Obama picks KU & UNC

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This thread will be gone or locked within an hour because the political bozos will ruin it...or should I say, have ruined it.
Its so sad that I cant even come and read this beautiful basketball forum without having to have my eyes gouged with this political BS!!1! Thanks OP. The political board is that way ------------> Keep your stone age conservative garbage over there

If you can't stand the heat, why come in the kitchen and stir the pot?? :popcorn:
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Its so sad that I cant even come and read this beautiful basketball forum without having to have my eyes gouged with this political BS!!1! Thanks OP. The political board is that way ------------> Keep your stone age conservative garbage over there

So anyone that says Obama has been awful has to be an "stone age conservative"? I think not. Conservative or liberal is not the issue with $19 trillion.

Sorry...I'm done. Back to b-ball
Wow he's going out on a real limb there, picking the two favorites :flush:. Since this Presidency thing didn't work out maybe he can work for those suck ups on ESPN and waste two hours of network tv breaking down brackets and picking almost all of the favorites.
Would never call him President. Dude couldn't run the local gas station. Shows how many idiots there are in this country that he even got elected once, much less twice. Great community organizer, though. Could not care one iota what that scumbag thinks about the tourney.
Obama picked us last year? Do I recall that correctly?

But seriously guys, does Kansas really need Obama to blame for their shortcomings? They can handle that themselves. They are the elite in their conference, but it seems like Self's teams peak at that point each year.
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