Official Fire Coach Cal Thread

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I'm sorry guys. I know I'm old school. I am old enough to be most of your all's father. I've been a UK basketball fan my whole life. I graduated from UK and have seen the good and the bad. In forty years of following UK I can never remember a coach openly saying UK basketball is not about wins and losses and not about championships. I long for the days when kids wanted to come to UK and one day graduate. Do you guys even remember a senior night? I miss seeing these kids develop and play for history, not just for themselves.
You can forget about those days. No matter what coach comes that isn't happening. I don't care how long a kid stays. I don't care about senior nights. I want to win. If it's with
No doubt about it. I just never thought I'd see anything this bad after we were finally off probation and free of any sanctions. Even the team that went 14-14 in Pitino's first year would wipe the floor with this bunch.
All of those white kids from Ky that Cal would never recruit would run circles around his 5 star crybabies. It would be epic.
The probation teams would stomp this group.

This is by far the worst I’ve ever seen UK basketball. Neither the Gillispie nor probation era teams were ever this level of awful.
Every single player on this team minus the possible exception of Mintz, has underperformed. That is all on coaching or lack thereof.
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I would say I am. I represented my country, for 5 years, flew an airplane which held the climb record to 50,000 feet, then retired on the largest commercial airplane in the world. Retired at 56, after selling 6 business, and have enjoyed retirement for over 25 years. Now, what have you done? I don't need to know, since I don't give a $hit! That's your business.

Cat fan til I die negative nancies pull for cheating school like Louisville
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I would say I am. I represented my country, for 5 years, flew an airplane which held the climb record to 50,000 feet, then retired on the largest commercial airplane in the world. Retired at 56, after selling 6 business, and have enjoyed retirement for over 25 years. Now, what have you done? I don't need to know, since I don't give a $hit! That's your business.

Thank you for your service in the military.
Cool, so now you’re just a bitter old fart that bases his happiness on how well some teenagers play basketball. [roll] [roll] [roll] [roll] [roll] [roll]

Not bitter, just don't like to ride LOSERS, but you must like to. Have you ever tried to be a winner? It's great, you should try it sometimes. Oh well! Your probably
not capable of that. You just call people names, even though you know nothing about them. Have you ever served your country, or are you afraid to. I can answer that, NO. I hired people like you in my business, HAPPY OLD FART! LOL

Nothing truer has been said on this website. Do not allow your happiness to be dictated by a team that you are not a member of.
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Not bitter, just don't like to ride LOSERS, but you must like to. Have you ever tried to be a winner? It's great, you should try it sometimes. Oh well! Your probably
not capable of that. You just call people names, even though you know nothing about them. Have you ever served your country, or are you afraid to. I can answer that, NO. I hired people like you in my business, HAPPY OLD FART! LOL


Nobody cares about your business.

Not bitter, just don't like to ride LOSERS, but you must like to. Have you ever tried to be a winner? It's great, you should try it sometimes. Oh well! Your probably
not capable of that. You just call people names, even though you know nothing about them. Have you ever served your country, or are you afraid to. I can answer that, NO. I hired people like you in my business, HAPPY OLD FART! LOL


bereaBOY, I just noticed what you go by, so I understand a little better. Your just a boy, trying to act like a man, or are you a man, who hasn't grown up. Enlist in the military! It will help you grow up, and you could learn to be a man. Then you could say, bereaMAN.
You might even learn to be a winner in life, instead of just supporting Losers. I hope it's not to late for you, but with your attitude, it might be. Sorry for your luck. Try growing up!

bereaBOY, I just noticed what you go by, so I understand a little better. Your just a boy, trying to act like a man, or are you a man, who hasn't grown up. Enlist in the military! It will help you grow up, and you could learn to be a man. Then you could say, bereaMAN.
You might even learn to be a winner in life, instead of just supporting Losers. I hope it's not to late for you, but with your attitude, it might be. Sorry for your luck. Try growing up!


Says the guy arguing on a message board. Pretty sad and pathetic that you continue to live in the past talking about your glory days in the service and your "business." There is only one loser in this conversation and it isn't Cal, it isn't the players on scholarship at the University of Kentucky and it sure as hell isn't me.

Carry on now...
Nobody cares about your business.

You seem to be worrying about my business, BOY! Try growing up! You might learn to be a WINNER, instead of supporting Losers, BOY! I doubt you have a business, because your always trying to know someone else business. Try growing up, BOY! I hire and fire boys like you!

You seem to be worrying about my business, BOY! Try growing up! You might learn to be a WINNER, instead of supporting Losers, BOY! I doubt you have a business, because your always trying to know someone else business. Try growing up, BOY! I hire and fire boys like you!


Look it's the guy that TYPES like THIS.

And by the way, it's "you're"
Says the guy arguing on a message board. Pretty sad and pathetic that you continue to live in the past talking about your glory days in the service and your "business." There is only one loser in this conversation and it isn't Cal, it isn't the players on scholarship at the University of Kentucky and it sure as hell isn't me.

Carry on now...

