***Political Thread*** (Massive merge)

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Originally posted by Rex Kwon Do:

Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

I really hope if Walker is running for President, the left harps on how much of an idiot and a loser he is because he didn't go to a fancy college.
You aren't going to have to hope, it's as sure as the sun rising going to be a thread they pile on with him. And it's going to be hilarious.
I dunno I think Walker has some talent. He's a pretty good punter, maybe Stoops could use him

Walker Punts
Originally posted by Deeeefense:
Originally posted by Rex Kwon Do:

Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

I really hope if Walker is running for President, the left harps on how much of an idiot and a loser he is because he didn't go to a fancy college.
You aren't going to have to hope, it's as sure as the sun rising going to be a thread they pile on with him. And it's going to be hilarious.
I dunno I think Walker has some talent. He's a pretty good punter, maybe Stoops could use him
Walker = unready for prime time.

Originally posted by Rex Kwon Do:

Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

I really hope if Walker is running for President, the left harps on how much of an idiot and a loser he is because he didn't go to a fancy college.
You aren't going to have to hope, it's as sure as the sun rising going to be a thread they pile on with him. And it's going to be hilarious.
I know many people with college degrees that are dumb as dirt. Some posters on this board prove it.
Originally posted by KyFaninNC:

Originally posted by Rex Kwon Do:

Originally posted by Bill Cosby:

I really hope if Walker is running for President, the left harps on how much of an idiot and a loser he is because he didn't go to a fancy college.
You aren't going to have to hope, it's as sure as the sun rising going to be a thread they pile on with him. And it's going to be hilarious.
I know many people with college degrees that are dumb as dirt. Some posters on this board prove it.
Some college degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on. UNC anyone?
Originally posted by qwesley:
No reason for Walker not going back to get his degree over all these years. Fosho he will get plenty of vetting...WaPo had a long piece yesterday on his college years.

Just one of many pop-a-mole exercises we will see in the primary.
Agreed. University of Wisconsin System offers numerous flexible, degree completion options. Some programs are entirely online.

Congresswoman Kristi Noem (R-South Dakota) completed her poli-sci bachelors via distance learning two years after election to Congress.
A spot on takedown of the disingenuousness of Jon Stewart and the hypocrisy of his fluffers.

Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by AlbanyWildCat:
BTW...economy keeps looking better each day.

Thanks Obama.
** Breaking News**

Forbes: "Unemployment Is Dropping, Thanks To A Republican Policy That Obama Opposed"
Finally, after years of slack labor markets, in July 2013 the unemployment rate fell below 7.5%. In December 2013 the House of Representatives-now controlled by Republicans-allowed the benefit extension to expire, arguing that the crisis of the Great Recession had passed.

Obama blasted the House's decision: "For many of their constituents who are unemployed through no fault of their own, [Republicans] will leave them with no income at all. And denying families that security is just plain cruel.".....

....But the predicted apocalypse never occurred. Instead, the unemployment rate dropped from 6.7% in December 2013 to 5.6% a year later, despite a drop in the growth of aggregate productivity. The new NBER paper-authored by economists at the University of Oslo, Stockholm University and the University of Pennsylvania-finds a strong relationship between the drop in unemployment benefits and the rise in employment.....
**Film at Eleven**
Re: Political Thread: Closing Guantanamo?

Originally posted by AustinTXCat:
Originally posted by AlbanyWildCat:
BTW...economy keeps looking better each day.

Thanks Obama.
** Breaking News**

Forbes: "Unemployment Is Dropping, Thanks To A Republican Policy That Obama Opposed"
Finally, after years of slack labor markets, in July 2013 the unemployment rate fell below 7.5%. In December 2013 the House of Representatives-now controlled by Republicans-allowed the benefit extension to expire, arguing that the crisis of the Great Recession had passed.

Obama blasted the House's decision: "For many of their constituents who are unemployed through no fault of their own, [Republicans] will leave them with no income at all. And denying families that security is just plain cruel.".....

