Pelphrey bad relationship with Cal?

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They may “Pitinos” guys, but if that’s who they want to go with, a guy that’s a total sleazebag, then it’s on them.

Let’s not forget the Bledsoe transcript crap. We know it was Dick Jr and Masiello. You don’t think The Crypt Keeper knew?!! Pffftttt, of course he did. If Pelphrey would support a scumbag that tried to get his school on probation , yeah screw them
Some of you guys are acting like Cal Is an outsider. Geez people he’s been here 9 years he’s not an outsider and never should be treated as such. Whatever there problem is IF and I mean IF they even have one no reason you have to chose sides. Wow this bunch will eat their own LMAO
Yeah, my thought too. Some are acting like Pelphrey is one of us (“family”) as if Cal is not. They are both family! But if you’re going to choose one over the other, I’d take the guy who’s been here 9 years (with multiple final fours and a title) over the guy with 4 years and an elite eight. I know that’s an over simplification, but it’s in the right direction....
Yeah, my thought too. Some are acting like Pelphrey is one of us (“family”) as if Cal is not. They are both family! But if you’re going to choose one over the other, I’d take the guy who’s been here 9 years (with multiple final fours and a title) over the guy with 4 years and an elite eight. I know that’s an over simplification, but it’s in the right direction....

Pelphrey had better be nice to other head coaches. If Zipp and his merry crew have their way he'll be looking for a job next season.
Pelphrey is a Pitino loyalist and that might have something to do with it. What ever the reason it is obvious he does not want to engage in a conversation. I doubt Coach Cal worries about it.
That would be my take as well.
Look Dude, I’m always going to side with the Kentucky kid, who was a huge part of the resurrection of this program. I like Cal, I’ve made that perfectly clear, but i will always take the side of family.

Cal screams it’s about the name on the back, JP was always about the name on the front. No contest as to who I will side with.
So you don't even know if there is anything, but if there is, regardless, you are going to side against Cal, the current head coach of the team you claim to be a fan of? That is some great logic.
Can’t stand it when he tries to imitate Donovan’s voice.
That drives me crazy too. The guy is an eastern Kentucky Appalachian, just like me. And he evidently is ashamed of his heritage and home accent. I understand when people move out of the hills they usually change the way they talk to a small degree, but they don’t try to imitate a New York or New England accent.
What’s with that, John?
Man, just be yourself.
Wonder what the Pitino guys think about Pitino now?

You'd be surprised. For some reason (which I don't quite understand either), the Pitino fraternity seems to be a REALLY tight one. Over the years it's caused a lot of guys who'd you'd think should be true blue BBNers to be ambivalent toward us, to side with UL, and to be anti-Cal.

If you think what's happened in the last year has caused them to turn away from Pitino, I suspect you're mistaken. For whatever reason (which I don't quite get either, I think he's scum), Pitino's former players are really loyal and stand by him.
Not sure what that means.

JP is one of the most beloved players in our history. Whatever the problem Calipari has with him, he needs to get over it.

This is rafters. In my experience a reflection of ideas that less than 3% of Fanbase believes.

1. Is he an NBA player at 18? If yes then he's a victim and a great person and you should be ashamed for even thinking he should care about UK at all.

2. Is he a lower ranked college type player who sweat for 4 years wearing the jersey? Is he from Kentucky no doubt?

Then they are free game to be eaten alive ass first.

This board has a sub cult that bashes Ford, Pelphrey, Farmer(some would say deserved) and many other players, especially if they are from Kentucky.

This is actually something that is unique about this place. I've never seen a board anywhere mock the idea of home grow players the way this board does.
You'd be surprised. For some reason (which I don't quite understand either), the Pitino fraternity seems to be a REALLY tight one. Over the years it's caused a lot of guys who'd you'd think should be true blue BBNers to be ambivalent toward us, to side with UL, and to be anti-Cal.

If you think what's happened in the last year has caused them to turn away from Pitino, I suspect you're mistaken. For whatever reason (which I don't quite get either, I think he's scum), Pitino's former players are really loyal and stand by him.
Who are some guys you think turned anti-cal? Not being a smart ass or looking for links, don't care about that. Just interested in who you think went anti-Cal and maybe anti-Cal?

I really believe those players were put in a no win situation because of Pitino and handled it rather well considering. Now that he's gone Louisville means nothing to them. And I don't "Louisville" ever did, it was Pitino.
Who are some guys you think turned anti-cal? Not being a smart ass or looking for links, don't care about that. Just interested in who you think went anti-Cal and maybe anti-Cal?

I really believe those players were put in a no win situation because of Pitino and handled it rather well considering. Now that he's gone Louisville means nothing to them. And I don't "Louisville" ever did, it was Pitino.

If you haven't noticed it, then I'd suggest you weren't paying too close attention over the years.

Obviously none are gonna come out and blatantly say it on the record. But, if you've been playing attention, the pattern's clear. During the Tubby years, Pitino's ex-players were quite outspoken as part of the UK family, but right after Cal was hired, plenty went silent, or changed their tone..