Boy, it is you. You started it, Try growing up, bereaBOY. You aren't man enough to be in the service. BOY, Go cry to Momma, and tell them the mean old fart is making fun of you. Are you stupid enough to think 1-6 is not losing. Evidently your not a WINNER! LOL

Boy, it is you. You started it, Try growing up, bereaBOY. You aren't man enough to be in the service. BOY, Go cry to Momma, and tell them the mean old fart is making fun of you. Are you stupid enough to think 1-6 is not losing. Evidently your not a WINNER! LOL

OLD STOLL FIELD GUY!'s "you're." Pay attention, please.
We are all miserable watching this team. We are all fed up with the constant revolving door of the One and Done. We all can see the coaching deficiencies of John Calipari. We are all tired of the biggest night of the basketball season being draft night. We can see the decline in our team since we lost Coach Payne and I think it’s obvious that he was the most important person on our coaching staff in developing these young kids. Let’s see how big we can make this thread in support of moving away from Coach Cal and starting fresh at the University of Kentucky.
Speak for yourself dude. Stupid thread. Another knee jerk reaction by a spoiled Wildcat fan. Bottom line is we don't have enough talent to win on a consistent level. No coach can fix our issues
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Is Will bithers or Bill Withers back.I can't remember the exact name but this guys is slinging insults just like that guy did.
His response to this gave it away. I knew it had to be a burner account for a banned username. Been register for years, but never posts much. A casual poster wouldn’t be on here starting so many arguments.
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Not bitter, just don't like to ride LOSERS, but you must like to. Have you ever tried to be a winner? It's great, you should try it sometimes. Oh well! Your probably
not capable of that. You just call people names, even though you know nothing about them. Have you ever served your country, or are you afraid to. I can answer that, NO. I hired people like you in my business, HAPPY OLD FART! LOL

Well, I am a vet but only did 4 years. Not a hero like you claim to be.

I retired 10 years ago and have loved the Cats since the 60’s. I try not to let their success dictate my happiness like you seem to.

Cal has been a great coach until this season. I guess he just forgot how to coach, right? Sure would have hated to have a boss like you that would fire me after one bad start. Smh
Don’t let that guy bother you. He’s been banned from here before and is just out trying to start trouble. He messed up and admitted he was a troll in another thread when he said “Kentucky was just a name on a jersey”. No real fan would say that.
If that’s the players point of view—then it’s probably accurate
Don’t let that guy bother you. He’s been banned from here before and is just out trying to start trouble. He messed up and admitted he was a troll in another thread when he said “Kentucky was just a name on a jersey”. No real fan would say that.

I've never been banned from here. Member since '08. "Real fans" don't lobby to fire their HOF coach. Get off me, old man.
mercenaries have no allegiance to the cause, just the paycheck

the idea of not getting paid (either on time or not at all) certainly results in attitude problems.
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Well, I am a vet but only did 4 years. Not a hero like you claim to be.

I retired 10 years ago and have loved the Cats since the 60’s. I try not to let their success dictate my happiness like you seem to.

Cal has been a great coach until this season. I guess he just forgot how to coach, right? Sure would have hated to have a boss like you that would fire me after one bad start. Smh

I have never claimed to be a hero, and I am not one. The heros are the ones who paid the ultimate price, such as some of my classmates. I don't let anyone dictate my happiness, least of all. someone like you, who doesn't know how to read other people's post, but makes up things.
Cal has forgot how to coach. In 11 years, Cal has the Number 1 recruiting Class. It has not done him a lot of good in the last 5 years. I don't know about Cal's bad start, but I do know about his bad ending the last 5 years. The teams that have beat us this year, do not have the talent we have, with the exception of Kansas.
My employees never had a problem working for me. I treated them like I wanted to be treated. I always told my employees, "If you can find a better job, take it. If it doesn't work out, you can come back.
As far as coaching, anyone that thinks Cal has done a good job the last 5 years, is seeing a different coach, then most of us, are seeing. If a coach does the same thing every game, and he just plays one way, it doesn't take long for other coaches to figure him out. We're seeing that at the present time, and have been seeing that the last 4 or 5 years. Do you really think UofL was as talented as us. I doubt they had one player who could start for us. Do you think it was OK not to give Allen a chance, and then make excuses as to why you didn't? If Cal was about UK, instead of the NBA, very few on here would be griping, but he's not. It's all about how many he can send to the NBA. Take a look at the players who have transferred, and how they have done at other schools. Look at Sarr, has he forgot how to play, or is the system Cal has put him in?
You have your opinion, just as everyone on here has their opinion. I'm glad you like Cal. That's tells me a lot about how you feel about winning and losing. Good luck and have a Nice Day. I would appreciate if you would not respond to my post, and I sure will not respond to your post.

Don’t let that guy bother you. He’s been banned from here before and is just out trying to start trouble. He messed up and admitted he was a troll in another thread when he said “Kentucky was just a name on a jersey”. No real fan would say that.

Your right Woodrow. It's hard for me to take when they make up crap. I'm just an "Old Country Guy," who Loves America, God, Family and our way of life, which has served us well for over 200 years. I look at one thing, "We don't have to build a wall to keep our citizens here, like a lot of countries."
Basketball doesn't mean that much to me in everyday life, and is sure not as important to me as the men and women in Uniform. I am a believer in taking care of American Citizens first, instead of giving Foreign Aid to countries. I don't like lobbyists, and I feel that we have a lot of crooks in Congress, Democrat and Republican. I am just and Independent Conservative, who loves America.

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