....But the predicted apocalypse never occurred. Instead, the unemployment rate dropped from 6.7% in December 2013 to 5.6% a year later, despite a drop in the growth of aggregate productivity. The new NBER paper-authored by economists at the University of Oslo, Stockholm University and the University of Pennsylvania-finds a strong relationship between the drop in unemployment benefits and the rise in employment.....
**Film at Eleven**
Interesting article Austin, I'll give you my critique. The article said that during the period of unemployment drop it did so "despite a drop in the growth of aggregate productivity". Aggregate productivity should not be confused with Gross Domestic Product or GDP which is the sum of all goods and services produced over a given period and is the mostly accepted metric of the health of the economy. Aggregate productivity is defined as the productivity growth as the change in aggregate final demand minus the change in the aggregate cost of primary inputs. In other words it measures how efficiently goods and services are produced. It doesn't measure how much the economy grew, GNP does that.

Now if you look at the period we are taking about which is essentially the calendar year 2014, GDP boomed to 4.5% in the 2nd quarter and hit 5% in the 3rd which is the highest it has been since 2003. We already know that GDP growth has a direct bearing to employment so at least SOME of the reduction in the unemployment rate must be attribute to the strong GDP growth - how much is probably not determinable.

Economics is not like natural science where you can isolate all the variables except one, change it and observe the effect it has. In economics you cannot isolate variable so you can only estimate things like how much of an effect cutting off unemployment insurance has on employment.

Also if we assume that cutting off unemployment insurance leads to increased employment then we have to recognize that there were also a good number of people who did not find employment since the number of people seeking employment is 3-4 times the number of jobs available. Without benefits, these people fell further into poverty some took up residence with relatives or friends, while others became homeless. So each person can apply their own moral compass as to the worth of the policy based on the benefit received vs. the costs.

Thanks for posting.

This post was edited on 2/15 12:25 PM by Deeeefense
i guess Obummer has to stop bombing ISIS now that they've started targeting Christians instead of Shia and Kurds.
The martyring of the 21 Coptic Christians has a 1st century feel to it. I think we can expect more of this type of thing.
(Not from the onion)

APNewsbreak: Democrats seek relief from health law penalties

WASHINGTON (AP) - The official sign-up season for President Barack Obama's health care law may be over, but leading congressional Democrats say millions of Americans facing new tax penalties deserve a second chance.
Three senior House members told The Associated Press that they plan to strongly urge the administration to grant a special sign-up opportunity for uninsured taxpayers who will be facing fines under the law for the first time this year.
The three are Michigan's Sander Levin, the ranking Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee, and Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, and Lloyd Doggett of Texas. All worked to help steer Obama's law through rancorous congressional debates from 2009-2010.
The lawmakers say they are concerned that many of their constituents will find out about the penalties after it's already too late for them to sign up for coverage, since open enrollment ended Sunday.
2010 Democrats: This is definitely not a tax. Has nothing to do with taxes. Not going to pay anything more. The world will be better and all healthcare will be cheaper. Definitely has nothing to do with a tax. We have to pass this law so you know what's in it. IT's for your own good.

2015 Democrats: How were people supposed to know this was a tax? People can't afford this! Please, don't make them suffer the consequences of the law we passed.

Reap what you sow.
This administration is notorious for not facing reality. Islamic terrorism is not Islamic terrorism, the healthcare law is not a tax and will not make cost go up, the Arab spring will bring about peace, the last two elections were not an indication of how real Americans feel, we really care about all Americans,....feel free to add to this post.
Good to see at least one judge in the US has enough sense to try and stop Obama from shitting on the Constitution and the American people.
Governor Walker is very qualified and has been elected 3 times in a Blue state. He is much more qualified than the current president was when he was elected President. In fact, he is probably more qualified that the current president is at this time.
Democrats crying "unqualified" about anybody are the very definition of hypocrisy.
Seeing the Dems already trying to uncover dirt and making up false accusations on a guy who has not even officially announced he is running is all I need to know about Walker.

Frankly, anyone is looking better than Obama at this point.
It doesn't matter what qualifications or shortcomings Walker has, Jeb Bush is going to be the Republican nominee you can write it down. He has the backing of Wall Street, and the big power brokers. He is already hauling in tens of millions of dollars and before it's over his war chest will probably be pushing a billion. He has the Bush political machine behind him. None of these other light-weights have a chance against him. Like it or not come November next year our choices are going to be a 3rd Bush or The Chipmunk.
Originally posted by ukalumni00:

Frankly, anyone is looking better than Obama at this point.
To me, that's the beauty of the 2016 election.