In some cases, it's explainable because guys who'd actually gone to work for Pitino (Walter McCarty, Steve Massiello, etc), or in some cases, guys who just inexplicably took passive aggressive shots at Cal's players (I believe Sean Woods, Derek Anderson, Jeff Sheppard, are a few who've done so), or nonsense (as a prior poster noted) like the 96 team making an unnecessary stink over their anniversary rings, or the obvious body-language snubs of guys like Pelphrey (I don't think he's even even looked at Cal's face during the obligatory post-game hand-shake in the last decade).

Those are a few examples that immediately popped in my head. There are others, but I've not the memory, energy or effort to pull em up now. But the common denominator seems to be Pitino recruits. Our guys from before Pitino (like Bowie and Walker) seem to love Cal, as do our most recent guys. It's only those Pitino-era guys who seem to have issues.

Which is a bloody shame because I loved those guys.
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Look Dude, I’m always going to side with the Kentucky kid, who was a huge part of the resurrection of this program. I like Cal, I’ve made that perfectly clear, but i will always take the side of family.

Cal screams it’s about the name on the back, JP was always about the name on the front. No contest as to who I will side with.

Yeah, Cal still isn't family after being at UK for 9 seasons and bringing UK a championship. [eyeroll]
After Richards made the second of two FT's in the first half, for some reason they panned to Pelphrey and he uttered a tight lipped F bomb....
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I don’t know why Pelphrey would remain loyal to Pitino after Rick suggested UK hire either him or Travis Ford when Billy G was canned. It wasn’t a compliment by Pitino to those two guys. It was an absolute slap in the face because he knew he would beat their brains in on the court. Rick knew what everyone else knew in that Ford and Pelphrey were terrible coaches but pumped them up to be worthy of the Kentucky job so he could continue to dominate the state. Another classic example of Pitino’s immense ego and arrogance. Why they would continue to be loyal to that asshole after those comments and everything else that’s gone down with him and UofL is beyond me.
I don’t know why Pelphrey would remain loyal to Pitino after Rick suggested UK hire either him or Travis Ford when Billy G was canned. It wasn’t a compliment by Pitino to those two guys. It was an absolute slap in the face because he knew he would beat their brains in on the court. Rick knew what everyone else knew in that Ford and Pelphrey were terrible coaches but pumped them up to be worthy of the Kentucky job so he could continue to dominate the state. Another classic example of Pitino’s immense ego and arrogance. Why they would continue to be loyal to that asshole after those comments and everything else that’s gone down with him and UofL is beyond me.

Pitino has been fooling people for years. Family, fans and people like Pelphrey. So why the surprise that Pelphrey wants to see us lose?

Some of you may go for that "Kentucky boy" crap but there's a whole bunch of those boys serving time and some that should be. Grow up and get over it.
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I don’t know why Pelphrey would remain loyal to Pitino after Rick suggested UK hire either him or Travis Ford when Billy G was canned. It wasn’t a compliment by Pitino to those two guys. It was an absolute slap in the face because he knew he would beat their brains in on the court. Rick knew what everyone else knew in that Ford and Pelphrey were terrible coaches but pumped them up to be worthy of the Kentucky job so he could continue to dominate the state. Another classic example of Pitino’s immense ego and arrogance. Why they would continue to be loyal to that asshole after those comments and everything else that’s gone down with him and UofL is beyond me.
Totally agree. Once Pitino left UK he had no interest in the well being of our program. It was always about him. He was the focus of all the attention and he was never a part of the Kentucky family nor did he want to be.

He was perfectly happy with Tubby Smith or Billy Clyde as our coach but when Calipari came to town he knew the game was over. He was totally dominated by Calipari but if his choice of coach for UK (Ford or Pelprey) had been selected Louisville would have totally owned UK. Pitino is laughing every day knowing the team is despises most honors him in their rafters. The joke is on us.
There is no issue between the two. Neither has ever reached out to foster a friendship, but there is not animosity.
People take post-game handshakes way too seriously. I've seen coaches that are known to be friends give half-assed handshakes.

As far as Pel being a "Pitino guy", first, Rick didn't recruit him and wouldn't have recruited him if he had the job at that time. Second, have any of you guys saying that watched his UK hall of fame speech? He bleeds blue and that doesn't change no matter where your paycheck comes from.
That drives me crazy too. The guy is an eastern Kentucky Appalachian, just like me. And he evidently is ashamed of his heritage and home accent. I understand when people move out of the hills they usually change the way they talk to a small degree, but they don’t try to imitate a New York or New England accent.
What’s with that, John?
Man, just be yourself.
It's not that they "change the way they talk" but more that they start to lose some of the accent bc they aren't submerged in it so it fades. But I agree that it shouldn't turn into a New York/Boston accent <<< that is an intentional effort
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Not sure what that means.

