How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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If Trump keeps his mouth shut while Hillary tries to get under his skin, gives a seemingly heart felt apology for the video and anything else that comes to light and explains how he has been changed by this process and sticks to the issues while bashing her on factual miscrepencies against her he will catapult right back into the lead and all of this will be shown to be a media witch hunt as usual.
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If Trump keeps his mouth shut while Hillary tries to get under his skin, gives a seemingly heart felt apology for the video and anything else that comes to light and explains how he has been changed by this process and sticks to the issues while bashing her on factual miscrepencies against her he will catapult right back into the lead and all of this will be shown to be a media witch hunt as usual.
Agree. Problem is it's not in Trump's DNA. He is a counterpuncher. If he wants to be POTUS he has to do well tonight and put on the best performance of his life.
Agree. Problem is it's not in Trump's DNA. He is a counterpuncher. If he wants to be POTUS he has to do well tonight and put on the best performance of his life.
Exactly right. Tonight either makes or breaks him. This isn't over even with the tape reveal and anyone who says it is never was going to vote for him in the first place.

He is still running against Hillary freaking of the most despised and status quo candidate of all time.
It interrupts the entire election. Early voting has begun in many states. Millions have already voted for him. What are those states supposed to do? create a new ballot? allow voters to vote a second time, all over again? No, Trump will stay on ballots where early voting has begun, which is probably majority of states, I don't know, lot's of states . . . even if it is possible for him or even Hilldawg to drop out and be replaced by another candidate, voters can't vote twice unless you hold another election. Mass effing chaos. Mass effing chaos.
Which is why I said it creates problems for both the RNC and voters.
The RNC can step in with another candiate if the nominee dies or steps aside.

This is true, based on party by-laws. But again, and as stated in previous post, early voting has already begun. Millions have already voted for Donald Trump in states that have already started voting, which is probably a lot of them, if not most or all of them. So party by-laws can be what they can be, they can make a new candidate, but that won't give them the authority to do this: create a new ballot
It interrupts the entire election. Early voting has begun in many states. Millions have already voted for him. What are those states supposed to do? create a new ballot? allow voters to vote a second time, all over again? No, Trump will stay on ballots where early voting has begun, which is probably majority of states, I don't know, lot's of states . . . even if it is possible for him or even Hilldawg to drop out and be replaced by another candidate, voters can't vote twice unless you hold another election. Mass effing chaos. Mass effing chaos.

Yep. Every attorney in the country would get a phone call if there were an effort to get Trump off the ballot.
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In other words, Donald Trump stepping down hands the election to Hillary. There will be no creating new ballots for states that have already begun (early voting).
35% of votes in 2012 were cast before Election Day. States expect that number to be closer to 40% this year.

A whole slew of battle ground states (NC, OH, FL, IA, MI, AZ, NV) have both early voting and no-excuse absentee voting. North Carolina is expecting >60% of their votes to have been cast before Election Day.

This is one of the many areas where the vaunted ground game matters. Banking those early votes is absolutely crucial in these tight state races.
If Trump steps down then the votes already cast will be for his replacement like it or not. His name remains on the ballot.
Well . . . a quick google search and I found this . . . don't know how accurate it is but TIFWIW. Early voting calendar. So, for example, Maine, Minnesota, maybe Montana, Nebraska, New York, maybe some parts of the Dakotas, potentially S. Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, potentially everywhere in Wisconsin . . . looks like early voting has started in most of these places. If so, there will be no new ballots. Donald Trump could be officially replaced by a new Republican candidate by midnight tonight and there would be no new ballot in any of these states (if just ONE person has voted early).
If Trump steps down then the votes already cast will be for his replacement like it or not. His name remains on the ballot.
That's going to be a state-by-state thing and a total mess. Some places you're *technically* voting for the party, others you're voting for the name of the individual. Some places bind electors to particular aspects, others don't.

Again, "army of lawyers". It would be an absolute mess.
If Trump steps down then the votes already cast will be for his replacement like it or not. His name remains on the ballot.

I won't argue against this, other than to say if it yielded positive results for the Republican party it would make the 2000 election Florida mess look like a coffee spill on your morning crossword puzzle.
Who else was going to win, jamo and the #NeverTrumpers?

In 2008, the R's ran a war hero. He got his ass handed to him.

In 2012, they ran a nice guy who leaned left. He got his ass handed to him.

Obviously their tactics weren't strong or going to work so voters went with a guy who wasn't afraid to piss people off and take people on. If he loses, what else do you got? Can't wait to hear it.

What do we try next?
In the long low road of politics this is perhaps the sorriest display I have ever seen. There are no more words left for Donald Trump.
Was that press conference with the Bill accusers live?? That's the first I've seen of it and the audio was terrible.
Mitt Romney wins in 2016 against Hillary Clinton. Seriously, Hillary is barely beating Trump, and that's with a certain percentage of Republicans switching over and voting for her.

No way. They attacked his religion, portrayed him as a guy who hated women and gays (see a pattern) and would bring up the same stuff they did in 2012.

In 2024 though, I can't wait to see what the left puts out. What "first" are we going to get? Or do we just keep the elite candidates and then have them call their opponent racist and sexist and xenophobic? That seems to work.
No way. They attacked his religion, portrayed him as a guy who hated women and gays (see a pattern) and would bring up the same stuff they did in 2012..
And, again, he was running against a popular sitting President. Look at the electoral map from 2012. Against Hillary, Mitt easily takes Ohio, Pennsylvania, and likely one of Virginia or Florida and puts a handful more in contention.

They would absolutely do the same thing they did in 2012, it would just be against the most disliked candidate not named Trump ever.

All of this is based on the secret Democrat smuggling of Jihadis into the country in a coup d'etat attempt not working, though. And as you and I both know (thanks to infowars), that is absolutely going to work
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First of all Trump isn't dropping out, that's asinine. Second, this election isn't over no matter how much the media tries to sell it.

How many times have we heard that Trump is done? Yet he keeps coming back, it's because people are sick and tired of the status quo, this is about the 4th or 5th time he's been written off as dead.

There is a TON of blue collar workers that normally vote D that are voting Trump this year, Romney would not have gotten those.
I drove by the IBEW union hall here in town and there wasn't a Hillary sign anywhere to be seen, local Dem signs were there, but not Hillary.
Multiple new Trump scandal stories being dropped by different outlets over the last hour. Looks like they're panicked that there won't be a Trump left to attack after tonight.
I hate these people.


Trump will swing back so this will be very interesting to see if the three plants by trump become an issue or if they are known plants to stop Hilliary from bringing up personal attacks.

Trump is best served to stay on issues and I think planting Bills victims will absolutely keep her from attacking him like she did with the pornstar.
No way. They attacked his religion, portrayed him as a guy who hated women and gays (see a pattern) and would bring up the same stuff they did in 2012.

In 2024 though, I can't wait to see what the left puts out. What "first" are we going to get? Or do we just keep the elite candidates and then have them call their opponent racist and sexist and xenophobic? That seems to work.
First undocumented individual to be nominated for President.