NO ONE can be as bad as Obama, not even Cankles.
Public unions protesting at Walker's parents house. Truly awful people.
Originally posted by Deeeefense:
It doesn't matter what qualifications or shortcomings Walker has, Jeb Bush is going to be the Republican nominee you can write it down. He has the backing of Wall Street, and the big power brokers. He is already hauling in tens of millions of dollars and before it's over his war chest will probably be pushing a billion. He has the Bush political machine behind him. None of these other light-weights have a chance against him. Like it or not come November next year our choices are going to be a 3rd Bush or The Chipmunk.
Unfortunately, I agree. As the Reps always do, they will eat each other up enough that will allow Jeb to slide his way into the nomination. National elections has become all about who has the most money and power behind them. Bush and Clinton will be your choices. God help us all. That said, again, they cannot be any worse than Obama has been.
Originally posted by ukalumni00:

Originally posted by Deeeefense:
It doesn't matter what qualifications or shortcomings Walker has, Jeb Bush is going to be the Republican nominee you can write it down. He has the backing of Wall Street, and the big power brokers. He is already hauling in tens of millions of dollars and before it's over his war chest will probably be pushing a billion. He has the Bush political machine behind him. None of these other light-weights have a chance against him. Like it or not come November next year our choices are going to be a 3rd Bush or The Chipmunk.
Unfortunately, I agree. As the Reps always do, they will eat each other up enough that will allow Jeb to slide his way into the nomination. National elections has become all about who has the most money and power behind them. Bush and Clinton will be your choices. God help us all. That said, again, they cannot be any worse than Obama has been.
You also have to factor in the trend element into the election. Right now, the trend seems to be making history. First president of color. Next will be first woman president. Alot of people will vote in favor of Hillary based solely on her being a woman.
Originally posted by qwesley:
Funny article from the NYT just one year ago, appropriate for today.
What a mouth-breather you must be. It's settled science that last year's lack of snow threatening the nations' ski resorts was a direct result of man-caused global warming. Paradoxically, and this is just beautiful, the current abundance of snow all over the same Eastern resorts mentioned in the article, is also global warming. The scientists are geniuses! Whether it's hot, cold, wet or dry, global warming is to blame. Why doubt it? Their records are extremely accurate and beyond manipulation, eh?
Originally posted by kafka0117:

Originally posted by qwesley:
Funny article from the NYT just one year ago, appropriate for today.
What a mouth-breather you must be. It's settled science that last year's lack of snow threatening the nations' ski resorts was a direct result of man-caused global warming. Paradoxically, and this is just beautiful, the current abundance of snow all over the same Eastern resorts mentioned in the article, is also global warming. The scientists are geniuses! Whether it's hot, cold, wet or dry, global warming is to blame. Why doubt it? Their records are extremely accurate and beyond manipulation, eh?
EXTREME weather patterns are consistent with what climatologist have predicted to be a result of Global Climate Change for decades. Extreme droughts in the west which have been predicted to be much worse in the coming years are another example.

This post was edited on 2/17 4:04 PM by Deeeefense

"The End of Snow"....the title and gist of the article. Deee then goes into full ziu mode
According to your beloved POTUS, climate change is more dangerous than Islamic Terrorists (yea, sure), they just burned 45 alive in an Iraqi town. I guess he will call these people 'citizens' like he called the Coptic Christians that were beheaded the other day. This POTUS doesn't want to call these people what they are 'Islamic Terrorists" because he doesn't want to offend the Muslims. Of course, he was taping some stupid video about Healthcare the day that it was reported that the American girl got killed by ISIS.

Why do you think that he has such a problem calling these terrorists what they are? Is it because he is Muslim himself and/or has Muslim relatives and doesn't want to offend them. If so then that is pure BS.
This post was edited on 2/17 4:42 PM by CATS1945
How do Bill Clinton and Joe Biden get 100% complete passes from the media for being objectively creepy/rapey?

I mean I know why ((D)), but still. It is hilarious to see "feminists" fawning over these men while writing 4,000 word tomes on the oppressive nature of deodorant commercials vis-a-vis the patriarchy
Originally posted by P19978:
Democrats crying "unqualified" about anybody are the very definition of hypocrisy.