JP is one of the most beloved players in our history. Whatever the problem Calipari has with him, he needs to get over it.
Maybe it's the opposite

And he is not one of my most beloved...
I don't hate him, but not s fan... I was on campus at same time. I had two classes with him.
He was a jerk.
You know Pelphrey is an assistant and he doesn't have a relationship with Cal. Didnt play or coach for him, what exactly is he supossed to say in the handshake line?
Rick may not have recruited Pelphrey, but I think it’s pretty obvious he is very loyal to Pitino. I have no problem with that. Pitino is a very strong personality who has had, by all accounts, a life changing impact on many people close to him. So I get that. I’m less understanding of the Ron Carmichael’s of the world - he was a UK fan who became a Pitino buddy and in the end decided his loyalties were to Rick, so now he’s a Louisville fan (say, Ron how’s that worked out?). Anyway, Pitino inspires great loyalty, I get that - Cal does too. The difference is Cal will spend time with anyone, whereas if you’re not in Pitino’s circle he won’t walk across the street to piss on your on-fire head. Point is, no problem if Pelphrey is loyal to Rick. I have more of an issue with someone trying to claim Pelphrey has some sort of “family” status over Calipari, when Pelphrey hasn’t been here for 25 years and has spent most of that time trying very hard to beat Kentucky on the court and for recruits...
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Feel free to believe what you want. I worked at UKAA in 2002 and 2003 and neither of those guys were well liked. I’ve been told several times since then that has not changed.
I posted similar...did not see this post.
I hope kev69 can handle his hereo not being as pure as he wants.
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I find this thread interesting. Don't really have a strong opinion on JP, other than to say he does appear to have some level of disdain for Cal. I think it's safe to say that whatever the cause of the rift, the seeds were sown by a slimy little snake named Rick.
By the way, body language aside (I never noticed to be honest) I do recall Pelphrey doing commentating for a while including several Kentucky games - and I never noticed him being anything but respectful towards Cal. Not sure how there is there when it comes to this issue.....
Not sure what that means.

JP is one of the most beloved players in our history. Whatever the problem Calipari has with him, he needs to get over it.
The deplorables favorite tactic, creating a false narrative(Cal has a problem with Pelphrey), then arguing it as if it's a fact. What a joke. What exactly is Cal supossed to say to a guy he doesnt have a relationship with in the handshake line? Hey John, how's the family, I don't know them but you played at UK 20 years ago so I gotta hold up the line and ask.
Amazing. Pel didn't play good defense, for one play, against one of the best college ball players of all-time and he's a bum. Don't worry about everything leading up to that point, right?
Now, that right there folks is your classic straw man argument topped with hyperbole.
Well done. Well. Done
FCRP just shed a tear of pride.
People take post-game handshakes way too seriously. I've seen coaches that are known to be friends give half-assed handshakes.

As far as Pel being a "Pitino guy", first, Rick didn't recruit him and wouldn't have recruited him if he had the job at that time. Second, have any of you guys saying that watched his UK hall of fame speech? He bleeds blue and that doesn't change no matter where your paycheck comes from.

To take a page from Zipps playbook, BLEEDS BLUE MY ASS.
If you haven't noticed it, then I'd suggest you weren't paying too close attention over the years.

Obviously none are gonna come out and blatantly say it on the record. But, if you've been playing attention, the pattern's clear. During the Tubby years, Pitino's ex-players were quite outspoken as part of the UK family, but right after Cal was hired, plenty went silent, or changed their tone..

In some cases, it's explainable because guys who'd actually gone to work for Pitino (Walter McCarty, Steve Massiello, etc), or in some cases, guys who just inexplicably took passive aggressive shots at Cal's players (I believe Sean Woods, Derek Anderson, Jeff Sheppard, are a few who've done so), or nonsense (as a prior poster noted) like the 96 team making an unnecessary stink over their anniversary rings, or the obvious body-language snubs of guys like Pelphrey (I don't think he's even even looked at Cal's face during the obligatory post-game hand-shake in the last decade).

Those are a few examples that immediately popped in my head. There are others, but I've not the memory, energy or effort to pull em up now. But the common denominator seems to be Pitino recruits. Our guys from before Pitino (like Bowie and Walker) seem to love Cal, as do our most recent guys. It's only those Pitino-era guys who seem to have issues.

Which is a bloody shame because I loved those guys.

This. I don’t even know why it has to be explained. Jesus.
I always liked Pelphrey he was a good player at Ky at one point they was on probation one that stayed, who knows about Cal.
Ive noticed Pelphrey and Cal never say a word. Its usually the quickest blow by handshake on record (excluding Crean and Pitino). Seems like an old UK hero would be in favor of Cal. Any ideas here? Maybe Cal grabbed too many of Floridas recruits when he was with Donovan?
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Pelphrey is a Pitino loyalist and that might have something to do with it. What ever the reason it is obvious he does not want to engage in a conversation. I doubt Coach Cal worries about it.
Knowing John, I doubt he worries about Cal either.
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