTON’s treatment of DS [Department of State] agents on her protective detail was so contemptuous that many of them sought reassignment or employment elsewhere. Prior to CLINTON’s tenure, being an agent on the Secretary of State’s protective detail was seen as an honor and a privilege reserved for senior agents. However, by the end of CLINTON’s tenure, it was staffed largely with new agents because it was difficult to find senior agents willing to work with her.

From the FBI report:
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Not sure what snatching him up at this point does though.

He clearly has a backup plan, and at this point getting rid of him does nothing but make you look totally guilty.

FYI voters aren't really relying on this as a saving grace, but they do see this as a WTF is the media not reporting this? Are they hiding shit and if so why?

What it all comes down to is simple......there is about to be a world war and we either side with the Russians seemingly or the Muslims/Middle East.

Who knows what china/Korea/Europe etc are thinking really.

But if you do not see a world war breaking out in the next 4-10 years regardless of who we elect you aren't paying attention.
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I like that Hillary Clinton is a career politician and her big accomplishments include these three things while being a senator.


Combine that with $6B vanishing under her at the DOJ, Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, email server scandal, Haiti, brother/husband pardoning criminals for money scandal, completely effed up foreign policy, not to mention the other stuff.

That's it. In a career in politics, this is what she has accomplished.
Sad that it takes the Enquirer to break a story like that. The Enquirer has proven to be much more credible, so its probably the truth. Its supposed to be 9 pages long, wonder what all the hitman says.
So fuzz, it's highly likely that FBI agents will have to testify about the Clinton email scenario under oath. If they say Hillary violated the law and should have been indicted..will you...

A. Agree that she's a crook?
B. Question their integrity and continue to claim since she has never been indicted she is therefore not guilty of any crime?
The head of the FBI did a months long investigation into the matter and says she shouldn't be indicted. Tell me why some other random FBI agent's opinion is more important than the one that was tasked with reviewing all the evidence?
That's the entire video. The DNC pays people to go to rallies and get urrbody all riled up.

Sounds like good gamesmanship, to me. Surprise. Politics is dirty.