I guess Walker needs to hang out on the streets for a couple days, so he can get his "Community Organizer" certificate.
Originally posted by TransyCat09:
How do Bill Clinton and Joe Biden get 100% complete passes from the media for being objectively creepy/rapey?

I mean I know why ((D)), but still. It is hilarious to see "feminists" fawning over these men while writing 4,000 word tomes on the oppressive nature of deodorant commercials vis-a-vis the patriarchy
I hear ya. Let me add "dysfunctional". at least as far as "The Great Gaffesby" is concerned. To wit:
....During a White House roundtable discussion on the fight against violent extremism, Biden touted his relationship with Somali-Americans by noting that many of them drive cabs in Wilmington.

"I might add if you come to the train station with me you'll notice I have great relationships with them because there's an awful lot driving cabs and are friends of mine," he said.

"For real. I'm not being solicitous. I'm being serious," he added.....
We'd witness razing and burning of entire city blocks if anyone else uttered as much.
Originally posted by AustinTXCat:
I hear ya. Let me add "dysfunctional". at least as far as "The Great Gaffesby" is concerned. To wit:

....During a White House roundtable discussion on the fight against violent extremism, Biden touted his relationship with Somali-Americans by noting that many of them drive cabs in Wilmington.

"I might add if you come to the train station with me you'll notice I have great relationships with them because there's an awful lot driving cabs and are friends of mine," he said.

"For real. I'm not being solicitous. I'm being serious," he added.....
We'd witness razing and burning of entire city blocks if anyone else uttered as much.
That's crazy Austin.

Let's get this straight. Biden is the biggest bullshitter in American politics. That dude is worst than any used trailer home salesman.

How the eff would Biden be friends with Somali-Americans? To be friends you have to actually know and want to know things about the other person. I doubt he can even call them acquaintances.

What he meant was voters. And by voters, he assumes black people that vote Democrat.

This post was edited on 2/18 7:04 AM by Willy4UK
Biden is the equivalent of Sarah Palin. Just a complete buffoon. He's a great character study of how an idiot is treated by the home team and their media.



at Dems and their constituents being upset at the ramifications of Obamacare. I mean, lols. It makes me feel warm in my soul. I linked an article....different scenario than the people just now finding their refunds are getting ganked, in this one someone got subsidized health insurance of a year. Completely free. Got a new job and didn't declare the income, has to pay back all the premiums.

"I was blindsided that the subsidy has to be paid back," said Riddle, adding she didn't even use the coverage, which she had until she qualified for Medicare in October. "I'm in shock…but I have no choice. Do I want to argue with the IRS or the Obama administration?"

Gold. And to the last, Darlin', you don't.

D's will be along shortly to propose fixes to the problems they created including just straight up free, but at least we can enjoy these types of stories in the mean time.

Yeah Rex, made the comment a couple weeks ago about how ungodly ignorant even staunch obama fans are about the penalties and taxes. Matt Jones -Duke grad, lawyer, and self-described political junkie- stated on his show that he didn't even know there were penalties.

I guess Jon Stewart should have talked about it a bit more.
The bizarre word smithing of the WH continues. Won't use term radical Islamists but will interject in the UNC murders to strongly imply they were killed because they were Muslim.
Originally posted by qwesley:

I guess Jon Stewart should have talked about it a bit more.
It's scarier than we think. Saw the average age of JS viewers was axually in the 40's. I think he has been positioned (inaccurately) as the voice of youth when in fact the biggest consumers are older than that, self stylized 'academic' types, 30's hipsters, and WINK WINK moderates.

The reality of the generation after that, the real 'youth', 18-30.......I don't know where tf they get their news if anywhere at all. Twitter? Insta? None?

We can't comprehend the number of uniformed idiots that are coming down the pike. It's going to be a tidal wave that engulfs all economic producers in this country, even eventually Democrat economic contributors. I'm not coming from a position of Wildcatadam in his bunker or mymom1945's chain emails. It's legitimate.
You can be assured the Jon Stewart news was a gut punch for the Dem party and they are working hard behind the scenes with Viacom to get a dutiful replacement.
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