odds on favorite - FWIW


Nov 8, 2006
no legitimacy to this but one betting site is willing to create odds (out of thin air). Source - BetKentucky.Com

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Why would Hurley leave UConn. Why? They are the most successful program back 20 years.
Maybe money. If we paid him what we pay Cal then that would double his salary. There is also the thing with these driven people like coaches to do something that not many others have done like win big at multiple places. He may say no, but why not make him say no instead of just giving up.
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no legitimacy to this but one betting site is willing to create odds (out of thin air). Source - BetKentucky.Com

Can you please add my name to this list? I’m well educated(community college but so what). I’v never coached basketball but I’m a super quick learner! I’m Energetic!! Low maintenance!! I can bob and weave!! Please, for only 1% of what ccc is currently making I could easily improve Kentucky’s tournament results- I mean all I have to do is win 1 game, right? Yeah sign me up!
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Jay Wright wouldn't even let Mitch finish his sentence before he told him no

and if Shaka Smart is ever seriously considered, then we might as well start wearing blue and white striped warm ups because we're Indiana
Shaka is still young enough I don’t think we know what is career arc is going to look like. I think he’s an option down the line if he makes some deep runs with Marquette
Why would Hurley leave UConn. Why? They are the most successful program back 20 years.
Maybe KY is his dream job, it would be for a lot of current Coaches that are successful. Money KY will pay more than UConn can or will period.
Hurley's a northeast guy through and through who also has a history of mental health issues and is extremely sensitive to even the slightest bit of media scrutiny.

Don't get me wrong I think he's a great coach but I could see him being a BCG level disaster here.
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Maybe money. If we paid him what we pay Cal then that would double his salary. There is also the thing with these driven people like coaches to do something that not many others have done like win big at multiple places. He may say no, but why not make him say no instead of just giving up.
UConn would just give him a pay raise, which he's earned.
What I think is crazy, people on this board think Louisville is a great job that should will draw a lot of interest but KY isn’t because we have struggled lately. KY is one of the premier jobs in college basketball. In my opinion 90 percent of the current NCAA Coaches would crawl too if given the opportunity.
Scott Drew
Drew is probably who any legitimate list should start with. Donovan may listen for the right amount of coin. He's at over $6mil in Chicago, but his NBA run has been mediocre at best. He may want another crack at an NCAA title to redeem his legacy and he's still got a few years left in him. Pearl has a dicey background plus he's 64, so doubt Mitch would consider him.
Maybe money. If we paid him what we pay Cal then that would double his salary. There is also the thing with these driven people like coaches to do something that not many others have done like win big at multiple places. He may say no, but why not make him say no instead of just giving up.
Money doesn't move the needle with these guys as much as people think it does. Mark Few has said numerous times one of the main reasons he hasn't left Spokane is because he likes the fly fishing there. When guys find their perfect place they stay and Hurley seems to have found his spot.
Drew is probably who any legitimate list should start with. Donovan may listen for the right amount of coin. He's at over $6mil in Chicago, but his NBA run has been mediocre at best. He may want another crack at an NCAA title to redeem his legacy and he's still got a few years left in him. Pearl has a dicey background plus he's 64, so doubt Mitch would consider him.
Drew has been past the sw16 3 times in 20 years, with one of them resulting in a F4 and title, which was during covid. He has never won the big12 tournament, nor has he ever won the Big12 outright. If that's is what any legitimate list should start with, UK is in more trouble than people realize.
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The chalk big showtime marquee names are what they are and have been for a while...every job opening, every season, write em in because you have to at least call and try...

I think there are some more interesting names that may be overlooked, written off, or just not enough known yet.

Shaka - Always liked that dude's energy, passion. I think players play hard for him. I think he's a fairly intelligent and interesting person outside of basketball as well. Not that that matters I suppose...he could be a dummy so long as he wins keeps up the standards on court.

Tommy Lloyd - 20 years at Gonzaga as Few's top guy. Obviously is from the old school of building a program with guys who hang around, develop together, etc. Has helped build great teams that can advance late season. Looks to have Arizona on a nice track, we'll see how he does the next week or two. If he ends up in SS or deeper...I would vote to really put some thought into him.

Dusty May - Not sure how the f8ck one gets to the final four with FAU...but it may be worth opening up an inquiry.

Kelvin Sampson - Older guy, has been an HC since 80s. Taken multiple programs, that aren't basketball schools nor destinations, to the dance and advanced deep.
Drew has been past the sw16 3 times in 20 years, with one of them resulting in a F4 and title, which was during covid. He has never won the big12 tournament, nor has he ever won the Big12 outright. If that's is what any legitimate list should start with, UK is in more trouble than people realize.
I would not be happy with any coach on that list except maybe Pearl.
Money doesn't move the needle with these guys as much as people think it does. Mark Few has said numerous times one of the main reasons he hasn't left Spokane is because he likes the fly fishing there. When guys find their perfect place they stay and Hurley seems to have found his spot.
That is your assumption. You do not know until you ask and wave the money in their face. I just do not get why everyone is so negative on anyone who is brought up and wants to just push it aside and say they aren't interested or they can't be had. Why not offer and see? What can it hurt? Go for the homerun hire. We are Kentucky. Many are saying the same thing about Bruce Pearl and that he wouldn't come here as he has built something special in Auburn. I guarantee you Bruce Pearl would walk on his knees at the opportunity Kentucky would give to him. There are others who say well Bruce has some shady stuff in his past. Hello..... So did Cal. Most people on this board talked awful about Cal when he was at UMASS and Memphis.