How will they rule ??!

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The bump in coronavirus cases is most pronounced in states without stay at home orders. Oklahoma saw a 53% increase in cases over the past week, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. Over same time, cases jumped 60% in Arkansas, 74% in Nebraska, and 82% in Iowa. South Dakota saw a whopping 205% spike. ---CNN

These red states can't even take care of their own, but I'm sure the Trumpsters here will note this information is tainted because CNN shared it regardless of its actual source. That actually simply further proves conservatives can't even maintain their own good health. File that under belligerent dullards. LOL
I can't decide if she looks like this Beetlejuice

or this one.

Maybe a combination of both.
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Lol the obamas pulling the victim card once again

Lol. What a lie. First off, the chances of this bitch interacting with normal folk is slim to none.

It’s also interesting how I have existed on this earth long enough to live in major cities, go to a college in a major city, and despite being surrounded by so much diversity- never heard anyone calling a black person a racial slur.

These people live in a world of bullshit where they’re cape crusaders living like superheroes fighting the evil racist Nazis that are just everywhere trying to bother them.
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Ben Shapiro is an ashkenazi Jew who just spat out some bullshit numbers. If you really want to know what’s up I’ll tell you. My family is Sephardic and we came from Egypt when there were 1000 Jews left in Egypt. In 1900 there were half a million or more. I get what he’s saying about who’s doing the calling out of Israel but he doesn’t get the middle eastern dynamic and the affect the European rush on Israel how it affected Jews who lived for 2000 years in the Middle East. Btw he’s completely wrong about the numbers of Hebrew peoples in Egypt and Iraq for sure.
The stats I've seen everywhere is 12...and not from another partisan jew. And if there's more I'd assume it's because they likely can't say so
I don’t know if anyone has heard or kept up with the sunrise children services vs Beshear, but basically the issue is they are a Christian based organization and don’t let same sex couples foster so Beshear is threatening to withhold state funding. I know several employees out there and several kids who are way better off for this service being available to them.

Since 1970 they’ve always been able to come to an agreement with all administrations. Despite sunrise reaching out and trying to work out a deal, Beshear won’t give them the time of day. It’s his way or no funding. Can’t stand that jerk. He’s the worst.
A pandemic that kills 380000, but life expectancy doesn’t drop sounds legit to you?
when in the history of mankind has a pandemic affected one group so hard, while hardly affecting another?
Something seems a bit odd to me about that.
Every disease is different in who it attacks.

Didn't say LE didn't drop, just that if the average person who died of it, not anyone else, was 78, they would have had 9 years longer to live, on average, w/o the disease. Doesn't affect the lifespan of the other 330M people.
So w/o covid, those covid folks would have lived another 9 years on average.
That's what average further life expectancy says. Now if they were sicker/worse health than the average 78 year old, then not so much. But not necessarily on death's door, so who knows, 3 years on average? 5?
Every disease is different in who it attacks.

Didn't say LE didn't drop, just that if the average person who died of it, not anyone else, was 78, they would have had 9 years longer to live, on average, w/o the disease. Doesn't affect the lifespan of the other 330M people.
If there is a 25% increase in deaths in one year, the average life expectancy should drop, it didn’t.
Where are you getting they would’ve had 9 more years to live, the avg life expectancy is exactly the average age of Covid death.
Seriously, you don’t find it curious that Covid had next to zero affect on people under 60?
Social media is not free speech you damn lunatics. You are still free to walk out of your trailer and scream you conspiracy bullshit to your neighbors because that is free speech. Social media is a business and they get to decide who their customers are. That's called capitalism. Pretty much the only time I see any tweets is in this board so I give no ****s about it.
Tell 'em, John.