IMHO, Conal Cochran is the single most underrated bad guy in cinematic history. Any homicidal dipshit with a lawn implement and a grudge can slaughter screwing teenagers. That takes no talent whatsoever, but your max body count is gonna be what, a couple dozen at the most? Those are rookie numbers. Let's be honest, Michael, Jason, and Freddie weren't splitting the atom folks.
Cochran, OTOH, was a true visionary genius, a master warlock with real ambition. He wasn't satisfied with killing a couple kids having sex or whining for candy. Rather, he wanted to kill
all of them in the most gruesome way possible -- by conjuring snakes and bugs and other weird shit to materialize in their heads
and he tapped into the ancient demonic powers of the Druidic Bluestone to do it. The f#%king Druids! Who does that? A man with the balls to want his reach to exceed his grasp, that's who. That's the stuff of legend and he
wasthisclose to pulling it off.
Dude is a first-ballot, unanimous Hall of Famer in my book.